The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

sense (Remove filter)

a chapter of fear

a friction of a sense,
is a friction of a power
fear is a sense of fear
fear is a sense of friction
a sense is a sense of fear
a sense is a sense of friction
knowledge is power,knowledge is fear,knowledge is friction

power is a sense of knowledge
power is a sense of fear
knowledge fear fear
fear outweigh fear
fear is a power of fear
outweigh power,outweigh fear
knowledge outweigh kn...

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Play in the Night

Play in the Night

                      --Michael Kwack



From two o’clock

When owls hoot

Up to four when cocks crow

Surely I will be kept awake,


To watch the secret play

Of the conscious and unconscious.


However, I will not see

The queer performance inside me

As a mere dream in the night.


If I long for better plays,

More will I wander dur...

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I closed my eyes

and I kissed the thin

skin that covered yours;


I felt the graze of fine hair

at the nape of your neck

and I inhaled your scent;


You rest your palm

atop my rising chest..

it is just the size

of my beating heart..

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From the past to the present

Cold as ice or as hot as fire

Words to hurt or to inspire

Loneliness fades into nothingness

Beauty that leaves us helpless


Seeing the possibilities

Planning the journeys

Believing life will not expire

As love does not retire


A solo can be beautifully strong

Duets are also a wonderful song

Choosing who you will be

Not a choice to take lightly


The r...

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