Muse (Remove filter)
Memories of a rainy day!
30th May, 2017
It rained today, and oh boy! How it rained today! There is always something pretty immersive about torrential rain as it comes down in sheets. The word immersive may be tossed about both ways. Apart from literally doing what it implies, it severs all visual connection one has with the surroundings. With sheets of water shimmering which ever way one looks, the sense of isolation f...
Wednesday 6th November 2024 3:50 pm
: From A Fractured Time :
A moment in time did happen once.
It was there and then it was no more!
Like a fickle wind that took a chance,
To raise a head, but was gone before!
I would mull often in vacant times.
If such a moment did occur awhile!
Or was it something without rhymes,
As in the whimsies of a juvenile!
As ephemeral...
Sunday 20th October 2024 7:09 am
: Soliloquy :
A life had my thoughts, ephemeral and bright!
Coursing thru’ the skies, in a shimmering light.
And time reached out, in a glorious embrace;
Rushing me breathless, through empty space.
When the memories came, unbidden but true;
From the nether mind the feelings broke thru’.
Some moments to rejoice, some sharp agony.
Monday 9th September 2024 3:49 pm
: The Voices In My Mind :
All those voices yet in my mind,
From the years I had left behind.
Casting echoes in that room -
Pulsing through the dusty gloom.
The floating dust catching the light,
Shivered with unknown disquiet!
The echoes gathered to surround.
They animated the space around.
People I loved, now lost with time,
Speaking thru' the years...
Wednesday 28th August 2024 6:42 pm
I Am Poetry
I am the hunter of whispers.
I am the gatherer of brothers and sisters.
I am wind beneath wings, soaring in a summer sky.
I am the chiseled smile.
I am sparkles on snow.
I am a symphonic echo.
I am the horns and halo.
I am afterglow.
I am the you everyone wants to know.
I am everywhere you go.
I am the aha of heartbreak.
I am gamma rays beaming through dark days.
I am ...
Tuesday 6th October 2020 5:58 pm
We are as different
as the sun and moon,
circling the same universe,
with an omnificent God
you don’t believe in,
for adventures in love,
you among the trees,
me with my muse,
who today, lives in you.
Sunday 4th October 2020 7:33 pm
Two in the Morning
Profound sadness
clouds my view
at a quarter til two.
I don’t understand why
my muse avoids me like the flu,
when a simple poem or song will do.
Wise words to help me understand
why true love passed me by
in this lifetime.
Why wrong choices,
that felt right at the time,
left me alone in this abyss
where my better self
silently bears witness
to my shr...
Friday 14th August 2020 5:56 am
Resistance is futile.
You will not find rest
as long as I am near,
whispering in your ear.
STOP, right now.
Write now.
Talk about how
love echoes
in the valley of
lost souls.
Share your hopes,
dreams, fears.
I’m listening,
ready to bathe you,
in serenity.
I am your muse,
voice of truth,
Tuesday 28th July 2020 5:17 pm
The One
People haven’t always
been there for me,
but the muse always has.
Lighting my path,
healing heartbreak,
the one making life fun.
Makes sure suffering is not in vain,
dances with me in the rain,
stays beside me come what may.
I return the favor by making
my muse’s words known.
Spreading love as we go.
Sunday 26th July 2020 10:29 pm
I can't lie what I am feeling inside
I would hide the words that I write
Some times so embarrassed I could die
Muse me
Inspire what I think
Inspire what I dream
You changed for the attention
For me to see you is a form of affection
Now I don't see you the same way, you lost my attention
Muse me
Inspire what I see
Inspire what I feel
Poetic words drip from his lips
As the needl...
Saturday 25th July 2020 1:36 pm
One Hundred Days In Plague Town
One Hundred Days In Plague Town
I met a man in Plague Town
With bird’s beak and a long black coat
He carried a cane in his left hand
He spoke to me and I quote:
‘Don’t travel far from your fire son
Go runaway and hide
For Fear stalks the streets of Plague Town
Some are ill and others have died’
So I went back home as he told me
And I sat and counted the days
...Thursday 9th July 2020 5:06 pm
Muses, Sins & Soul Ties
Is it a sin for your muse
to inspire mine,
provide momentary escapes
from loneliness, pain,
the daily grind,
give words to fantasies
of the mind,
connect soul ties.
It’s hard to believe
a God of love
would consider musing
a crime.
If it is, that’s not a religion
to which I subscribe.
