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I'm not in control; it's in their clutch

Every feeling, overwhelming, overbearing

To endure, I've endeavored to keep them ensconced

Still, I never intended to play the part to the point

Of deception, eliciting an understanding

That they fail to exist

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Breath of Life

The days elongated

The nights colder

The meals empty

The fun boring

The life without you


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She wanted to put her hand in his back pocket
And run her fingers through his spiky hair
He wanted to help her wear that heart shaped locket
He wanted to. . .but all he could do was stare

He wanted to take that hand and peck it
And hold onto her tiny waist
She wanted to touch his eyes that for her lit
She wanted to. . .but her eyes knew not the case

Their eyes lowered and
Unaware they...

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Actions Speak

She had things needing let out,
And so she wanted to yell
He had things of the like,
That he likewise wasn't to tell

With the tears in her eyes
And these pains in their chests
They looked at the other
Sharing the need to repress

They both opened their mouths
Neither uttering a word
Yet the stories were told
And equally heard

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True Gentleman

You bend down to recover

the groceries of an elder

You hold open the door

for the women to pass

You linger to ensure

the young girl gets home

You smile even

when you feel sad

You go out of your way

for the children at school

You listen and tend

to the boy’s juvenile problems

You are kind to the elder

the youth and the kids

I heard an old lady say,

“I ...

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Night Next to Day

The rustle of the leaves in the air so dark

The black color of the autumn falls

The whistle of the wind, cool and covert

The striking chill, or lack thereof

The brightness of the moon that shines dull

The freshness of the invigorating air

The comeliness of the sky in bloom

The absence of invalid existence

The want for peace and quietude

The calmness and almost everlastin...

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Diffcult Feelings

Feelings are
Pent up
Held in

You feel

And wish

Come the moment
They are released
Or remain contained
More so repressed


All that matters is
You feel relief
No more pain

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Twisted Irony

I knocked on the door,

Not expecting an answer

Much less to be received


So when he opened up in contour,

Spoke with me without waver

I conversed to be believed


Me, nothing less, nothing more

Me, not me minus the stutter

And if not all of me, still, me


Should he shut the door,

I’d think, “it’s what I would prefer”

For I knew not of joviality



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Life Span

One is in an hourglass

Just like those around him

Standing beneath the falling sand

Unaware of how much remains

Either walking through it confusedly

Or using it to make glass

It is either known as sand

Or has become a deception

One thinks of God with every grain

Or arrogantly celebrates the eroding pain

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Impressive (haiku)

Try battling me

You have so much potential

That I’d root for you

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What You Left Me

Everyone save you could have thought of me less

For from being in your thoughts I now remain blessed

I stand beneath the falling rain

To feel each kiss from the Lord I gain

I remember I am alive from the air I breathe

And merrily proclaim it through unclenched teeth

The one part of you that never left

Are the words you spoke about life so deft

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Know (haiku)

When will the day come

When you know me all too well

So I need say none?

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Why must the bird in first flight be shot down?
At the end of the day, the bird by the shooter can be found
Or it will be left wounded to live another day
If the hunter gives up on not giving a way

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Have you ever wondered how the caged bird feels?

Some do, some don't

Some justify


I needn't wonder

For I feel as the caged bird feels

Trapped, though physically and with food

It weakens the mind


Do you ever wonder why the caged bird never sings?

May have, may haven't

May begin to


It yearns for freedom

Puts on a show for no one

Illusions to freed...

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Not the One

I felt so whole,

That missing link in my life found

But then immediately empty,

Like the link was hollow

What was inside was just passing through

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Confidence in a Man

He easily closes the space between them

She’s near enough now; he breathes her in

But before taking anything else

His eyes consume the beauty before him

The flutter of heavy eyelids before they close

The parting of soft lips before they’re exposed

The holding of breath before being taken

There’s confidence, yes.

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