mentalhealth (Remove filter)
There is nothing worse than the feeling of hopelessness—
It eats you alive, chip by chip, piece by piece
Until the light flickers out
Leaving only darkness.
A vast, devouring void
Swallowing thoughts, feelings, memories
Until nothing remains but numbness.
Silence settles in.
And then—death.
I've been dead for as long as I can remember.
Thursday 30th January 2025 1:43 pm
However do I spill this?
Do you see how thin I look?
My eyes are blind
I hear loud noises every now and then
Like a train of loaded thoughts passing through my brain.
Yes, I also can't breathe well on Fridays
When I see Mr. Renfield
Feeding his mule
With grass from our farm.
When I decide to take my life
You'll know
That all along
The signs were there-
...Friday 24th January 2025 7:09 pm
Becoming slowly unrecognizable to yourself and others
Feelings and thoughts take
a hold, giving you the shudders
Memories and emotions that seem to flood your heart
Faces and places making it hard to know where to start
Decisions throughout the day, waiting to be made
Resting again in bed where it all just seems to fade
Urges of wanting help yet not knowing what to say
Triggers causing you...
Wednesday 20th November 2024 10:13 pm
The Girl They Called "Robot"
Crawl into my waiting arms
And tell me that it’s cold here.
The anger held within my eyes
Will never sear you.
When I’m lost in my own soul
How will you know to save me?
Or will you cry again
While telling me I’m broken?
beyond repair."
Reaching out was never easy.
Never necessary.
Never an option.
And so it sha...
Saturday 16th November 2024 1:07 am
Out Of Body
Aim your anger at me;
Pull the trigger,
And watch me bleed.
I can take a few more bullets
Rotting there inside of me.
Set me free.
Oh, set me free.
Grit my teeth,
And watch them bleed.
One by one
They fall away
Beneath the clouds,
Beneath the gray,
Beneath the promise of better days.
I sing beneath the sky so dark
With weathered bones
With shattered...
Tuesday 12th November 2024 12:53 am
My Senses Fail
The feeling comes gnawing, gnashing, crashing into me from within, a reminder of the things I lack, the things I could have been.
The thought of failure torments me, slashing, stabbing, holding onto my heart, a reminder of those who always thought that I was just playing an imaginary part.
The pain comes sharply, sneakily, forcing my mind into behaving, a reminder of the moments I have lost ...
Tuesday 12th November 2024 12:47 am
You needed cough syrup
cause you caught a cold
i had some free time
in my really busy day
and immediately i thought:
I'll buy him cough syrup.
I don't have a lot of money
but he deserves it!
i wanted to buy a snack
a little treat for me
i wanted something sweet
to tell myself i was good
but inside the supermarket
i was so indecisive
that i took nothing at all.
Maybe i didn't de...
Wednesday 23rd October 2024 3:30 pm
Surprisingly Secure
Today I looked at my mirror image and didn’t turn away.
I scanned my face and physique without any harmful thoughts.
Taking an interest in the fabric that I wear, not the skin beneath it.
Seeing myself as a complex creature, not a simple sex doll.
Admiring the way my hair falls around my face and my necklace matches my earrings.
How my blue eyes stand out submerged in eye shadow and...
Saturday 19th October 2024 6:01 pm
it was all matter of
always on the same side
always the same
today I crossed
to the other side
and it was different
I observed the wall,
the street, everything
even the sky was different
It was the same street,
and i understood:
it was all matter of perspective.
Monday 7th October 2024 7:21 am
No Requiem
The simple sorrow
Of no more tomorrows
A gasp of air
No longer there
Drifting down life's breezy alleys
To settle in some distant valley;
A nomad memory roaming free
Returning only occasionally
To minds who thought all was calm
Under masquerades of smiles & charm
Do we only truly live in youth?
‘Til conformity becomes our truth?
Thursday 3rd October 2024 10:44 am
Moral Support
We shouldn’t be embarrassed
to talk
…. about our problems
to a therapist
always looking at me, before you speak
I’m here for —You
if ever
you feel the need to talk about anything.
Sunday 29th September 2024 9:48 pm
A tapestry of lives gone by
A tapestry of lives gone by
Rich threads from what we cry
Frays of the past evoking
Gaze of the future corrupting
My stream carries its fallen leaves
Its purpose only defined by what it receives
Broken mind and beaten guilt
A blackened soul only I have built
Tears like beads down a porcelain doll
She is there to no longer make me whole
As I possessed a poiso...
Sunday 18th August 2024 8:24 pm
Broken Record's Repetition
For me,
Stop cutting.
I said.
A broken record.
Only now,
As she lays in the grave,
Six feet under.
I wonder
if things would have changed,
If I just once asked her to
Stop cutting,
For you.
Would it have made a difference, though?
The reason to cut or not remains
the same, either way.
Nothing can change that here
Thursday 19th October 2023 10:16 pm
September Sunset
Golden windows
And golden walls.
Silver back surfers
Riding through the fall.
I'm here waiting
Why can't I stay in the Golden halls?
The trees are embers.
There are apples on the floor.
I get the feeling
death is at my door.
wish I could stay in the golden halls.
The golden halls.
The golden halls.
Wish I could stay in the golden halls.
This is about ...