Saturday 29th February 2020 12:34 pm
The Muse's
The Muse of music
And the Muse of poetry
Please inspire me
Friday 7th February 2020 6:53 pm
Born To Muse
In the hammering rain of last night
I slept the best I have all week
I slept deeper, longer
than I have done for months
And would you guess who I should meet there
on the dream stools
at the dream bar
ordering her dream gin
sliding me a dream beer
Well, you come here often
I don’t have to ask
I’ve seen you here so many nights before
but it has been a while
(and I’ve missed you)
Friday 8th November 2019 4:05 pm
Feeling down
because my muse
abandoned me again.
Maybe to teach me
another lesson
about leaning on him,
instead of mining inspiration
from deep within.
Seeking satisfaction
outside ourselves
is perhaps the greatest sin.
It is a game no one wins.
So, back to the blank page I go.
Just me and my pen.
Friday 11th October 2019 3:40 pm
Love Letter to My Muse
All day long
I think of you.
I can’t wait to get home
to be with you,
to feel your ink drip
between my fingers.
You are my love,
my passion,
my muse.
I know you will
never leave me.
We are bound
by a legacy of words,
that braids our soul.
Our poetry echoes
through time and space,
leaves a soft place
for broken hearts to land.
# # #
...Monday 23rd September 2019 5:40 am
I Missed the Bus
Where is my Muse
I missed the bus
Will there be another
Oh, what a fuss
I was hoping, at best
To go for a ride
On that magical tour
With my mind open wide
To find inspiration
And maybe a friend
As Don did with Thalia
Oh, who am I to pretend...
So I wait on the corner
With my pen and my pad
Thinking that, maybe,
This Muse thing's a fad
There's a bus ...
Monday 16th September 2019 11:48 pm
To know my fingerprints
on another’s heart
could stir them into art
a priceless gift, a magic
To know there is a poem
written about me
those words, more beautiful
than I could ever hope to be
From the caverns of passed time
there comes a sound
a constant, quiet, ring
when I choose to listen
always there
telling of another way of living
That the heart of an artist
a complexly c...
Monday 16th September 2019 11:51 am
A Few Lines Conceived In Poor Mimickry (A Mere Matter Of Minutes After Concluding A Biography Concerning That Conceited, If Colourful Cove, Coleridge)
I, too have watched a myriad words die,
all for want of you, fearless audience -
your special someone with that kindly eye
and ear who could best, sans wilful offence
urge me to test myself, by composing
a thousand lines and honing them to one.
Your wisdom, without combative ego's
ingrown need to sound 'clever' (not far gone
in self-esteem, I mean) might serve adv...
Sunday 26th May 2019 7:20 am
The Writer's Plight
For some, the writer's plight may be staring at a blank page, fear of rejection, or resistance presented in various forms. For me, the writer's plight is being available morning, noon, and night to welcome a steady stream of pop-in visitors with expectations of providing conversation, cooking, cleaning, even childcare for hours on end.
With a Mona Lisa smile, I weigh the importance of what my d...
Tuesday 9th April 2019 4:23 am
Dear Muse
Hide away
if you must.
I don't understand
what prompts you
to surface anyway.
I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.
I know even though you
fly away again and again
to do whatever muses do,
you will come back,
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words,
like you alwa...
Wednesday 27th March 2019 8:25 pm
When She Left
the pain of the vacant page stage
for the dance
of my pen
the fear of the frozen mind blind
to the hope
of a rhyme
the silence of an empty house spouse
to the song
of my word
the hush of unwanted time chime
Friday 15th February 2019 12:08 pm
Soul Mates & Muses
You found your
soul mate?
I’m genuinely
happy for you!
and unicorns
are more common
than soulmates.
Please, do the lost
and lonely among us
a favor of great
Make her
your muse
so we can
feel love too.
Sunday 10th February 2019 4:21 am
Soul Flames & Star Dust
I am sorry
to see you go,
but know you
will fare well.
You survived hell
and have a great
story to tell.
I know our paths
were meant to cross
and count your departure
as a big loss.
Even though you may
drift far away,
your essence remains.
Our lives are
forever changed
from your soul flames
and star dust.
Friday 8th February 2019 3:49 pm
The Enlightenment
We walk a
fine line in
our relationship
with others.
Words, powerful
as they are,
miss the idiosyncrasies
of body language
that convey sincerity
and good intention.
On the road
to enlightenment,
our muse sometimes
knicks old wounds
that the ego
rushes to protect.
Our responsibility
with freedom
of expression,
to speak our truth
knowing some will ...
Thursday 31st January 2019 2:51 pm
About Us
Passion consumed
eventually fades.
Passion capped
pursues us
beyond the grave.
This revelation
helps me understand,
our encounter was
never about us.
It was about our muses
intertwined in the
world of words.
We were denied
the lasting passion
we searched for
so we could write
our soul songs
for seekers
to see
the ectasy
and despair
that accompan...
