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Violence (Remove filter)

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Justice is always achieved through violence.

When a nation wants justice they carpet bomb the enemy, and drop nukes on their head.

When a government wants justice, they drag you from your car or home, lock you in a cage, put you before a joke of a court, and lock you in a bigger cage.

When an employer wants justice, they fire you and destroy the lives of you and your children.

Justice ...

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When His Words Become Hands

His words could become sharp as corners

And trap you there

Flailing in his grasp

They could pinch your skin

Until you cried

And cried

Throughout your shifts

They could catch your wrists and stop you

From moving on

From moving

They could lock the doors, no leaving

They could shame you and shrink you

They could come flying in from an open window,

A buzzing phon...

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abusive relationshipbaggagebecoming independentbecoming strongerbreaking freecarry oncontrolcontrollingcontrolling relationshipdangerous relationshipemotional abuseemotional manipulationemotional scarsexexesgrowinghaunted by pasthealingindependentmemoriesmental abusemental health in relationshipsmind controlmoving onobsessivepersonal growthphysicalphysical violenceposessivereflectiontoxitoxic masculinitytoxic relationshipsviolencewanting to be freewords hurt

The Tide Will Come Out Of Your Mouth


Every time the glass of your skull

Crashes into the fist of another memory

To crush you where you stand

Because another memory has broken you

Because another memory has entered you

Like intruders, they force their way inside

They punch their way into your attention

They invade your heart

Until you must look at them

All so that they can violate you again


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acceptingassaultblockblock outbraverycoping mechanismdealingdealing with traumadifficultfeeling is okayforgetfuturegetting bettergrowingLiving after traumamemoriesmental healthmindmind protectsmoving forwardsmoving onpainpainfulpastraperecallreliveself preservationself protectionsupressedsupressed memoriessurvivortoxictraumaunderstandingviolence

A poetic justice

He took his wife
A punching bag
He is at liberty to hug
Or to blow up steam
By her hairs to drag.

As it may sound sad
He opted to project
A doting husband facade.

When she became vocal
About this
To his parents
Who she called
Mom and dad
"We do not expect
Our well brought up
Son with
Something underhand!"

"We are afraid
The complaint is not
Plausible as he has
A cool head...

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Unforgiven Glimpses

Unforgiven glimpses

into a tempestuous past

bruise after bruise

fragments of broken glass

sirens screeching suddenly

shattering the silence of night

is this the way it finishes

does life end for her tonight


Blood soaked fists

a demon in his eyes

this man she thought a friend

his constant stream of lies

her eyes begin to close

as her body becomes numb


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abusedomestic violenceviolence




Young Tommy didn’t get irony, cross,

he set off with the boneheads and boots

to guard statues of old Winston Churchill.

Signalling intent with their Nazi salutes.

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napowrimo2017day14(75)cherihewironynazisedlprotecting statues?violence


heard the screams and i was taken right back

my mind flashed and it played the attack

sounds of rapid fire the holes in the car

the body fell out as the door became ajar

flash again ande im screaming at the cops

crying even harder, in my mind bodies drop 

seeing black i hear him say...

"put down the gun dont take my baby away"


theyre trying to calm you down but the...

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Violet Violence

I loved you like I loved storms. I was fascinated by every strike of lightning and each gust of wind, the sheer power of it, the wind I mistook for passion and the ferocity I believed was simply something to pass with the movement of clouds.
Little did I know the damage caused to my being every second I caught myself standing in its wake.

I loved you far more than you deserved. I loved you a...

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domestic abuseDomestic violenceheartachenarcissistic abusepainpast hurtspousal abuseviolence

Right to write

The world so soaked in gory blood and violence...
Dormant lies the virtues of love and benevolence..
Cacophony of deafening debates and discussions.. 
Have choked and silenced our inner expressions.. 

There is an inner voice which impregnates the apodectic soul to have the right to write what truly is our creation
About tales of our simple lives, crafting joys, trials and tribulations......

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violenceinner voicewritepoetry

Domestic violence

Here we go again with this abuse

you slap me down you say i'm yours to use

you also result to hitting me

taking advantage of my generosity

then you pretend you done nothing at all

When it's time to explain the bruises i'l say "I had a fall"

what do you want me to do ?

Pretend to care about you...

Guess what i don't love you anymore

you're rotten to the core

you dont m...

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He bleeds Autumn.


Your skin like the yellow brick road,

and what is it that creates that rush of blush?

I’d love to shovel out your flesh or drill through your cheeks

to reach those autumn leaves,

that grow behind the golden weeds,

the red leaves that were never green.

No, never new, they never grew,

they stayed and they remained:

Dying, but never dead,

thriving, behind your face of ...

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Listen to me,

I know what you’re thinking,

“Great another poem,

Are we done yet?”

But listen to me.


You have a voice,


Well, use it.

Because unlike you,

Some don't.


But listen to me,

I don't know what you’re going through

And I can't tell your story,

Only you can.

So listen to me.


