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Fruits of over-thoughtfulness and secret espers

“Fruits of over-thoughtfulness”



Even to my best of friends,

I couldn't talk.

Because of the thought,

They might;


While I sulk.

I rather stitch My mouth,

Than to disturb,

the only person, I want

To converse with.

I am not solo,

Have solitude got my 

Back, when tired;

As all my plans got,




What if all my companions...

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Your Parents House

the tempting bite
glossy wax mushroom
two hours after consuming
your body is still buzzing and booming
feet are cruising, not stumbling
head is alert, mellow and bubbly
you're at your parents house
sitting cozy on the couch
President Nixon turns and whispers
did you know the moon landing was motion pictures

eyes sweep left to right
goodnight panorama
breaking out in hives
that wax w...

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