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I read her mind

she's like a book

no chapter worth a second look


my life-sentence

jailed on a page

brackets bar this printed cage


her musings pour

bound by rude glue

she rarely takes you anywhere new


she intends to

edit me out

I'm two two-dimensional; I cannot shout


other fellows

fill the pages

to supplement her bulging wages



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Blank Page

Your life is
a blank page
to write upon.

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When She Left

the pain of the vacant page                                      stage

for the dance

of my pen


the fear of the frozen mind                                        blind

  to the hope

 of a rhyme


the silence of an empty house                                spouse

to the song

of my word


the hush of unwanted time                                      chime


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The book

From the first page to the last,

I absorbed the world around you.

I was there to witness the tears,

The anger,

The love.


Within each chapter I fell deeper.

As if under a spell, I lost control.

I was lost in another world,

Traveling to a place with no time.


I watched a story unfold before my eyes.

With each word,

Each sentence,

Each page,

I became ap...

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