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If you learn from the past 
Improving your future 
Then you'll achieve the goal 
And reach it safely faster 

Pay an attention to move 
Know the direction to go 
Have time to Improve 
Act well, not only "show" 

Earn your people' regard 
And don't cross the fence 
Know the value of the word 
Now you've got confidence 

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No Answer

No Answer


Either .. or, Neither .. nor. 

Your answer, is one of four 

Always "NO" or "I don't know" 

But in general "I'm not sure" 


Keeping silent is an answer 

Complicates the issues more 

Gaps grow in hearts faster 

To close mainly our main door 


Hiding always simple things 

That I'm really pleased to know 

Same as birds lost the wings 

How to f...

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