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Orgreave (Truth & Justice) [song version]

Orgreave (Truth & Justice)


Standing on a picket line in 1984

Orgreave on a summer’s day, we all knew the score

I am just an honest man, I never broke the law

Until the law tried to break me and now I’m not so sure


Orgreave Truth and Justice

Will never go away

The coppers broke the law

So the coppers have to pay

In a court of British law

It’s time we had our ...

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orgreavetruth & justice campaignminersminers strike1984thatchersocialist history



I heard 'King Arthur' on the 'mike'

In a place that they called Orgreave

Fronting Miners out on strike

Urging them all to 'Believe'

He told them it was "Coal not Dole"

Said Thatcher was a clown

And every Miner has a role

To take the Tories down


From Notts. and Derby and the Met

Cleveland, Avon and Somerset

After their luncheons

Drew their truncheons


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1984 miners strikecoal mininghorsesorgreavepolicetrade-unionsviolence

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