The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

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can love nestle in those eyes

a jack-pot after barren years

or is she too good to be true

the focus of my usual fears?


steeping-stones above water

bulb straining at level loam

sun-rise parting mountains

iron boss on shield of Rome


a look is better than nothing

potent a moment's glance

river hot with fragile elvers

cold steel of knightly lance



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The Writer's Plight

For some, the writer's plight may be staring at a blank page, fear of rejection, or resistance presented in various forms. For me, the writer's plight is being available morning, noon, and night to welcome a steady stream of pop-in visitors with expectations of providing conversation, cooking, cleaning, even childcare for hours on end.

With a Mona Lisa smile, I weigh the importance of what my d...

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comfort zonedrama queenfamilyfocushabitlegacymuseprioritiesquality timerelationshipswriter's lifewriting


I could fill a barren sea 
full of tears I've shed
for a moment with you.

I learned to focus only 
on the good it led to.
What purpose does it serve
to open old wounds

except to serve the 
greater good. 

So, I bellow not

unless it can be
a beacon 

for mermaids
coming ashore. 

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barrenbeaconfocusgreater goodlessonslifelightlovelove poemsmermaidspassionreflectionseatearswounds

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