Monday 11th September 2023 2:17 am
Ocean Mind
Inside the mind
Like the deep blue sea
A bottomless ocean
Where thoughts run free
Thinking of a guys
But it feels so wrong
A feeling of guilt
The thoughts are too strong
A hidden secret
A self inflicted lie
Not true to oneself
But don't know why
A locked treasure chest
Waiting to be found
A mouthful of words
But the lips are bound
Sifting through sand
In the hope of a find
Wednesday 28th June 2023 8:57 pm
My Unflattering Form
My body isn’t truly part of me.
I see it as an entire separate entity.
An unholy presence that has latched onto me.
Causing me so much pain and despair
Nothing about it is correct.
Every inch of skin has a certain marking or shape that I despise.
I look around to see a crowd of other figures. All perfect. All desired.
But mine. Mine is disgusting.
I don’t even want to look ...
Wednesday 3rd May 2023 4:05 pm
People often say that God is merciful.
Then why is it that every night, every day, every waking hour of mine,
I keep reciting the same prayer?
‘Have mercy, my Lord, and put this subject of yours out of their misery’.
If God is so merciful, then why is it that I still find myself breathing?
Exhaling every breath, hoping this one will be my last.
Why is it that I find myself all t...
Tuesday 21st March 2023 10:10 am
Is everything okay?
'Is everything okay?' She asked with a sense of duty not care.
This tells me that even the deepest of pains cannot be concealed. Humans know humans.
All those wasted hours I spent on pampering my appearance to hide behind a mask of beauty have been wasted.
My reflection routine of practising the performance of emotions must have been ineffective.
In response I say, ‘yes I’m okay!’ tr...
Sunday 22nd January 2023 1:27 pm
The lady in a long fluffy pink coat
Over a pink roll-neck sweater,
Was suffering,
She was suffering from invisible anxiety,
Constantly she cranes her neck behind to see
Furtively looking,
Out through the cafe door
As if waiting for someone,
She's not too sure she wants to meet.
Tugging gently at the tassel dangling from her coat
She has anxious d...
Monday 21st November 2022 11:33 am
The Minder
“ John put those back”
“ We don't need them.“
“ No John we don't need those either”
“ Come on.”
"If we’re not careful, we'll be here all day.”
“ I want to get home, I've had enough shopping”
“ John let’s go and get the milk, then we'll get the bread”
“ No John not here, the floor is not your bed”
“ Come on John move, you can do it”
“ If you're a good we’ll get a slice o...
Sunday 13th November 2022 5:34 pm
The life of a teen
At this very moment I’m an 18 year old, from Denmark. I don’t have much idea of who I am, but as many scientists state, my brain is still under development, so I choose to believe it’s okay. I don’t really have hobby hobby, but I enjoy trying new things, and have periods of times, where I’m fixated on a certain thing and will be doing that, until I’m tired of it. It has been painting, drawing, gym...
Monday 15th August 2022 8:38 pm
Inadequate Appetite
Something must be done. I must find the puzzle piece to full my emptiness.
The sound of my mouth quickly eating echoing through my ears. The weight being realised from my shoulders. At last.
Hold on. STOP STOP. Why can’t I stop?
My appetite is gone but my pain lingers. As I re-gain awareness I am surrounded by an endless pile of wrappers. Each one symbolising my failure. My lac...
Saturday 2nd July 2022 11:15 pm
heavy headspace
I envy those who experience stillness.
A feeling which my mind is constantly searching for.
My internal monologue throwing my head back and forward and back again.
Blood being ghastly pumped through my aching limbs.
Must keep moving. Must keep moving.
My body a burden I must carry throughout all my days.
My mind a vampire sucking away my essence.
My lungs lost for air.
Saturday 9th April 2022 8:04 pm
Hang in there or Hang Yourself
I'm defenceless, powerless.
Constrained, by uncontrolled emotions,
To this rollercoaster: up, down, up, down.
Desperate screams silenced in smothering shame.
I didn't consent to this ride,
So why won't you let me get off?
Sadness is suicide;
Anger is murder,
Happiness is euphoric,
And normal? Normal is northing.
And nothing being an insufferable emptiness,
That hol...
Tuesday 29th March 2022 5:16 pm
Battle with Beauty
The concept of beauty has consumed my entire head space.
Not a day goes by were I don't gaze into my reflection until it's deformed.
My mind on a continuous loop of self hatred and self obsession.
Am I pretty or am I delusional?
I seem to want to gain validation more than sanity.
Looking intently into the eyes of those who peer my way to read their mannerisms around my presence.
Friday 4th March 2022 7:52 pm
My Inferno
That I would hang myself in the sky outside your window
and slowly reach my hand out to the sun,
claiming its fire as my own.
One more bright star in your sky,
a bloody inferno.
So that when you look out,
there is one more small piece of joy.
I am all I have
to give.
Thursday 20th January 2022 10:48 pm
She wished it to be a month of hope,
Not that of despair, or distress
Her days blurred in nothingness
Like a bird fallen in a trench, flapping its wings
Move, run, walk, read, write, stop!
Her body powerless, prisoned by her mind
Reduced to a mute spectator,
For her mind has a mind of its own
She dallies her day away
Eager for her sleep
No dreams, ...
Tuesday 1st September 2020 3:21 pm
Please don't abuse yourself
i know it's suffocating you
I know the pain is unbearable
and you want everything to just end
Please put that knife away
it's for chopping vegetables
not for ripping apart your wrists
Please throw that rope away
its for hanging clothes
not your precious soul
I know it's hurting you
i know it's bad
But pleas...
Monday 15th June 2020 12:50 am
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