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noose (Remove filter)


Listen to me,

I know what you’re thinking,

“Great another poem,

Are we done yet?”

But listen to me.


You have a voice,


Well, use it.

Because unlike you,

Some don't.


But listen to me,

I don't know what you’re going through

And I can't tell your story,

Only you can.

So listen to me.


I want you to look around.

You are in a room with...

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rapestoryrape culturelistennooseviolence


  How I long to be a noose

Not the bereaved body alone and loose

Decaying in the autumn air

Rotting the flesh from the bones

But the rope end itself

Clutching at the neck of this criminal cunt

Guilty of robbing a piece of gold

Or for killing tarts


The sense of authority and punishment

Would be grand for me

People would cower at the thought

Of ...

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