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5:27 am

It is time to get up.


Shower – I use the woman’s fancy shampoo.

Toothpaste, lotion, brush; done – in the black hygiene bag.

The woman enters the bedroom to check on me, “You have everything?”

“Yes,” I say, “I think so; if I leave anything, you could send it to me?”

“Yes, of course.”

“Okay,” I say.  She walks to the kitchen and sits down softly with ...

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motherdaughtermissingadventurefamilylovelosscoming of ageletting go


Chanel  she is water her name says

She looks like her mother the same face 

Element Water 

Identical daughter 


She shines she is fierce with grace 


Sweetest of barbies 

She studies then party's 

Chanel rocks the logo 

Shes scented like coco

The water that leads to the sun 


Intuitive lady 

First female baby 

Intellect crazy 

Blessings chanel twe...

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Today my friend buries her mother

Today my friend buries her mother in a coffin she has painted by hand. Today my friend's father tells her that she has taken on too much responsibility in the matter. She tells me he made her feel like she did not have a choice. Today I will get my hair cut. Today by mid day my friend will have buried her mother. My friend is only twenty four. Her daughter is two. I ask my friend how she has been ...

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Graceful white shoulder to lean on is she
Blossoming beauty from seedling to tree
Structured so compact
So light on her feet
Ahead of her time
Soft voice oh so sweet
Four letter name quite rare in the city
Nola a diamond outstanding and pretty
A change in emotions or mood she detects
She will question your motives to make you reflect
Meet her you'll say she's like no one you've ...

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Nolaenergetic childdaughterchild

Thank You Dad

Thank you Dad.

Thank you for your deep deep love.

For always making me feel so special and loved.

For teaching me to pass on that love to my own children.

I could not have felt more loved.


Thank you Dad.

Thank you for sharing with me your love of music and poetry.

For reading to me at bedtime and encouraging my love of books.

For instilling in me the love of words and ...

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daddaughterlovefuneralrememberfatherthank you

A Daughter's 18th Birthday Poem

Seasons come and seasons go

Through autumn’s leaves and winter’s snow

Sweet as summer berries you

A fresh spring breeze you carry through.


Though time flies fast, the passing years

Have bought us laughter, joy and tears

And now at last our daughter dear

Has reached her special 18th year.


So with all the love we feel inside

And all a mother and father’s pride


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Oh Sweet Bird Of Youth

Don't fall from your perch
Oh sweet bird of youth
For life doesn't always 
Tell you the truth 


There's many who lie
Deep in their lies 
And hover around
Like unwanted flies


But, pay no heed
Oh sweet bird of youth
Ignore those who taunt
Or call you uncouth 


For you are the blossom 
The sweet morning dew
Unique to yourself 
The most beautiful you!


You're t...

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If you were to leave your body with this breath, you’d float across the lake like dandelion seeds on the wind; the cool denseness of the surface buoying you, the deep gravity of the water anchoring you.

If you were to leave your body with this breath, the stars would twinkle just as if you hadn’t, but the moon, the moon would heave earth and ocean just to draw you heavenward.

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You're the first thing I ever knew 
The first sounds I ever heard 
The first movement
First heartbeat
First meal
First love 

Your womb was my home and in it I built my existence 
In you I grew and gew
And through you I met myself 

I am to you
As the light is the dark 
The seed is the flower
The rain is the ocean 

Your cells are mine 
And through you I exist 


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The unkindness of Covid

Your polo shirt is slightly askew.

Eyeliner you try and hide.

My daughter baby’s prime;

we have fought for this.


You now sit in classrooms,

open windows, warmth drained.

Queue, face mask clad, in corridors

dreaming of seeing faces 


The boy you pass notes to

you are no longer free to kiss

or find the ecstasy in another.

Your childhood is on hold.



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Forgive me, for not 
being the mother 
you needed me to be.

For being too busy,
too naive to see 
what was happening 
in front of me.

For being silent
when your father 
screamed and demeaned.

For when I thought it
was sweet that your 
boyfriend carried you
to your room when you 
"fell asleep".

For not enough hugs
and too many lectures.

For not seeing the signs
of addict...

