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blinkers (Remove filter)


espy their blind spot, the

prey animals on the alert,

that spook all too readily,

so terrified of getting hurt


so, trainers use blinkers

calming down our minds,

like keeping the sun out

with full venetian blinds


blinkers are anaesthetic,

de-senistised our brains,

the big picture pales, we

race for short-term gains


blinkers make it easier,


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hayblinkersprey animalsspookedracestableshandicapped

The Visionary

In the days of yore and

Specsavers you went to

Opticians with myopia but

No more silly squinting or annoying

Puffs of air, now

You put your wife and

Kid in the car for a sixty-mile

Road test so

Dispensing with my glasses and

Wearing a blindfold I set off I

Knocked down two old ladies killed a

German shepherd and pranged a brand-new

Porsche Cayenne but it did the...

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visionaryopticiansblindfoldglassestunnel visionblinkers

Too Dead for Dreaming

I look at you

You don’t look back

You can’t hear what I’m saying

Blinkered, you start to backtrack

Into your world of playthings


I wish you’d join me

You never know what you might see.

A thousand fountains – a million forms of ecstasy

A trillion ways to make your brain cells dance

But you won’t even try, your pupils are too blind


I’ll speak to


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Bob Dylandreamskitchenblinkersfountainblindzombieviolenceapathymischieflabyrinthmazegalazygaledreaming

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