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Nobody knows everything

But we should know what we do

Books are there for reading

And courses there to go


Don't say:"I know enough"

Your brain, sure, will freeze

Don't let someone to laugh

If you meet someone who knows


That the rule of good knowledge

Learn what you really need

The knowledge has a good bridge

To cross it, you must read

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KnowledgeNobodyknoweverythingbooksreadingcoursesto goto dosay enoughbrainsurefreezeletsomeonelaughmeetwhorulegoodlearnwhatreallyneedbridgecross

Our City Of Many Bridges


In 'our land', 
which retains its leafiness, 
despite how unseasonably 
a fine few are fallen.

Just beneath fury's fierce flame;
our city's many bridges
a metaphor for so much more
defiantly stand still.

I pray today, it's not just me
who hears them screaming silently
'To join together is our fate
we will not hate, we will not hate.'


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LondonHomebridgeLondon BridgeWestminsterWestminster Bridgedefianthope not hate.



There's mist on the Menai

There's geese in the sky

There's snow on the Mountains

As the mist rolls on by

It runs from the Swellies

To the Irish Sea

The mist on the Menai

Majestic and free

From the banks of the Briant

To Caernarfon's great ramparts

To the edge of the Llyn

Hear the Waders and Redstarts

There's mist on the Menai

Not a cloud in the sky


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The mirror

From the bridge of your dreams
You see yourself on the other side
Illuminated for a brief moment.
You walk away from the illusion,
Deciding to be only one part.
And yet at the very last moment
You turn around and look back
At the silhouetted image of you
In the distance, raising a right hand.
And you wave back with the left
Because you are the reflection
And this is the connection
As f...

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Lost Paths

Hi Everybody

 It's that time again and another new Poem is ready to be unleashed on the world. This time inspired by a photograph I took a couple of years ago in Arundel, Sussex. It has a bit of an old world feel this one which I think compliments the subject matter. Hope you enjoy it.


Lost Paths

Ancient bridges beneath crystal waters
Rotten dark and gone to slaughter

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Tattoo Suzi

You left a lovely tattoo mark on our grey cloud world

Tatoo Suzi

your lovely bones will rattle on down the dirty streets

of Camden Suzi

where the bees go sleep at night only your hair knows

your hair Suzi

we can drink up in the skies by the railtrack bridge

your bridge Suzi


Break the broken heart

paint the damned soul dark

shut the shut down mind


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