Hello my friend, welcome aboard
The ship they call 'Alzheimer's'
There's forty thousand under sixty-five
'Young onset' to 'Old timers'
It doesn't matter what you call it
The umbrella term's 'Dementia'
On the ship they call 'Alzheimer's'
Every day's a new adventure
Forget your hip replacement
And your osteoarthritis
They we...
Sunday 23rd September 2018 6:59 pm
You're a nice sensation when you are on my lips
I love to touch you with my fingertips
I like the feeling when you are going down
You say nothing, and you never frown
You're tall, slim and as cool as ice
When you touch my cheek it's very nice
Oh love is blind, yet I can see
You're my favourite G and T
Oh my, my, my, my G and T
How I love you ...
Thursday 4th January 2018 5:50 pm
My thoughts on paper hour after hour
When I lie in bed or in the shower
I do it all so you can glower
I'm the insignificant Poet
I stand up here and on my own
Hearing every sigh and groan
Whilst you sit and play on your mobile phone
I'm the insignificant Poet
I write it daily, profound and deep
Words to make you laugh or weep
Inspired whilst you were fast as...
Friday 7th April 2017 10:49 pm
Oh President Barack Obama
'Dodgy Dave' might think you're a charmer
There to be seen
At the 'gig' for the Queen
So have some of this Instant Karma
Put UK at the back of the queue?
Is that what you really would do?
When it comes down to Brexit
If we stay or we exit
(c) Daniel Dwryran
Sunday 24th April 2016 11:57 am
The advice comes from everywhere
The 'Spin Doctors' getting bolder
With lots of little anecdotes
To stop us getting older
So read it, take it all on board
You don't want any grief
Two minutes a day is all it takes
For you to floss your teeth
Two minutes hopping on each leg
"It's so good for the hip"
Where the hell does that come from?
It makes me wan...
Thursday 14th April 2016 1:51 pm
From Facebook came a Croc of Shit
To read and click and share
No longer I'll put up with it
Accused that I 'don't care'
"Share this if you have a heart"
"If you 'like' please type 'Amen'"
It stinks more than a day old fart
To read this shit again.. again.. again
I don't care if you send a curse
Wrath of God and all his might
One Direction would be worse
Thursday 19th November 2015 7:43 pm
Scheming, thieving, scumbag bum
Smack head, crack head, someone’s son
A knife, a life, a dealer’s gun
Only mugs do drugs and call it fun
There’s ‘H’, 'Meow' and rocks of 'Crack'
There’s ‘E’s and ‘Speed’ and ‘Blow’
There’s ‘Browns’ and ‘Blues’, a bag of ‘Smack’
So cool and good to go
Come get your fix, it’s such a must
Steal the money from your Mum
Your Dad’s...
Monday 9th November 2015 9:23 pm
Decaying corpses, unique stench
With cordite blowing, past our trench
I no longer hear the warning rattle
But smell and taste impending battle
In the distance sounds a Lewis Gun
Maybe aimed at some unlucky Hun
So far in front of our barbed wire
Amongst the brown serrated mire
The Corporal said this place was ‘Wipers’
Mud and blood and German Snipers
The Sergeant Major called it Ypres
Sunday 1st November 2015 10:59 pm
I heard 'King Arthur' on the 'mike'
In a place that they called Orgreave
Fronting Miners out on strike
Urging them all to 'Believe'
He told them it was "Coal not Dole"
Said Thatcher was a clown
And every Miner has a role
To take the Tories down
From Notts. and Derby and the Met
Cleveland, Avon and Somerset
After their luncheons
Drew their truncheons
Friday 12th June 2015 1:38 pm
There's mist on the Menai
There's geese in the sky
There's snow on the Mountains
As the mist rolls on by
It runs from the Swellies
To the Irish Sea
The mist on the Menai
Majestic and free
From the banks of the Briant
To Caernarfon's great ramparts
To the edge of the Llyn
Hear the Waders and Redstarts
There's mist on the Menai
Not a cloud in the sky
Monday 8th June 2015 3:57 pm
Life is just a four letter word
Sometimes it can be so absurd
Like the broken window that just occurred
By the stone that’s thrown by the teenage nerd
Through bloodshot eyes with a vision blurred
Afraid to speak because his voice is slurred
And if he did it wouldn’t be heard
Through the itchy teeth and the tongue that’s furred
Through too much bread and lemon c...
