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Katypoetess (Remove filter)

I an Not his Muse

I’m not his muse, and I can never be.                        

No time, circumstance or chance will let me.                       


After all he gives and gets, loves, regrets,                 

he remains my teacher and I, the taker.                    

He is anarchist and challenging creator,                   

who advocates the belief I have no need

to be seen and posed as a...

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Katypoetesspoetry museMuse

From poetical parody to being me...

Time is rolling on and just to let those who read and comment on my poetry know that I am moving away from my alter ego Katypoetess to using my own will be a gradual move and hopefully a positive one as I need to do this to be taken seriously as a poet. ? 

More poetry to follow soon....


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The Transformation


I remain free

my own lost saviour

a follower of no-one

sorcering a new novena.




I still storms

in steadfast spirit

a respectable sinner

proclaiming the illicit.




I demure uncertain

face reveals and veils

heart throes stone to flesh

keeping close my seven devils.




I am graced

with all v...

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KatypoetessShadows of Magdalenemary magdalene

Storm of Silence

As the indecorous breeze does billow

ebb and flow of his dreams,

swelling a deep desire

for her to return

within each tide

of hesitation.


As the unconscious ark of salvation,

sinks slow beneath his sleep,  

drowning a deep desire

for her to return

he lies laconic

of malediction.


© Katypoetess 2016





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lovelove poetryShadows of MagdaleneKatypoetess


I am graced

with all virtues from history

my archetype immortalised

amidst this scripture of mystery.


© Katypoetess 2016

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katypoetessShadows of Magdalenearchetypes


I demure uncertain
face reveals and veils
heart throes stone to flesh
keeping close my seven devils.  

©  Katypoetess 2016

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KatypoetessShadows of Magdalene


I still storms

in steadfast spirit

a respectable sinner

proclaiming the illicit.


©  Katypoetess 2016

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KatypoetessShadows of Magdalene


I remain free

my own lost saviour

a follower of no-one

sorcering a new novena.


©  Katypoetess 2016


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Katypoetessmary magdaleneShadows of Magdalene


His unravelling - of sacred shroud.


The suffocation of

her melancholic madness

by cloth of self-belief

blesses a new beginning.


The emancipation from

Poetess to temple Papess

his ruin miraculously raised

to unrepentant penitent.


The revealing complete

unveils fervent holiness,

his new bride of a Christ

in divine ambiguity.


His lost gospel ...

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Katypoetesslove poetryShadows of Magdalene


I search

for your soul

in every passing stranger's face.

Knowing it is too late.


I dreamt

we met again

soothing all the pain between us.

The cruellest of dreams.


I crucify

time through mourning

yet it cannot hold back dawning,

of my emancipation.


© Katypoetess 2016

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

La Petite Mort of Creativity

Let me bleed out a moment’s release,

from this contemptible inner peace.


my tears are too clear of midnight ink,

my thoughts are apathetic and indistinct.


I look for omens, cracks in bedroom mirrors,

for owls, magpies - among nests of unfamiliar


I churlishly spread my coquettish legs

seducing any passing stranger’s death.


To be touched - trembled by fi...

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Immortal Soliloquy

They say that the worst kind of grieving

is when the lost antagonist is still alive,

whether sudden as a spring swallow’s dive

or a slow wintered bewilderment in the leaving.

Buried, burnt or butchered cruelly out of heart

that did endure with vexation and veneration,  

fear of being alone or guilt of being causation

of their final yield to the wind that blows love apart.



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deathkatypoetesslovelove poetrymourning

Clouds of Loss

If I had
one wish
then it
would not be
for a kiss,

but to look
into the storm
of your eyes again,

and listen.

Katypoetess 2016

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Lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Cacophany in the Second City

I amble amongst the snake trail
of crowds and loud streets
of consumer rights and political fights.

Then he came and  asked me
whether I had any faith at all
and I shook my head in a lie
while he thrust a pamphlet
of salvation into my hands. 


 And he said "Are you religious
as I am not and never was because
it binds you too tight but do try
as you might to turn to God my love...

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Acquire my peace within yourselves


She is nobody’s disciple,

a dither of image and noise,

amongst everybody’s daily causality.


