The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 14 hours. Get details and Enter.

eternity (Remove filter)

U. N. C. O. N. D. I. T. I. O. N. A. L. L. Y.

The desire to be with the one, unconditionally
The desire to be chosen, unconditionally 
The desire to be the one, unconditionally 
The desire to be protected, fearlessly 
The desire to be loved, limitlessly 
The desire to be cared for, forgivingly 
The desire to grow old with the one, certainly
The desire to be “we, us, our” 
The desire to be fed, care for, shower

The desire to seek lo...

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Catch 22

When forever finally comes to town, not sure I want to be around

when it stands outside to knock upon my door.

I’ll hide inside, not make a sound, turn out the lights,

get on the ground, lay in the darkest shadow of the floor.


And if forever’s not deterred, no worry I’ll plan for the worst.

I’ll wait it out, I’ll stock up every shelf.

I’ll let forever knock all day and hope ...

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The Question

Depression and heartache and yearning -

common throughout all the years,

general amongst all the masses,

driven by so many fears.


It’s truly the struggle of ages,

despite born of mansion or cave.

Is life the thing that you’re living,

or is it life that you crave?


It's tied to a question so simple -

just what do you live your life for?

Do you live to live in ...

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Fairytale - For V & K

An entrance to a fairytale waiting to happen,

Sweet scented flowers, second only to the story that's about to bloom,

Flickering candles mimicking twinkling stars in the dark sky,

Like the love that survived through thick and thin, dark and light...


A slow stepped waltz, opening to a dance of a lifetime,

followed by a ballad about a love that grew from childhood

and an eterna...

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loversloveWeddingmodern fairytaledestinyEternity

You and Me

Hold on to the dream,
of you and me,

floating free 
in air and sea. 

After all the drama,
a lifetime of battle scars,

it's still you and me,
for all eternity.

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Time Could Last Forever

We live our lives together
Breathing the same air
Yet never help each other
It makes life hard to bear.

So much could be made better
In just a little time
And time could last forever
If we just use it right.

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meditationshort poempath of lifetimeefforteternitylegacycharitygenerositycommunitysocietyposterity

Eternity Always Wins

I suppose I'm one of life's losers

Missed out on joys and content

Mourned other folks's milestones

Never learned what love meant


How to encounter consolation or

Stomach others's enjoyable sins?

The answer lies up in the clouds

Where brute eternity always wins


Winners cant take it with them

Imagine leaving behind that cash

Lovers weeping at the bedside


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On the Seventh Watch

On the Seventh Watch:


A little after midnight, I was told to watch from 3,

The darkest hour looming, don’t why it fell to me.

And I was blurry eyed, like other souls,

Whose hearts somehow had all been lost.


Hold your ground, won’t you hold your ground,

Hold it while the Angel’s draw their lots,

Defined by everything that I am not

On the Seventh Watch



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Do you ever want to 
hold on to a moment 
because it feels divine?

A moment when the stars align, 
and everything is fine. 

A moment when you make peace 
with your past, and your pain. 

A moment when there is 
no sorrow, no shame.

A moment when fear
takes a hike.

A moment when the sky is clear, 
the air is forgiving,
and sun shines bright. 

A moment when everything 

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Mortality stalks me 
like a jealous lover.

Breathlessly follows me
wherever I go, incessantly
banging a gong, 


it won't be long, 
come to me, let 
the pain end.

My eternal soul sees
this game of mortal gods 

and challenges me

to go where mortals
fear to tread...

Meditate in silent space
past the black hole,

beyond illness,
depression, despair

to that ...

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The Void

Hey there lonely girl,

what are you doing wandering around

these dark places?

Don’t you know that 

evil lurks about? 

The void is littered

with those who will use you,

abuse you,

scar your soul for eternity. 

Listen to my pleas,

I’m begging on bended knees,

move forward

towards the light,

no matter how tempting

the mysterious

shadows may be. 


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About Us

Passion consumed 
eventually fades.

Passion capped 
pursues us 

beyond the grave.

This revelation 
helps me understand,

our encounter was 
never about us.

It was about our muses
intertwined in the 

world of words.

We were denied 
the lasting passion
we searched for

so we could write 
our soul songs

for seekers 
to see

the ectasy 
and despair

that accompan...

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despairectasyencounterseternityGhostslovelove poemsMusepassionsoulmatestwin flamesunrequited love


I know you don't 
want to think of me.

I don't want to 
think of you either.

But the more I resist, 
the more your ghost 

It makes no sense.

