The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

soulmate (Remove filter)


Traditional local vacations
Blackpool illuminations
Lighting up a town
Making dark nights bright
To lift spirits when feeling down

Dark so dark unable to see
Then you come along on a lighting spree
Sparks from you fly off to me
I now shine like a Christmas tree

Twin flame duo side by side
Glowing outward flames never ending
Together bright souls darkness mending
Shining brightest i...

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lovethe lightsoulmate

My soulmate

where are you 

I have been waiting
looking for you 

are you still coming
or am I bound to see

that you have existed  
but not solely for me  

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Lonely Girl

Some days there is not enough

chocolate or booze 

to chase away the blues 

or stop torrential thoughts of love 

gone too soon. 

What's a lonely girl to do.



The only thing that eases the pain 

is music from silent words 

thought to be penned in vain.


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I know you don't 
want to think of me.

I don't want to 
think of you either.

But the more I resist, 
the more your ghost 

It makes no sense.

Hardly a day goes

by that you don’t  
cross my mind.

Some days 
it infuriates me
that someone who 
pushed me over the cliff 

of obscurity

has a choke hold 
on my soul.

Other days 
I accept
what I cannot 

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affairconnectioneternityExesGhostsloverelationshipssoulmatetwin flames

Meant for Me

When everything is so bleak and dark
I dream of the day we will never have to part
You're my everything and my heart
I knew you were meant  for me from the start

I know your intentions are true
Because you feel the way I do you
Your eyes so honest and so blue
Loving me in all the ways I need you to

As time goes on I find myself mending
Because no longer am I alone fending
Against thi...

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lovereal loveromantic poetrysoulmateTrue loveunconditional love

First Fight

There were tears

Rolling down my face.

I never was a pretty crier,

So I looked away.


Heard your voice

Over my heavy breathing,

Crying harder when you said

You weren't leaving.


I hold tight to everything;

Knuckles white from my grip.

If I let go, even a little,

My whole world could slip.


I've been afraid, though,

To hold onto you.

My heart ga...

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views and all that

it might just be you

i don’t know when

i started thinking of this

can’t put a pin in where it all started 

over a year ago, i’d say

maybe you were a charmer and 

maybe i was easily charmed 


you’ve always had a spot 

with me 

a spot if you ever wanted it

can honestly say i would 

drop everything 

to just try us 

to just try what we could be

not majo...

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charmHeartbreaklovesoulmateviewsYoung Love

Waking Up

I still can't believe

That its came to be

You were my soulmate

It was supposed to be fate

Thought I was at heaven's gate

But wait!

You came disguised

I couldn't see past your deceit and lies

You took me on a ride

Caught me by surprise

Said all the right things

Didn't even need any diamond rings

Put me in a daze

Got me lost in the maze

Til all I could see i...

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Feel like a fugitive in my own life, kind of use to it and enjoy it. Filling the gap where your life and love should be. Do you know how fucking alone I am now? That doesn't matter. My views go to ink, captured in my poems. What will you think when you read it?

I know you exist, somewhere. If you didn't, I'd be totally alone.

Like now.

What if you d...

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lovedarknesshopesoulmatetwin flamekindred spirithis latest flamemoira rankintricia reid





Lift me up to the stars in your embrace,

come to me, bear your soul as I will for you.

Not long now, we’ll be together. I have to watch

my emotions as you come to claim me – when I have

you I’ll do what is expected of me.

Be patient, I have learnt that. I’ve done my best

and will do for you, for us. So come to me now,

be my soulmate a...

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