No crowds will gather,

as she looks into the eyes,

that lie tied, and tired in front of her.


She is every colour

of skin, every age, every weather,

every obedience and whim, with no morality.


Dwelling in a magdala

of imm...

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mary magdaleneKatypoetess

The Silencer

She whispers an aberration,

with mouth of soot stained metal.

Pointing out deluded self-doubt,

muzzling lies with targeted fire.

Seizing breath without sound,

at least four Turks and a Russian

With little or no repercussion.


Synapsed heart from sharp to steel.

Drinking shots after taking shots,

murdering time as it flies fast home,

past window of his decamped rea...

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Katypoetessspecial forcesreservist

Las Vegas

Violation and depravity,
within isolation of this valley,
an extravagant medicine to take.


We pace the boulevard,
with no moral compass, neither
north or south in strip-sleazed haze.


Rolling violent dice
of drunken incomprehension,
morning sirens sing out my sin.


but the more I kneel before you,
the more you raise me to my feet.


What happens with us, st...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

The Temptation of St Anthony II

From Emperor to Vampire, then a journey to resting place of amoral monk.

Dwelling in ruined fort, living in a sin of retired idleness. Momentary desires

to follow the birds south, he spends his days tending a garden of lilies in the desert.


Anthony holds his poetess captive for too long without his hands, she now writhes

naked and tied to column of lost temple. Tresses burnt dark ...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

Anthony and Katypatra

I arrive. Quickly turning bedroom from Rome into Alexandria.
Skin up, pop cork to dilute and delight blood with Bollinger.
Determined to mix up a confidence to conquer, my
Goddess summoning up a strip tease of your morality.


“The triple pillar of the world transformed into a strumpet’s fool.”*


Coiling concubine - arabesque around your thighs to
nourish exotic fantasy. Arching p...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry




When love

cuts deep

with grieving,

one immersion

bleeds into

the next.


If she gave


in forgiveness –

would her shadow

follow her?


She unconsciously

weaves threads

of the past

summoning shroud

of the future.


Touched twice

in the laver

submerged in her

saviour’s perdition.


Condemned to

cold is...

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

The Temptation of St Anthony

From Emperor to Vampire, journeying through to final place of amoral monk.

Dwelling in ruined fort, a habitual sin of retired idleness. Momentary contemplations

to follow the birds south, he spends his days tending a garden of lilies in the desert.


Holding his demon captive for too long without his hands, she now writhes naked

and tied to column of penitent temple. Tresses burnt...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Christmas Eve

Hearts heave a relief

of homecoming.

Anticipation smiles

on silent beds

of every young child.

Wreaths of activity

yearning for a peace

that never arrives.


Following evening star

in slipshod time

of glittered hope

and gifted uncertainty

that reflects

in each other's eyes.


©  Katypoetess 2015

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The head of a rose

dry and broken

like a soft word spoken

which was not heard.


The head of a rose

petals close together

intense love held forever

which was not seen.


The head of a rose

leaves are tattered

a life lies scattered

which was not known. 


 ©   Katypoetess 2015     

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love poetrylovekatypoetess

Empty Tomb


a sweetness,


salt-cracked hearts

that pass in prophecy.



upon angels,


steadfast negligence

of tranquil demands.



stony silence,


words that ache

to be born

into my arms.


Time ticks wanton.


©  Katypoetess 2015

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katypoetesslove poetry


Tear off my guilt,
tie me to your salvation,
innocence will fall,
at your feet of vindication.


Katypoetess 2015


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lovelove poetryKatypoetess


His discipline
was her most
desired mercy.

He subdued
and elated her

He affronted
her with exquisite

She kept him
with sacrilegious

of a memory,
she was yet
to treasure.

In their intimacy
he humiliated her,
until she learnt

Unfounded –
they remained unfound.

In ecstasy.





© Katypoet...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess


He was her all black and blue

He was her every backward move


Bitten lips, sugar swollen tongues

unable to breathe, only to succumb


Wild-rose rush, indecorous release

bewildered by being hostage beneath


Afterwards, he whispers her to him:

“You are so loved,

                   you are so loved.”