Tuesday 2nd June 2015 8:44 pm
(This poem is dedicated to the select members of the S.A.S. .... Surfers Against Sewage)!
I’m just swimming in Portreath
Just going through the 'motions'
A large environmental car thief
Made of a thousand witches potions
I’ve streaming eyes and raspy throat
A throbbing head and aching ear
The only safe place is a boat
I’d never write “Wish you were here!”
Tuesday 11th November 2014 1:00 pm
My eyesight’s going
My nasal hair is growing
And my hair now looks so grey
My knees are creaking
My elbow joints are squeaking
And my voice won’t work today
As I sit down on the tiles
It’s not good for my piles
And I start to really feel my age today
My back it sometimes aches
My favourite meal is now Corn Flakes
No one cares about what I might have ...
Saturday 11th October 2014 2:04 pm
FIREFLY (Revised)
Majestic flames
Yellow to ochre
Leaping sparks
Out of Hades
Aimless spark, Oh
Delightful ember
Of Lilliputian beauty
Fragrance akin to
Burned incense
On hot charcoal
Lying low, in state
On the Tuareg
Carpet of dreams
Kaleidoscopic flames enhance
Subtle shades
(C) Daniel Dwyran
Wednesday 8th October 2014 9:42 pm
Liquer in the front
Poker in the rear
You can go down to the pub
If you only want a beer
.........I'll get my coat! ;)
Friday 3rd October 2014 12:19 am
The dirty dark blue overcoat
Had long since seen a better day
A hard life, over sixty years
Has him set in his own way
Guardian of suburban parkland
Where all the Children play
The eyesight of a shithouse rat
From the days when he wore khaki
Remembers Dunkirk and it’s beach
Queuing up still makes him narky
The Kids know not to mess with him
Because He’s the Lo...
Monday 22nd September 2014 8:27 pm
A native American, Hawkeye the Noo
Emigrated to Scotland in '72
He loved deep fried Mars bars and the odd Irn Bru
But now he knows not what to do
The mountains and plains were a wonderful yardstick
As his ancestors populated desert to Arctic
But Hawkeye he settled for a wigwam in Partick
But now he knows not what to do
He's always been proud to call Scotland his h...
Friday 12th September 2014 9:08 pm
I’ll gather the Cockles from Red Wharf Bay
Best soaked overnight in salt water they say
Then boil them in water that is fresh from the tap
Then simmer, five minutes, they open no crap
A bowl with some milk and the Cockles go in
Then stir with your hand like they’re having a swim
Remove and then place them in self-raising flour
Once coated, then sieve. This starter’s ...
Wednesday 10th September 2014 8:37 pm
Oh how I miss the Northern Charm
Builders' Tea and Bacon barm
Pie ’n’ peas and Cheshire cheese
Drivers that stay calm
People speak without a plum
Ecky thump and ee by gum
Tripe and Onions, Granny’s bunions
Boddies Bitter bites yer bum
Cheshire cats the grinning mousers
Tacchini wearing scally Scousers
West Pennine shower, Blackpool Tower
Our backyard and ...
Wednesday 3rd September 2014 9:42 pm
Suncream, Sandwiches, Sea and Sand
Warm sheltered rock-pools on the beach
This British green and pleasant land
Where Donkeys' poo and Seagulls' screech
Grandad’s hanky on his head
His rosy cheeks a shade of peach
His Daily Mirror long since read
Where Donkeys' poo and Seagulls' screech
Grandma’s at Bingo every night
Her handbag with her like a leech
Her rol...
Thursday 21st August 2014 8:52 pm
"Unload!.... safety catch, pouch, magazine off..
(From the range we smell the scoff)
"Clear, ease springs"
The Sergeant sings
Time to queue up at the trough
There's nothing quite like the old 'Range Stew'
Two rounds of bread with a nice hot brew
From the mess tin
I'm not jestin'
Made by chefs who have no clue
Soft boot shuffle with your mate
No place here...
