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The War

Momentary peace is a thing,
Lifetime of peace who has ever gotten?
And there exist people who haven't witnessed a single spring,
The fruits they've reaped off life are all rotten.

Time lingers on, it takes small sluggish steps,
While the war seems to last for an eternity.
And though the mind's tired and body's started to sweat,
There seems no concrete vision, no certainty.

Innumerable ...

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war poetryInner Strugglelosseswinswarriorsbattlefieldlife and deathpath of lifeeverlastingentropy

Eternity Always Wins

I suppose I'm one of life's losers

Missed out on joys and content

Mourned other folks's milestones

Never learned what love meant


How to encounter consolation or

Stomach others's enjoyable sins?

The answer lies up in the clouds

Where brute eternity always wins


Winners cant take it with them

Imagine leaving behind that cash

Lovers weeping at the bedside


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