knowledge (Remove filter)
a chapter of fear
a friction of a sense,
is a friction of a power
fear is a sense of fear
fear is a sense of friction
a sense is a sense of fear
a sense is a sense of friction
knowledge is power,knowledge is fear,knowledge is friction
power is a sense of knowledge
power is a sense of fear
knowledge fear fear
fear outweigh fear
fear is a power of fear
outweigh power,outweigh fear
knowledge outweigh kn...
Monday 15th April 2024 8:30 pm
a mighty win
fear is the grandest of fear
fear is the grandest of a mighty winner
a winner is a mighty winner
a winner is a grandest winner
grand is grandest of fear
grand is grandest of a winner
a win is a mighty win
a win is a grand win
knowledge is power
knowledge is a grand power
knowledge is a mighty power
a win is within a win
a win is within fear
a win is within knowledge
a win is with...
Wednesday 8th November 2023 8:02 pm
Part of us
Something speaks from beyond
Something writhes alive
In each of us
Something pulls and breathes
Beyond our touch
They call it instinct
But it is magically distinct
And can lead, lead, lead
To something in your core
They call it power of the brain
But it’s so much more
It cannot be explained away
It cannot be spoken out of existence
They call it the mi...
Sunday 14th May 2023 11:03 pm
knowledge is a impact power
knowledge is a impact power
the impact of a power is a impact of knowledge
the mighty is the impact of the mighty
a mighty impact is a mighty knowledge
the mighty is the almighty of a impact
power within,power within a impact
knowledge is a power of impact
within power is within a impact
wisdom is wisdom impact power
wisdom is within a impact power
the power of knowledge is the impact ...
Thursday 1st December 2022 9:03 pm
Path of Tears
Thursday 30th December 2021 11:34 pm
Our energies intertwined
patiently waiting for that moment of ascension
When our two souls merge into one
An attraction that’s beyond the physical
Your very essence entices me
The goodness within you knows no bounds
Your heart drips liquid gold
Encased in a rich chocolate package
Only time will tell if the symmetry of your heart matches mine perfectly!
Friday 21st May 2021 8:04 pm
Watch Who & What In Your Life You Allow.
[ ] See the red flags and watch who & what in your life you allow.
[ ] A smile can be a frown upside down.
[ ] The energy vampires brings what appears as holy water only to watch you drown.
[ ] They see your King/Queen royalty & they want your crown.
[ ] You may not see them peeping, lurking, spying, but they're around.
[ ] They're studying you lowkey up & down, hair folli...
Monday 23rd November 2020 11:58 am
Will you raise your voice for the oppressed
Will you demand Governmental redress
Will you speak on things that truly matter
Will you allow this illusion to truly shatter
Will you plant the seeds in the ears of youth
So they can discover the yield of truth
Will you speak up Will you scream
Will you have faith Will you dream
Will you turn up your volume for the silenced
Wednesday 28th October 2020 7:45 am
Ignorance is the deceiver of all men
The fate of which can come close to death
As though not knowing gravity exists will prevent you from falling
Nor that laws set in place will keep you out of prison
Ignorance is a dangerous mistress
It lures you in only to leave you stranded
It will strip you of your independence
Leave you bare for all to ridicule
Knowledge, how...
Tuesday 18th August 2020 3:53 am
Paragons of Virtue
Ujjal Mandal, Ganguria, India, WB
The beings bend their head down
Whose head wears the golden crown
Like the trees full of salubrious fruits
Do, is called the paragons of virtue.
Tuesday 11th August 2020 7:40 am
To know
you don't know
is a gift.
To think you know
when you don't
is a disease.
To know you are diseased
is a gift
that allows you
to lift yourself
into health.
- Jim Teeters from Because of This
Friday 5th April 2019 2:21 am
Bring Back the Pin Up
I was a sexual woman
I was…
Until my consent and its importance,
I was robbed of.
This is the year where-
I rediscover her
In my coven
Friend to friend
My witchy woman tell me how to be-
A proud feminine,
Love bug again
I know, I know!
I will observe you in your glory
Take notes, mimic my old self and copy-
My memory
When i was classy, polite and dressy...
Saturday 2nd March 2019 11:32 pm
Hilton Garden Inn
Hilton Garden Inn
I looked into those eyes
I felt home,
When your voice leaves your lips,
I wanted to hush them with a-
Invite you to my hotel to write
Gaze at your profile and that perfect jawline,
Trace your hands with a gentle touch,
Confess my love.