Thursday 7th August 2014 9:58 pm
There was a fight down at the beach today
Much to my horror and surprise
A large crowd stood there watching it
I could not believe my eyes
I saw a man who had a stick
Proceed to beat his wife
Blow on blow and on her head
To an inch within her life
The frenzied crowd just screamed for more
With a loud and raucous din
I got there as the Police turned up
Friday 1st August 2014 9:19 pm
Oh wondrous River Avon
Gurgling gently and so free
Dissecting Bradford-upon-Avon
On through Wiltshire to the sea
See the lanterns, hear the children
Watch their parents smile with glee
Once the festival has started
Please do not look for me
I'll be in the —anal Tavern
Hoping they've replaced the 'C'!
There is less than a week to go if you want to enter.
Wednesday 23rd July 2014 2:55 pm
His Mother makes them both a snack
Jamal, he sits out in the back
Upon an empty old rice sack
Flip-flops and bottle tops
In Gaza, fun for girls and boys
Are simple things that make no noise
For Jamal they're his favourite toys
Flip-flops and bottle tops
He plays outside in rubble dust
His Mother smiles and is not fussed
It's safer there but only just
...Friday 18th July 2014 5:18 pm
Here's to all Performing Ranters
The whoopers', and the waving panters
Stuff academics licking asses
Scowling through rose-tinted glasses
Before I get my recompense
What is a 'Poet in Residence'?
A girl who writes
Lives in a tent
Is she a 'Poet With Intent'?
Let's have a workshop.
Make a bid
Then charge the punters all five quid
Liquid lunch and ...
Tuesday 15th July 2014 11:55 am
Five years and nine months
Can you tell what it is yet?
It's not long enough
So whilst on 'A' Wing
Bend down to pick up your soap
Whilst in the shower
No 'Two Little Boys'
Just 'Jake the Peg's middle leg
Summary justice
A didgery-doo
Try your Kangaroo court sport
It's coming to you
Then why no remorse?
Banged up at portrait's pleasure
Tuesday 8th July 2014 6:21 pm
The cheesecloth dress, Doc Marten boots
Tie-dye shirt and beads
Slightly dippy, Habitat Hippy
Bags of sunflower seeds
Roedean Ladies, cultured accent
No stranger to the Hilton
Full-time work, likes to smirk
In the summer goes to Pilton
Not for her the great unwashed
She finds them “Oh so creepy!”
Vegetable matter, and a warm ciabatta
Plus a duvet in her T...
Friday 27th June 2014 2:49 pm
The Sun rose up and from the East
Warmth spread out on the hill
It melted frost, warmed birds and beasts
In Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
Fluffy clouds they ruled the sky
The air had a slight chill
So nice and fresh, left steamy breath
In Llanfairpwllgwyngyll
Hanging baskets on the walls
Cobwebs on the 'cill
The Platform’s shorter than the sign
In Llanfairpwl...
Sunday 22nd June 2014 11:51 am
It's the World Cup in Brazil in two thousand and one four
I’ve fed and bathed the kids and they’re in bed
He's late back from the pub, just like a hundred times before
England play today and something that I dread
I know that England, if they win, they'll all be celebrating
He'll bring back cans of beer and fish and chips
I've prepared myself for later and a 'bout' of drunk...
Thursday 12th June 2014 9:02 pm
I flash back to the Seventies
Tank tops, flairs and glad rags
Boys tanked up on Strongbow
Girls danced ‘round their handbags
The Unions’ ran our Country
Power cuts blacked out our Street
Smelly Bogs and Diamond Dogs
Ballroom Blitz and Tiger Feet
Jackson 5 and Motown
Trojan, Stax and Northern Soul
Football terraces ran with blood
The workforce on the dole
I ...
Thursday 5th June 2014 8:35 pm
I stared up at the silver Moon
A weekend at the end of June
Solstice gone, now here so soon
I've got Glasto in my garden
Had no chance to get a ticket
Put my tent up, near the thicket
Nice fresh air, you just can’t lick it
I've got Glasto in my garden
I’ve got some “grass”... with clover in it
I’ve got some “pot”... with a plant stuck in it
I’ve even got “shit”...
Tuesday 3rd June 2014 8:41 pm
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