The Silence Still Talks
Confined to a tiny apartment
terrified of a viral threat
she rocks in her chair listening
to voices in the corridor
Who is going out?
To voices in the street
Who are they? Are they infected?
She turned off the TV months ago
when depression became too much to bear.
In the silence she waits
for the danger to pass
listening to the constant
chatter of...
Tuesday 22nd September 2020 9:27 am
Where Are The Rats To Race?
Where Are The Rats To Race?
Keyboards lie on sanitised desks – untapped
Chairs unspun, un-sat upon
Desks un-leant upon
Carpet pile untrodden
Blinds frozen in stasis
Printers silent
Photocopiers still
Scanners lidded
Drawers unopened
Ink and gossip dried up
Chatter a mere memory
Celebrations unmarked
Frustrations unheard
No banter
No politics
No ...
Monday 7th September 2020 5:57 pm
You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)
You’ll always Be My Friend (You Know Too Much!)
We are Alcoholics Anonymous without substance abuse.
A support group where no topic is taboo.
What goes on tour, stays on tour.
We step through a kaleidoscope of pain
from tender wounds of unrequited love
to brutal annihilation of innocence.
No stone is left unturned.
Emotions and insecurities are scrutinis...
Monday 7th September 2020 2:25 pm
Know You Better
Know You Better
I know you will be there at the agreed date and time.
I open my screen and there you are;
no excuses, not late, nor disinterested, never vague,
rather switched on, involved, intense, passionate, reflective, attentive.
Called to the stand I find a voice.
You listen quietly as I speak the unspoken.
Kindly, you allow me to continue
Monday 7th September 2020 2:23 pm
I May Be Wrong
I may be wrong but I’ll say it anyway
surely that is the point.
Jung’s theory of circumambulation says
“Give it a go”
Follow that glimmering thing
that interests you
down the path of development.
Heed the call to adventure
let new parts of you manifest.
Be the fool as precursor to
the Jedi master.
It’s an error ridden process
to ...
Thursday 30th July 2020 6:06 pm
Sunflowers and Old Boots
I recently stumbled upon a website which had the letters written by Vincent Van Gogh to his brother, family and friends. Completely absorbed I was lost to research for hours on end, compelled to learn more of this painters fascinating life story. Here is the resulting “found” poem which uses lines written by Van Gogh himself to describe his experiences, collated in a way which hopefully does justi...
Thursday 30th July 2020 5:39 pm
A Marriage of Ghosts
A Marriage Of Ghosts
Something old; crumbling bones.
Something new; innocent youth.
Something borrowed; parental beliefs.
A bride forever blue.
Flesh bound to ash and bone.
A knot ties the living and dead.
Union of child and corpse, rotting.
Protection from cursed health and poverty.
Escaping abandonment, in a death shed,
destined by ancestral expectati...
Wednesday 11th July 2018 1:46 pm
The Washing Line
Down dark cobbled back streets, clothes lines stretched
across cohorts of back yards, on Washing Day.
Regiments of white bed sheets hoisted high
flapping like flags, in threatening skies
supported by proud,
immoveable clothes props.
Garments not daring to fly loose,
Straddled by dolly pegs
forced down hard.
Above boiling bleach buckets
Malevolent steam swirled, silently seethi...
Tuesday 12th June 2018 10:23 am
Move on
Life is too short and so
to save time,
to be efficient.
I wear an Einstein wardrobe;
white blouse, black jeans, boots, yet
when a kaleidoscope of colour
flounces before me, I envy
the flamboyance,
I indulge in the dream of being
free to reside in sparkling rainbows
simply dancing, with no destination
kicking away scrumpled up “to-do” lists
tossed asi...
Tuesday 10th April 2018 7:08 pm
Magicians of Verse: Enter If Bold
Sacred circle!
Magicians of verse
Council of elders
Conjurors of words
Body of experience
Each one unique
Passion that burns
Vivid beliefs
Tell of your life
Abrasive or harsh
Share with us pain
Reveal your heart
Be joyous! Share moments
Tender and mild
Recall happiness
With innocence of child
The circle is safe
No words disallo...
Tuesday 27th September 2016 11:05 am
Culture Vulture
Culture Vultures
We scan, encircle, hover and watch,
Reap dying flesh like vultures.
Tear the sinew from the bones of life,
Re-phrase and call it culture.
Fear my shadow, crawl away.
Scratch at the earth in fear.
I see you naked in the light,
And will write for all to hear.
Tuesday 14th June 2016 10:50 am
The Guardian magazine reports of thousands in poverty,
Of hundreds of thousands in desperate need of humanity,
But turn the page to buy Armani and Gucci,
All the while, the reader accepts this flippant travesty.
Sunday 1st May 2016 3:59 pm
Looking through other people's eyes
Only one poem in and already one packet of jaffa cakes gone! Is this normal?
Thursday 14th April 2016 3:24 pm
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