But, I pretend I am just a fan.
I await your arrival
Year after year,
Like a loyal dog.
...Saturday 2nd March 2019 11:00 pm
The choice
Translation of my Arabic Poem (“The Choice”)
Who, in the World, chooses his birth?
Who chooses his family and children?
Who chooses his fate and country?
Who chooses the time to go to heaven?
But it is possible to choose our day
To sincerely care about family and work
This will be the first right step to our future
To achieve our goals while we're alive
Your name and countr...
Monday 25th February 2019 8:11 pm
Nobody knows everything
But we should know what we do
Books are there for reading
And courses there to go
Don't say:"I know enough"
Your brain, sure, will freeze
Don't let someone to laugh
If you meet someone who knows
That the rule of good knowledge
Learn what you really need
The knowledge has a good bridge
To cross it, you must read
Friday 22nd February 2019 8:17 pm
If you learn from the past
Improving your future
Then you'll achieve the goal
And reach it safely faster
Pay an attention to move
Know the direction to go
Have time to Improve
Act well, not only "show"
Earn your people' regard
And don't cross the fence
Know the value of the word
Now you've got confidence
Sunday 17th February 2019 7:48 pm
How do you know?
How do you know if time is being wasted?
Drifting so far away from the honesty that the honesty becomes a lie,
How do you know if it's what's meant to be, if im with you and he's not with me?
They say time you enjoy wasting, isn't wasted time,
But does that apply when you've got your enjoyment, and I've lost mine?
How do you know what's meant to be?
I'm with you, and he's no...
Monday 5th November 2018 6:57 pm
reflection reminscing
My emotions pouring out
My head lost in the clouds
But my body seemed to drown
I look at whats around
Your nowhere to be found
Whos problem is it now
Somehow I feel proud
I got sober
When we were over
And yet you still use
I feel like I was used
When the money ran out
Cheating came from the muse
Yet I stayed amused
I ignored the clues
My emotions are my...
Thursday 23rd August 2018 2:45 am
Dining on knowledge
I dined on a feast of knowledge.
For the first course i took everything
That was fed to me.
For the second course i chewed over
What had been digested.
For the third course i mulled over
What was important in my life.
For the fourth course
I reflected and felt replete.
For dessert, I left that on the plate
Until i could decide on the next course.
Tuesday 10th April 2018 3:03 pm
The City Shadowed
This poem is about growing old.
The City Shadowed
I cannot remember my name. And
where I came from. Or when I came here.
I am not from this place, this city, and
its silent people, its pale-vaulted sky,
its black shadow silhouettes
flickering lightly across blank walls.
Here the bar staff talk in lilting Irish
cadences, and look straight through you
as ...
Thursday 16th February 2017 5:39 am
Burning Fire
The candle will always stay lit
From where my love is everlasting
The fire gets hotter as my chills grow smaller
From where life continues I'm ready to go harder
For what I want and live for and love
Because I love you and nothing can change that
The love that is greater to where the everlasting love will be infinite
The joy and smiles you bring to my face
Brights up a whol...
Thursday 16th June 2016 1:27 am
Now She Knows
This desire we've searched to reach, The feeling of euphoria isn't matched by another Even these words don't seem worthy of its worth With you in my earth, everything seems plausible, Like the globe is finally in my hand instead of resting upon my shoulders, Each day gets better with no intention of letting her go My calling to construct this picture unpainted like before, Just so she can ...
Wednesday 6th May 2015 5:09 pm
To Unknow is to Dream
Hey friends
My latest entry was inspired by a debate I had with some friends recently.The basic principle of this was the theory that you would be happier uneducated than if you knew everything. The theory that Ignorance is bliss.
So enjoy the poem and if you would like to comment your thoughts on the subject then please do.
To Unknow is to dream
Knowledge i...
Monday 29th October 2012 12:54 pm
Beholder's Eyes
Take a look into my eyes,
And maybe we will find
that between you and me
It's the way that love should be.
She told me I had beautiful eyes
her heart said friends
and her mouth did too...
and my mind's confused now I'm not with you.
See I can be the best friend that I have been for years
or I can be the guy that can hold you near.
But I can't be this.
You s...
Saturday 15th October 2011 11:50 pm
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