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addictionconnectiondaughterfaithforgivenessfamilyhealinghellhero's journeyloverecoveryrelationships

The day I met you

The day I met you

My soul awoke;

a sound of crying so joyous I could cry myself
The thought of opening my eyes

without the sound this little life I created would be just as scary as it was

when she had opened hers in the first

moments of life 
She lit up my night sky
She came to me with golden hair
The color people would dye to have
For her, I'd die a million times to have al...

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birthchild babyDaughtermotherhood


I see the opening of your mind's eye, 

glittering like a starry sky. 

Asking yourself, how high? 

The iron will that says, I try. 

Go my darling, you'll fly. 

Full of joy, I cry. 

The apple of your father's  eye.

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Walking with my girl

The wind blew us away,
but we stayed sure footed.
Evening drew in 
as dark clouds swam 
in post storm
a God dwelling sky. 
We built shelter 
for your game,
The way you faced
the wind 
made me so proud. 
We the warrior queens, 
wanting nothing but this. 

By Emma-Jane Stradling

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My Inspiration: My Daughter

Never thought I'd be a single mom

It hit me like a bomb

Never thought I'd be all alone

Watching my very own clone

Some days are harder than most

Some days I have to fight not to choke

The stress

The weight

On my shoulders

But I have to say it all goes away when I hold her

When she looks at me

So happily

Its like I have a little piece of heaven

And those probl...

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Midnight Manoeuvres

Midnight Manoeuvres
It's the middle on the night
And as I gently sleep
A person is moving
They silently creep
With feather light footsteps
In through the door
The carpet muffling 
Footsteps on the floor
They reach a standstill
By the side of the bed
A shadowy figure 
That moment of dread
Open one eye slowly
To take a quick peek
Who c...

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What is an alcoholic?

What is an alcoholic?

When I was 2 you were all I knew

I had no idea what the bubbly juice was

But I knew it was good and it came from you

At 3 I can only remember seeing you hyper

Never understood your words were you speaking proper?

I don’t know what happened but mommy had to go

Now im just left here no soul 3 years old.

Grandma and Grandpa are extremely nice

Spent 10 ...

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lovelostmotherdaughternever lovedwhat is an alcoholic

Back Then

Trisha M. Hopkins
Dedicated to my mother Christine Barrek
I love you mom 

I remember Back then 
When i was a kid
The memories i hold
On everything i did
And the stories my mommy told 

Tucking me into bed
Saying sweet dreams love you and don't let the bed bugs bite
Then before leaving the room 
She'd kiss me on my forehead
And i'd reply with "love you and...

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motherdaughterback thenmemorieslovedother

*Violence To Ones Own*

Trisha M. Hopkins

Waiting for him, sitting in the car
Under the erie moonlight
Imagening what he'll do 
Seing him in the distance, Seeing him in the night
His mind shouting "I'm going to get you!"

He sees himself going after the man
He sees himself dragging him, dragging, dragging
Tying the man up
Everything is so dim
Under the erie moonlight


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Your Meaningless Love

If I asked you if you loved me
would you mean every word you spoke.
If I asked you if you thought of me
- your distant child-
would I find that special moment
when you thought of me so dearly.

But if you ask me if I loved you
there wouldn't be any words
that could express my feelings
I have towards you, just silence in reply.
And if you asked me if I thought of you,
you would see tear...

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lovemeanignlessdaughtermothersaddistant child

Ode To Eva

You are sunkissed hair

All seaside skin

The tomboy princess

Scraped knees, bruised shins.


A tree climbing angel

My hide and seek belle

All beauty and promise

Like an old wishing well.


Such a natural leader

As you're learning and growing

You shine like a beacon

So head strong and knowing.


Bringing joy in abundance

As I watch you develop


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The bayonet. I've had it a decade. There's provenance here... not written I'm afraid. My mate Richard, who I went to school with in 82-87, had a lovely sister. Lorraine. from a different dad. He was a soldier in the British army. He's dead now. He collected weapons, guns and knives. His wife asked Richard what to do with them. Some were real guns. I said tell any cops the guns are fake...

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lorrine battledaughtersoldierbayonethistory

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