The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Nobody knows everything

But we should know what we do

Books are there for reading

And courses there to go


Don't say:"I know enough"

Your brain, sure, will freeze

Don't let someone to laugh

If you meet someone who knows


That the rule of good knowledge

Learn what you really need

The knowledge has a good bridge

To cross it, you must read

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KnowledgeNobodyknoweverythingbooksreadingcoursesto goto dosay enoughbrainsurefreezeletsomeonelaughmeetwhorulegoodlearnwhatreallyneedbridgecross


Either to swear, or not
The lies are a bad spot 
Thanks, but thanks a lot 
For your unfaithful effort 

Isabella, remember, again 
That love has fall in a drain 
Not only nothing to gain 
But also broke the brain 

You believe all what you say 
As a role of a daily play 
Surely, will see some day 
How much of love you deny 

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swearliesbadspot  ThanksunfaithfuleffortIsabellarememberlovefalldrainnothinggainbrokebrainbelievewhatsayroledailyplaySurelyseedaydeny 

What My Heart Consists Of:

If you asked

what my heart



I would say;

half is pain.

Other half?



If you said

love was dead,



Clear your head,

break the shell.

Reveal your



It's called pain,

caused by words.



Cant blame it,

bred to kill.

Grimmest of



Sad but true,

both the halves


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What Tempo Portents


I've a yearning,
a burning need inside,
it knows nothing of limits,
and has no need of pride,
but drives me on with a tempo,
such a tempo, that will never be denied.
Can you reach and help me,
take a grip on this beat within,
it knows nothing of limits,
and cannot conceive of sin,
but drives me on with its tempo,
such a tempo, and so livel...

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