The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

Neglect (Remove filter)

Poem for my big sister

A poem for my big sister about our grandparents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once upon a time there were two sisters

One dark

One fair...


And me

And we shared



A bed

A room

A home

A family

An abuse

A neglect

A secret

A history

And yet here we are

So very different.

We shared so much

And yet so very little

You were

A coconut ...

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abusechildhoodjealousyneglectself harmSisters


She stares at the ocean.

The waves crashing and falling.


Crumbling, Like an avalanche.

Everything falling apart.


For you can’t ride the boat.

You are imobile.

People do everything for you.

A King they would murmur. 

Chasing you, begging for your attention.

Although you fear publicity.


But when that crocodile ran you up that tree

did you dare to b...

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Saint Christopher Bell

"... any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee...

— John Donne, Meditation XVII.


Saint Christopher Bell


We seem to be collectors

of memories and junk,

piles of the stuff;

both kinds lean against damp walls

in self-support, waiting

for purpose,

finding little but ...

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memoriesjunkself-supportneglectambitionsdefianceexpectationsBeatitudethe travellerlingers

Dark Tower

Dark Tower


Like something from a gothic horror

This is not the way it’s meant to be

Pain and hurt crumbling from unsafe structures

And falling on the governments neglect

Because they’re poor

Because they’re vulnerable

Because they’re ‘not like us’


Souls lost to the flames

That crawled over short cuts

Or worse – over incompetence

Licked around the money ma...

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Grenfell TowerneglecttragedyfailingsRIP

A soldier stands among the crowds, No longer strong, no longer proud,
He risked his life for the country he loved, For those he cherished for all of us.   He went to war, and he fought hard, His body bruised his memory scarred,
Now his rights have gone away, He lives alone, uncared for, abused every day.   He was lucky in some respects, He made it home, he survives yet...

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Little Jimmy

  Little Jimmy wasn't at school today, instead he remained at home, All his friends have gone away and he's left all on his own, Why did the world turn its back on him, what did he do so wrong, He closes his eyes and dreams a while of a place he can belong.   Now people say that home is where the heart is, but not in Jimmy's case, Another punch or kick waits for him, that he w...

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Tender Hearts!

Tender Hearts




     I prove myself favoured in comedy,

Not even consciously,

Aside from my own wit

There is a clown of a protégé,

Someone for those to howl at,

Someone to grin at

As they pass my ill gait

Walking streets no longer caring,

     And I will never forgive

This curse,

Never forgive the worst

‘They’ made of me!


     My guess is, ...

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ViolenceNeglectChild AbuseDepressionSuicide.


beggared on this taunted key

eyes, long emptied stark hollows of jaundice,

no longer reflect the encirclement of youthful steel


and, thus cowered beneath such plumb altiloquence,

she finds herself now wimpled in a creeping green

where her walls bleed a jealous neglect


fish flaked the façade of dandruff drips

her autumnal fall into sorry stupor where


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