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Friendship (Remove filter)

On Water

I’ve never forgotten the Glen river’s  

smell on those wet Donegal days.

Its convoluted arteries drained

through bogs of purple heather,

to emerge in petrichor and painterly swirls.


Just boys, we traipsed its fern banks

on mizzled days with wet feet

squelching. Off balance, our eyelines

like gunsight, skimming black stones

in flat counts to the far bank.



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Lifelong Friend

When all the leaves fall from the trees,
what does it mean to you and me?
Perhaps it wasn't meant to be
as now we reach the end.

Is there some place we didn't go?
We tried every fork in the road,
and never seemed to find a home.
My dear, what's at the end?

But we're ok. Yeah, certainly
we could have done things differently.
But side by side we took this ride
and so what is to ga...

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lovemarriagefriendshipsoul mates

Strange Friends

I was a stranger, you took me in

but I found you were stranger still.

I guess we’re two peas in a pod

cuz neither of us fits the bill

of all the many ways the world expects

two blokes like us to be.

You took me in, now we’ve become...

the strangest friends you’ll ever see.

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I’m that friend

Yes, I’m that friend that’s mean but true.

Forever trying to look out for you.


I’m that friend that’s firm but fair,

But at the end of each heartbreak, I’m always there.


I’m that friend that will constantly scold you to see,

That you’re not being the best you that you can be.


I’m that friend that calls you a fool;

When you let everyone else use you like a broken...

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friendshipnever giving uphonestytruthreal friend

Left behind

Gone but never forgotten, is what they love to say,

but those waves will still hit, like nuclear shit,

Since the day we parted ways.


Just like that radioactive breath, that rots us to the core,

And eats us away, day by day, until once was becomes no more.


See the peace for you becomes my pain, your dreams became my twisted reality,

For the agony that you leave behind, w...

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loss of lifegriefsuicide held at baythose left behindlovefriendship

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