© Katypoetess 2015

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lovelove poetryerotic poetryKatypoetess

Dumb Destiny

I cannot speak to you anymore.

Though over these clay hearted years,

we never really spoke at all.


So now it finally must end

as I am taken once again

by collared, artistic agenda.


I cut languid love loose

re-tie dumb, devoted knots

that only he will now render.


Forbidden of fruitful verse

which may wistfully introduce

play on words of mourning.


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Katypoetesslove poetrylove

Formative Years

I guess it all comes from

losing my virginity

on a cliff edge.

Another mans photo in my purse.


© Katypoetess 2015

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry


Forgive me as I dip my pen into blood of the past.

Memories.  Hanging bright as the whitest moon

in my blackened, indecorous thoughts.


I was his lover, his muse, his friend,

his counsel over secret canal side walks.

Both sharp suited, professional by day,

we drove fast through boundaries

into love first after taking vows of never.

Towpath widened into world of champagn...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Caring through Silence

I cannot feel your pain.

Your body is numb,

Your mind in hibernation.


For now, let yourself rest

In June’s heat and chatter.

It will take time to be

that knight again

that I cherish so.


But I am there.


Within the silence

I am there.


 ©  Katypoetess 2015

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Residual Haunting

There are these times of the year

that hunt and haunt my soul.

If I am undistracted – unaccompanied

then I become unexpectedly – unnerved.


Whispers on the breeze I cannot hear

catchlights in eyes I cannot see

memories of you I can no longer feel.


You are only 10 miles away

out of my life –

but no distance away

from this

residual haunting.


© Katypo...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess


Ties loosen

eyes now bound

dominance and submission

momentarily forgotten

within their

kismet kiss


© Katypoetess 2015

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

Vampiric Chivalry

I am undone.
I am flayed –
not by a strike of hand
but of gentlemanly politeness.

I am bereft.
I am rejected –
not by a lover’s spurning
but of frustrated licentiousness


Will my vampire ever brave the depravity of reality,
from the enigmatic dark of brutal chivalry?


© Katypoetess 2015

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Dodging Cupid's Arrow

To say
I don’t think of you
would be a lie
but I dare not pine
As you cross my mind


Do not
ascertain as I close
the bedroom curtains
my wildness is founded
in uncontrollable desire


Ignore that
contented smile
while you hold my gaze
I suggest gently that
you need new glasses


Sipping more  
or less Dom Perignon
I’m sure it won’t be long
Before barman calls time

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Katypoetesslovelove poetry

Iron Lung

Sometimes.  Sometimes, when I am alone,
 I slowly, warily try and bring myself back.
 Cry out the rotting lump in my throat,
 pull at greying hair, a constant reminder,
 life is passing and you are no longer there.
 Unable to breathe. A little girl lost,
 flying kites into thunderclouds.


Glancing faces of mornings in all their glory
 delivers me to rest – and now I’m blessed
 with ...

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Katypoetesslove poetry

Sweet Light

The hour before sun does set and twilight born
 hazy aroma of cooling fields and hearts forlorn
 Homeward bound, and bound to home
 The wayward desires cease to roam

 Sweet light nymph strays into beaten field
 To catch that haze she dares to feel
 She writes a glimpse of hope untold
 As fragile as the petals she dares to hold


© Katypoetess  2015

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 Cuffed and collar’d – not entirely wedded n’ bound
 Retaining strength with freedom recently found
 In gallant splendour of posies he dutifully bade
 She became his princess, and nonchalant maid


She washed away his tears with sweat of sin
 An’ hell coloured hair that whipp’d his skin
 Oh scornful mistress! How can you chide and glow?
 Because, she smiled, that’s the way troubadour g...

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Shadows of Magdalenelovelove poetryKatypoetess

Of Lilith and Anthony e-book available soon!



It’s almost done.  I am just waiting for the ISBN number and my first poetry collection will be available from Amazon.  It’s taken me two years, but it’s been worth it.  The collection consists of sixty-nine poems, telling the story of a love affair of obsession and romantic tragedy. Watch this space, and an official announcement that it’s available to download will soon follow….

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Katypoetesslove poetryOf Lilith and Anthony

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