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Grey Day
Well he's definitely very angry today
He's gone and taken the world's colour away
Left me with only white, black and grey
Nothing, nada, no red, blue, yellow or green
No trace of them, gone! nowhere to be seen.
Vibrant pink, warm orange and vermillion
There nothing left now in this colourless prison
So how to describe the earth's serene face
The tree's and the flowers and wide open space
Friday 10th May 2024 12:14 am
Ignorant to society
Our ignorance makes colour just an illusion
We latch onto black and white for vision
Purifying our naivety, protecting our fears
Whether it be blood, sweat, or tears; no trace can be found
Recognition is the key to unearth beyond our judgemental lines.
We deny ourselves the truth, yet believe in immortality.
Observing a bag soar through the wind
Can you feel its freedom?
...Sunday 13th September 2020 10:39 pm
The Truth Of Colour
The Truth Of Colour
The colour of humanity
Is not white skin
Or black skin
Not brown skin
Or yellow skin
It is the red blood
Of a beating heart
A blue shield
Is not the colour of humanity
When it takes a life
And all the greys
of muddled opinions
cannot change the truth
that a man could not breathe
because his skin colour
Saturday 6th June 2020 3:53 pm
Remember Me
Darkest days
Be my brightest night
When I felt that sun glow touch
Emanate from your soft smile
Coldest wind be the
Torture of my skin
While your love seals me in
The violet of the dawning sky
The scarlet of the new sunrise
Is all I feel when you’re nearby…
Wait no…
This is but a memory…
Grab my heart and never let go
Do you remember that ...
Monday 17th February 2020 9:06 am
Party Time
A fiery clown has come down
Over forests, lanes and towns.
No trumpets blown, no drums rolled,
Out of the morning mists he strolled.
Yello! Yello! It's party-time!,
He smiled. His reds and golds he sprayed around.
And God's whole house was swathed with hues untold.
All about the orange glowed, crimson leaves displayed.
The ceiling now was light with blue.
...Sunday 20th October 2019 7:15 pm
Drive-Through Movie
They grow a lot of sunflowers around here and they have just started coming into flower. For the next three weeks or so we'll have the blessing of this drive-through movie.
Drive-Through Movie
The sunflowers are out, tilted up
To fluffy clouds, busy about
The royal blue sky.
The golden crowds applaud their busyness.
Golden hoards in green seas floating
Below the roya...
Monday 8th July 2019 8:03 pm
Colour - Red
You are the blood of life
but your wasteful spilling
also signals its dying away.
The danger you show
is like a bull's enraging rag
In shame and unease,
facially giving away
from ear to ear.
In courage, passion and confidence
you fly the hoisted flag.
Cupid's waving his two fingers
to show he can still let loose that arrow
while the devil pla...
Friday 7th June 2019 7:48 am
Colour - Blue
I share your sadness
in my time of need,
but bask in your heat
in the azured heaven
of canicular days.
The cold is also tied to you
and I am frozen in your hue.
Mental calm and serenity flow
from your presence,
and we can feel reassured
in the body of your essence.
Wednesday 29th May 2019 7:01 am
Colour - Black
Although you are
in essence an absence
you are always deliberate,
mysterious and silent,
a shadow following,
a shade from the sun,
impression gives colour
but you remain intact
with none.
Tuesday 23rd April 2019 10:50 am
My head is full of numbers,
my heart is full of dread
if I go from black to blue
all the rhymes
will come out new.
Red bleeds to yellow
and all the numbers are blue
the three comes in threes and
makes the nine incomplete and
the moon tells the secrets
I'm not meant to keep
it's a message of the future
and the past complete.
A half yellow star sharp
pierces my art.
The ...
Thursday 21st September 2017 5:39 pm
Lost in the summer haze
still filtering out those greys,
still absent in waste,
vacant in change
rearranging my stain
an inherent pain
the colour
My bones leak into my soul,
the mud absorbs everything
but the flow
and the black fog
still follows me home.
The desert can be bleak
especially when the colour
constantly leaks
and the sa...
Monday 19th June 2017 3:00 pm
He bleeds Autumn.
Your skin like the yellow brick road,
and what is it that creates that rush of blush?
I’d love to shovel out your flesh or drill through your cheeks
to reach those autumn leaves,
that grow behind the golden weeds,
the red leaves that were never green.
No, never new, they never grew,
they stayed and they remained:
Dying, but never dead,
thriving, behind your face of ...
Friday 31st March 2017 3:47 pm
A Man I Know
This poem, from many years ago, is a fantasy about the liminal stage of a rite of passage. Looking back, I can see Celtic sensibility here that I was previously unaware of.
A Man I Know
A man I know stood beside me.
Looking up at paradise birds
in flight,
he reflected their colours
with steel eyes in blinding
scintillations. Carefully,
he began to speak:
Friday 10th February 2017 12:25 pm
One for performing mainly, but I think it stands up alone. Part of a series.
It’s Pokémon, pimples and boils.
Being a teenager—including the sores.
It’s Spiderman, Daredevil, Rudolph and GORE
the colour of darkness when your head hits the floor.
It’s nostalgia:
ell-ee-dees and infra-red receptors on TVs.
It’s blame and physics watching stars burn
it’s the colour o...
Tuesday 1st June 2010 2:15 pm
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