I want you to look around.

You are in a room with...

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rapestoryrape culturelistennooseviolence

When a child asks about the cruelty in the world.

Switch off the TV’s

Cover their ears

Wrap them in cotton wool

Drink all their tears

Drown them in fairy tales

Sing them sweet songs

Take them to places

The bad don’t belong

Bathe them in sunshine

Shower them with love

Serve them their childhood

Wearing kid gloves.

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I heard 'King Arthur' on the 'mike'

In a place that they called Orgreave

Fronting Miners out on strike

Urging them all to 'Believe'

He told them it was "Coal not Dole"

Said Thatcher was a clown

And every Miner has a role

To take the Tories down


From Notts. and Derby and the Met

Cleveland, Avon and Somerset

After their luncheons

Drew their truncheons


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1984 miners strikecoal mininghorsesorgreavepolicetrade-unionsviolence

*Violence To Ones Own*

Trisha M. Hopkins

Waiting for him, sitting in the car
Under the erie moonlight
Imagening what he'll do 
Seing him in the distance, Seeing him in the night
His mind shouting "I'm going to get you!"

He sees himself going after the man
He sees himself dragging him, dragging, dragging
Tying the man up
Everything is so dim
Under the erie moonlight


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Peace Is Sanity

Peace is the true path of sanity,
Violence is surely born of vanity,
the vain believe that they deserve more,
the sane know that’s a danger for sure,
as only when we share in all that we do,
can anything belong securely to you…

Peace comes from being alert to the needs,
of all in the world be it for clean water or seeds,
we know there’s more than enough food wasted,
that could be shared...

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Rage On The Loose

Aggression seeps from jaundiced bones.
IS kills too many crouching in their homes
Al Queda murdered thousands in Twin Towers
the result of all those deaths is sobbing showers
the rain of tears could form a salty river to clean
out all the evil that shattered so many a dream
and in the end those fighters only ever produce
a waste of life and resources with rage on the loose…

Wake up you d...

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I Never...

I never feel amiss, alone or as a stranger

On days when wandering amongst the trees,

When standing on the hilltop overlooking land of bountiful existence

Or looking at the life’s reflections in blue waters of the sea.


I never know rage, hate or urge of violence

At twilight times when rolling in the silky grass,

When sitting on the tree log by the brook watching appearance of...

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Very Nasty Builder

happened to me on jan 31 on way to poem night. what an evil nasty man. hope karma tears him a new arse hole.
Very Nasty Builder

Very Nasty Builder
Drunk builder is out for trouble.                                                                                                

Like a soldier with a grudge and a loaded rifle.                                                          ...

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drunken buildermanchester bustool bagviolencebad eventoldham

Tender Hearts!

Tender Hearts




     I prove myself favoured in comedy,

Not even consciously,

Aside from my own wit

There is a clown of a protégé,

Someone for those to howl at,

Someone to grin at

As they pass my ill gait

Walking streets no longer caring,

     And I will never forgive

This curse,

Never forgive the worst

‘They’ made of me!


     My guess is, ...

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ViolenceNeglectChild AbuseDepressionSuicide.

Chaotic Night Life

Life in the city starts at ten

With tanked up teenagers acting like men

Ladettes in skimpy skirts are all dolled up

Falling around in the road, having had too much to sup


The clubs are bustling, dance music rings out

The bouncers evict a fella acting like a lout

In the bars the booze flows like an industrial machine

And shouting and raucous laughter becomes par...

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Drinkingdrunken disorderviolencecrime

Too Dead for Dreaming

I look at you

You don’t look back

You can’t hear what I’m saying

Blinkered, you start to backtrack

Into your world of playthings


I wish you’d join me

You never know what you might see.

A thousand fountains – a million forms of ecstasy

A trillion ways to make your brain cells dance

But you won’t even try, your pupils are too blind


I’ll speak to


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Bob Dylandreamskitchenblinkersfountainblindzombieviolenceapathymischieflabyrinthmazegalazygaledreaming

Hostile Street

keen to make use of all the wonderful features on this site. so am attempting to load an audio recording i did a few years ago as part of a performance piece of poems put to music. if it works ok i may post a few more further down the line. influenced by john cooper clark, roger mcgough and patrik fitzgerald - maybe leans a little too much towards the music to be a 'real' poem (?)




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violenceurban lifethreat





C’mon lads – equal opportunities, join up for your country,

we need you to do your service. Meat grinder of death needs oiling

with your body fat and intestines.

You’ll get a medal for your success, tell your grandchildren

of your valour and heroism.

I want your blood to flow down the street,

turn it red, slippery like myself.


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warviolencedeathfunkillsatandevilweaponsequal opportunities

THINK poem

Do you want to renounce violence against other people on a personal scale and on an international level, where countries are bombed and shelled? This isn’t good, people are injured and die. Think what happens if I hit someone and kill him with one punch, this does happen. If a mortar falls and kills a dozen people in a busy market place.
What does it solve? Each person has a relative ...

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