Sunday 20th January 2019 4:35 pm
Forever ago may seem
like 20 years of gray,
but I live forever every day.
There is no escape.
It's not the passion I miss,
I keep that memory sealed
in a concrete kiss.
It's the lyrical
soul connection
that went on months
before our egos
got in the way.
In the forever between
tears and heartbreak,
we managed
to find ourselves
and our destiny, here
on this pag...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 7:09 pm
True Love
Have I loved?
Yes, on the spectrum,
towards the sacrificial side.
Silencing my soul,
losing my identiy.
Endless nights
crying myself to sleep.
I sometimes think I would have
preferred an easy love
bouquets of rainbow colored daisies,
sparkling teeth,
a passionate love,
French kisses in Rome,
ruffled sheets,
a forever love,
hugs, holding hands,
finishing each other's sentences...
Tuesday 15th January 2019 12:19 pm
My Dopamine
Your words flow
though my veins
and light up my soul
like nothing
I've ever known.
Chemical alchemy.
Cosmic destiny.
Beyond comprehension.
From another dimension.
Steam. My dopamine.
Thursday 10th January 2019 12:54 pm
The Bleeding Edge
The razor thin space between
stimuli and response
is decision.
I decided to put a
romcom relationship
where love never ends
and be, just friends.
It was a defining decision.
He decided that without
certain stimuli, there would be
no response, just an end.
Tempting as it is to give in
to conditioned responses,
I'm riding the razor's edge
into a new frontier...
A pla...
Wednesday 2nd January 2019 6:57 pm
Naked Souls
Poetry is a
refuge for
a lonely life
the antidote
for pain
and strife
warm words
a frigid night
tonic for thirsty sailors
drowning in an ocean
from which we cannot drink
To our deserted island we go
while the world
casts us loners,
introverts, quiet
weird, crazy...
Let them judge
as they wine and dine
in crowded rooms
on cell patrol
while w...
Wednesday 2nd January 2019 3:18 am
My Muse
You have come to visit me.
Welcome. I have missed you.
I often see you hiding behind the laundry,
patiently waiting until the neverending chores are done.
Then, when I finally sit down to talk,
you disappear like an unwritten dream,
leaving me speechless.
Today, for the moment,
you are here
and I have so much to say.
Won't you stay
and be my friend?
My Muse Replies:
Tuesday 18th December 2018 4:06 pm
Twisted Irony
I knocked on the door,
Not expecting an answer
Much less to be received
So when he opened up in contour,
Spoke with me without waver
I conversed to be believed
Me, nothing less, nothing more
Me, not me minus the stutter
And if not all of me, still, me
Should he shut the door,
I’d think, “it’s what I would prefer”
For I knew not of joviality
Saturday 20th January 2018 4:22 am
I an Not his Muse
I’m not his muse, and I can never be.
No time, circumstance or chance will let me.
After all he gives and gets, loves, regrets,
he remains my teacher and I, the taker.
He is anarchist and challenging creator,
who advocates the belief I have no need
to be seen and posed as a...
Sunday 20th November 2016 9:34 pm
A Tree In The Elephant's Graveyard
A Tree In The Elephant’s Graveyard
It began with a pen
and paper,
beneath a tree.
Carried here
upon a rat
to rest awhile.
The paper was white
and stared at me
The pen hovered,
dripping ink
like tears.
A serpent
coiled itself
around My neck.
I thought of stars
and dreamt
of gouache landscapes.
Still the paper
would not
fuck the pen.
My thoughts
were clear,
Monday 17th November 2014 8:13 pm
rendering you invisible by simply
breathing onto the glass
or drawing a heart around you as though
it might last
longer than a fairground fish
I could do either
but I spend my days
chalking my guts into the paving stones
and piling them like papers,
professionally bound
Sunday 6th April 2014 8:20 pm
Insomnia (unamused by a whitling muse)
a night too quiet
yet, even in it’s silence,
not quite enough for me
now in my head those words were read
by Richard Burton
but then she came calling in the hours
when there aren’t yet enough digits on the clock
and I ignored the advice of William S Burroughs, or some other I forget,
and told her to fuck off, leave me to the monotone
test card transmission, t...
Tuesday 28th August 2012 6:04 am
Cinderella Dreaming
The birthing of articulated expression
will always find its means of entering
into the world outside and beyond
the inner recesses of our awareness.
I love the wee and trippy hours of the
after midnight when the glass slipper
lay glimmering aloof in the moonlight
and the weary dreamer sets some
ink of thoughts onto the parchment
of a woozy head - too...
Monday 4th April 2011 3:05 pm
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