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I'm a cliché (mused)

Mused/inspired by 'If only for a Moment' by Devon Brock


I'm a cliché, a subtle curve in the great cycle of life.
I hold the same importance in the grand scheme of things
as a drop of water or a grain of sand,
somehow autonomous
yet an integral part of an ocean,
or a monolithic mountain boulder,
a particle of mist in a hurricane
What next?
Perhaps we take the form of a hybrid,
a sa...

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cycle of lifecyclicalhumanityinspiredmortalitymusedmusesmusing

Dear Muse

Hide away 
if you must. 

I don't understand 
what prompts you 
to surface anyway. 

I will do like I always do,
show up on the page,
stumble through what 
I was put on earth to do,
share my truth.

I know even though you 
fly away again and again 
to do whatever muses do, 

you will come back, 
when I least expect
and light up my soul
with your beautiful words, 
like you alwa...

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destinyfateghostsjourneylovemusemusesnamastepoetrypromptssoulstarcrossedthe universewriters block

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