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mischief (Remove filter)

My boys

Who knew such joy before they were born

Who knew the joy they'd bring

As an only child no knowledge of this sibling thing

But life with my two boys became my greatest experience 

Brought me endless days of pure joy

They're so close, so different, so very much alike, the very best of friends

My best times ever are when we're all together 

Just sitting, eating and chatting, natu...

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boysgrowing uphappinesssonsjoyfunmischieftogether

My Aunt from Wales

Oh my Mair what a day

As you lie peacefully 

We gather to pray

No dry eyes here but that's OK

We're here to celebrate a great lady of old school grace

With tales down the ages from son to grandson

Tears built with happiness and heartfelt joy

From the person who's known you since just a small boy

Often thought of as I raced my own race

Snapshots of memories of childhood a...

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Here's to all Performing Ranters

The whoopers', and the waving panters

Stuff academics licking asses

Scowling through rose-tinted glasses


Before I get my recompense

What is a 'Poet in Residence'?

A girl who writes

Lives in a tent

Is she a  'Poet With Intent'?


Let's have a workshop.

Make a bid

Then charge the punters all five quid

Liquid lunch and ...

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diversityironymischiefPoets & Performance PoetrySatire

Too Dead for Dreaming

I look at you

You don’t look back

You can’t hear what I’m saying

Blinkered, you start to backtrack

Into your world of playthings


I wish you’d join me

You never know what you might see.

A thousand fountains – a million forms of ecstasy

A trillion ways to make your brain cells dance

But you won’t even try, your pupils are too blind


I’ll speak to


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Bob Dylandreamskitchenblinkersfountainblindzombieviolenceapathymischieflabyrinthmazegalazygaledreaming

Mess Time


I aim to live long and then look back to  enjoy 
the memories of when I was a very old boy,
a very old boy long into second childhood,
when once again, I will be much misunderstood.

For such is a time when we may get to play
at any old game that we want to that day
and get in a mess that won't bother us at all
like those times long before, when we were ...

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Here in the UK it won't be long before we have to elect a new government - so here is a 'tongue in cheek' poem regarding that....



Hellections are coming,
it won't be very long,
before our politicians try
to persuade us with their songs.

A time of tension for them
an irritant for so many,
with all those party broadcasts,
we might wish that there ...

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