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check yourself

check yourself fool
check your judgement
check yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging yourself
pride yourself by judging your judgement
respect yourself is by judging yourself
respect your pride is by judging your pride

to fool yourself is to check yourself
to fool yourself is to respect yourself
respect is to honor yourself
to honor yourself is to honor your respect

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I’m on a level of being

Where I know the direction I’m following

Where I know I’ll be fine, even if I’m alone

Where I’m aware of my worth

Where I know I’m strong enough

Where I’m aware of my strengths

Where I’m brave enough to walk all alone


I have freed myself from the chains

From the judgments

From the council of hate

From the bars of anxiety


I have unc...

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Inside a house

Dark outside,

you see inside.

I’m standing there,

without a care,

but looking out,

i’m full of doubts.

I’m projecting pride,

but have nearly died.

He makes my tea,

you see he loves me.

I appear to have done

nothing for it.

My inner voice,

gives me no choice,

where you can’t see,

I slice my extremity,

the blood runs down,

into the family’s dishes.


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judgementfamilyappearancesself harm

What to say? What to do?

People are anguished and perplexed.

The sea and the waves roar.

Men's hearts are filled with fear,

Wondering what is coming next.


What to say? What to do?

What to do? What to say?


'We must unite', earnest faces announce.

'We must incite', troublemakers grin grim.

'We shall not be moved', grey haired hippies sing

Then sheepishly they rush to shop


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the end of the worldinjusticejudgement

Moral of the Story

Some may be weak and some may be strong

But it is for neither to look down upon

Those belonging to the other class

Because in the end we’ll know at last

The quality of all men, and how we are the same

From bones to dust, we return to our grave

A dark thought indeed but if you look at it right

Your innermost self might just see the light

The beauty of difference, of change, ...

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