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Speaking can feel like your swallowing

So, you may as well swallow instead

Or it’s giving,

Giving and giving

Fingers down your throat,


Searching for…

Will I be stronger tomorrow?

Or just hollow tomorrow?

So, you end up filling up on someone else’s dictionary

I am disarmed without my language

But my language is disarming

Words do break your bones

Vocabulary can be a savoury snack

But it can also be inedible

Like chewing gum lodged down your throat


Clogged and locked

One word churns in your stomach

- Indigestible -

It opens its’ wings

It sings

But butterflies cannot fly out of one’s mouth

They’re unpalatable

So, they live in your belly

Stifled, screaming

‘Knowledge is power’,

We all know that

With poetry, I give you the power to end me

Make sense of that!


silencetalkingtherapyanxietystresstheraputictalkopening updenialstiflesuppressiondepressionquietwordslanguagepoetrypower of words

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Alexandra Parapadakis

Thu 7th Nov 2019 09:08

Thank you both for your thoughtful comments!

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Adam Rabinowitz

Sat 2nd Nov 2019 18:59

Love the whole thing but the last bit about power stopped me short. Yes, poetry is vulnerability. We use it as healing but it also leaves us at the mercy of others. May all you meet be merciful. Your work is wonderful.


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Graham Sherwood

Sat 2nd Nov 2019 17:58

As we have come to expect from you Alexandra, a fascinating idea!
Most people would say words spin around in their heads, so bringing them down to one's throat and stomach is an interesting departure. Language can of course be both nourishing and indigestible. We should all choose our words carefully.

Thought provoking as always.

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