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terrorism (Remove filter)

Gun like a flower

You don’t know me.
The time is gone
for you and for me,
but with this gun in your hand
you see the future
of your illness mind.
Call me by my name
and kill me after that.
Maybe in your eyes
I can write my happiness
and give you for the rest of your life
a peaceful victory.
We could die together
but who keeps alive
our memories
in this world,
the only world
that can exist?
My mist...

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Common Ground

Common Ground

All religions can be used or misused,
misconstrued or abused.
All religions may have their mystics,
moral believers, payers of lip service
and fundamentalist terrorists.

Interpretations are as varied as humanity.
Dogma is not exclusive to religion.
Even skeptics, atheists and scientists
are not immune. It’s a human frailty,
a vulnerabilit...

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Thy arm; in twisted triggers tied,
To desolate the air,
Where glass in splinters, diamond eyed,
Rolls bloodied, stair by stair.
Young joy despised, as envy claws
Lest freedom take to flight,
But from the horror of its jaws
Will innocence unite.

Copyright © Simon Austin 2017

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Disciples of satan

As migrant workers in dire need of buttering their bread
To Libya, the hardest way, some Ethiopians opted to head
They spent a portion of their life in a sweatshop
Clinging afloat a better-tomorrow hope.
Tragically, they were intercepted by ISIS members with
A brain, inured, petrified and dead
After blood-thirsty, heinous, ill-motivated and bad shaped.
ISIS demons, who lavish atavism, ironi...

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The Toys Of War

From the land of the wall wishing brave, 

where braves are no longer welcome,

or this, our island of explorers 

who now wish these sea shores were 

fringed with endless rows of closed doors,

have migrated many mantras of woe

fired forth from the business of diplomatic show.


And so, below the same stars 

beneath which some mothers starve 

- but not ours -

some wil...

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warEuropeNuclearpeaceArms Tradeweaponterrorterrorism

This Flower

This Flower


We were alive

And how we blazed

With youthful potential

You will never forget our scent

The way the sunlight caught us growing

The way we settled together

With your messages of hope and strength

Writ large and defiant with remembrance

The way the dew fell from us

Like teardrops on a northern street

Each of us unique

Drawn together

Into a sing...

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manchester bombfloral trubutesterrorismloss of life

I Looked At Evil

Sometimes, there are no words.  Yet all I have is words.


I Looked At Evil


I looked at Evil: it wore a suicide vest

My cause is just, it claimed

your murdered children my price

Kill me, and a thousand martyrs fall in behind

You cannot kill me, it smiled 

for I am dead by a tug of this cord


You cannot kill me, Evil declared

You cannot buy me off

You canno...

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EvilManchester Arena BombingTerrorism

Forsaking Auld Lang Syne

Forsaking Auld Lang Syne


The city centre puddles

reflect fireworks in the sky

whilst stripped

Christmas wrapping paper

soaks up the deluge

like a homeless sleeping bag.


Dustbins overflow with leftovers

oiled with greasy greed.


A bottle of wine splatters against

the multi-storey car park wall,

vomited from the throat

of opulence at midnight.



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new yearopulencefalso bonhomieauld lang synewastehomelessnessterrorism

The double faced


One can use
A knife to chop
A potato or a tomato.
Also getting off track
On can use it
To stab people
In the back!
Nations can harness
Nuclear to generate power
To eliminate all
Or to tear down many
A tower.

The double-faced
Supper powers
That uphold imperialism
To meet their ends
Subtly cultivate
And promote terrorism.

They condemn it
Only if it rains
Havoc they

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Diffrent toungues but the same speech

Though they have
Different tongues
All religions
Have the same speech,
Peace,Love, Considerateness
And Hope
Are what each preach!

Is it not  then
A glitch
Under the guise of religion
To teach
"Spell death!'
To s/he who has
a different faith!///

Terrorism under the guise of religion doesn't work for it is a glitch that contradicts religiosity.Hopefully it will ebb out soon!

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Where Love is Love

Where love is love it cannot be untethered.
Through spite and persecution it has weathered.
It matters not the faith that you believe,
Cares not of gender, colour or of creed.
No wall can hold it in, no bridge too far;
No laws that call it 'sin' can keep it barred.
The martyrdom of hate, try as it might
Will never cease the progress of its plight.
Where cowards take up arms to end its cour...

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OrlandoLGBTTerrorismMurderHateLove! Poem

Should We Walk By?

Should we walk by the waters edge
Or swim against the flow,
Where men in oceans, stained with red
Live shortened lives below?

Should we walk by the waters edge
Or break against the waves,
Where women flounder where they fled
In watery graves?

Should we walk by the waters edge
Or thrash against the tide,
Where children drown in sunken beds
Whose parents made them lie?

Should we wa...

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I will not be defined by ancient Gods,

or the archaic teachings in their books.

I will tread warily around their words

and avoid the hidden traps and snaring hooks.


I will not stand behind a coloured flag

and spout my blunt imperialistic views

or drape it on a coffin when I die

or burn it on the early evening news.


I will not make a choice that’s...

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No Matter Where

No matter where your hatred stems
Or where you spread your lies,
Beneath your feet the earth condemns
These lands you terrorise.

No matter where your hideouts hide
Or where your burrows bore,
Pointless is your suicide;
Baseless is your law.

No matter where your masses chant
Or where your fighters flock,
Immaterial is your rant -
Unnoticed is your shock.

No matter where you instil...

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Rage On The Loose

Aggression seeps from jaundiced bones.
IS kills too many crouching in their homes
Al Queda murdered thousands in Twin Towers
the result of all those deaths is sobbing showers
the rain of tears could form a salty river to clean
out all the evil that shattered so many a dream
and in the end those fighters only ever produce
a waste of life and resources with rage on the loose…

Wake up you d...

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Thy pen; no mighty sword here preach
Where words, metallic, fall.
On blood-ink lines; stained city streets -
Oh time, thou horrors crawl.
Wrought freedom flits, it waxes, ebbs,
Whence censored bullets rain,
But fallow not among the dead
Doth liberty remain.

Copyright © Simon Austin 2015

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Charlie HebdoJe Suis CharlieParisPoemPoetryTerrorism

September Sisters

Twin sisters, both alike in majesty,
In New Manhattan, where we set this scene,
From arid lands flocks an old enemy,
To scorch the earth of this, a western dream.

From fateful skies the fatal flights descend,
But none the wiser to their pending fate,
The man and child, to happy affairs tend,
Their future sealed beneath a veil of hate.

Through vacant city clouds, their path...

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9/11americadeathpoempoetryseptember 11terrorism

Sonnet for Drummer Lee Rigby, posted on behalf of Robin Parker from Langley Writers


When soldiers travel as a fighting band,
Part of the risk is they might kill or die.
Back home in England’s green and pleasant land,
The sounds of battle are a far off cry.
Yet on the streets of London hatred sounds;
A young off duty soldier hacked to death.
Brave women out of kindness tend his wounds
And comfort him until his dying breath.
The ...

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