Hardly a day goes

by that you don’t  
cross my mind.

Some days 
it infuriates me
that someone who 
pushed me over the cliff 

of obscurity

has a choke hold 
on my soul.

Other days 
I accept
what I cannot 

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affairconnectioneternityExesGhostsloverelationshipssoulmatetwin flames

Salutations for Sally

I wrote this poem for my wife's birthday.

Salutations for Sally

The years don’t pass slowly anymore,

But there’s still time for an eternity

In your eyes, in your arms, your love.

Each moment a step to infinity,

But time doesn’t march, it ascends,

And we rise on the years,

Sadder, yes, but wiser and

More loving, more understanding.

And you lift everything around you


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Full Circle

Full Circle 

It’s here again. Bring the tissues. Hide away the blades. Its coming

full force

Into our home, our hearts, our souls, here. It’s in                                                                          

My mothers eyes as she stares blankly, unblinking, it’s in

nanna’s shaky voice, breaking. ‘what were you thinking?’

Its carried in by broken promises, screams th...

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Quiet River

Quiet River


When the morning's flight

lifts the darkened blind,

and slows the speed of time,

be ready in your heart and mind


with gratitude, as you drift

on a sweet and quiet river,

lined by silent watchers;

remember their gifts, and the jewels

                           of the givers,


For that light is sure to glow

fierce and steady in your memory -


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common wealdrifteternityheartmemorymindmorning


Life is full of illusion, 
a process of disillusion. 

No perfection in decay. 

To die, 
to be reborn, 
to be all that I am 
is eternity. 

Oblivion only comes 
to those that seek it.


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Living the Eternity

You walk
You stand
You speak
Then you are quiet
You love
You hate
You fight
You make peace
You cry
You laugh
You live
You die
And you live again

You inhale so many lifetimes,
Your home is the universe,
Your time is eternity.

Words you speak are never silent,
Deeds of yours are never unseen,
Steps you take never fade,
Emotions you share always felt.

We often ask the questi...

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Thirsty For Love


The taste or iron
lingered on my lips 
Hot cherry red 
Dripping down my chin
Your neck pierced 
By my sharpened daggers
Called fangs
They dripped a mixture 
Of blood and venom
Your taste on my tongue
Made it hard to stop 
Extracting that sweet
Warm body fluid
I kissed your neck
As I watched you 
Change into one of us
A predator 
You were ...

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bloody loveeternitypoetry


Her thoughts were irrational as she paced back and fourth down the hall,

She felt her mind and body start to build an emotional stone wall,

Her head ached in pain that she could not escape,

She was stuck in this emotional enraged mind rape,

Her body sunk into her soul as her eyes turned black,

She felt herself letting go and slipping into an invisable crack,

Her heart became life...

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In the quiet garden of Heaven,
one day I'll walk beneath the trees
with the coolness of God's Spirit
flowing more gently than an Earthly breeze.

In the royal kingdom of priests,
I'll run barefoot on streets of soft gold,
overwhelmed by the perfection of peace,
following where angels had previously strolled.

Before the awesome throne room,
I'll exude continual heartfelt p...

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christian poetrypoetryfaithbreunigEternity

I Miss You

Hello there,

Angel from my nightmares.

Devil from my dreams

a grey spirit that weaves

its way through my existence.

What a Dementor does to souls

or a Dalek to a human heart.


Even a superhuman heart

can break.


Just ask Logan,

a force so strong

a returning phoenix

could not reignite remnants.


I miss you.

Whatever yo...

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lovelossinternetfeminismtumblrradfemfeminazitrutheternitymissyouherhimthemtogetherforeveralonesilentangeldemondevilsatanreligionzealotryKingdom HeartsDoctor WhoDaleksX-MenLoganWolverinePhoenixJean GreysuperheromutantsuperhumanTime Lordghostmemoryspirit





Gothic storm across the heavens, splitting

the sky in two creating a rip in the fabric

of the sky into which the earth will fall,

doomed and dead into the abyss of time

forever more. We are the generation of the damned,

condemned to be this for the rest of our lives

until we die, by our own hand

or that of Old Father Time or of our enemie...

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The best I never had

In a world of tv clichés

I thought our series would be timeless,

that it would survive the seasons.


I laugh as I remember

How I Met Your Mother.

Confused on an interstate car park,

cellphones and calamity.

Only to feel underwhelmed.


You said “it's not just the jetlag”,

I said “how can anyone fall in love with a zombie?”

eating hearts fo...

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