The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

Rebirth (Remove filter)

The Path of Immortality

The Path of Immortality explores the timeless journey of the atoms that compose us, weaving together the origins of life from stardust to the cycles of death and rebirth. As we grieve the loss of loved ones, this poem offers solace, reminding us that no part of them is truly lost. Their atoms continue to shape the world, giving rise to new life in ways unseen. It is a gentle reminder that we are a...

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immortalitystardustatomscosmic cyclelife after deathgriefrebirthuniversenatureeternal journeycomfort in losstransformationexistencetimeless connection

Previous skins

Five years ago flew by

Now, already remote

The rolling of the years

They’re already afloat

Your past self

Already a ghost


When you stand still

You begin to grieve your previous skins

Wonder why you had to forget and kill

Old personalities just to multiply new

So, you cling on to specific moments

Promise not to forget, you never will


But it is not uniqu...

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memorylifepresentpastfuturetensesjourneyagingnaturelivespreviouspast liferememberidentitybrainconnectionmemory lossforgetrebirthmomentghostyearsmeaninglet gohold on

Paper Cup

once my cup ran over

with everything, mainly love

a large cup it was 

then the cup became paper

was drained of everything 


in the trash

but I found a final ounce of myself 

glowing at the end of my moons rainbow 

yes they exist

and took it to find my way home in the dark

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faln (10/16/2023)

i wish the forests
could take me back
puln deep: 
neath the shake of
the leaf
and ire 
of the rhime 
fed way 
while my bones turn to rest
and my soul to the deep,
knowing spores

from death to the winds
carried high to the rains
again and again
again and again
again and again;

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autumnnaturedecayrebirthknowing deathi could live


I design my flow of life in my own way
Never built regrets;
Only keep on building memories!!!

Made my way through hard rocks enduring all the pain;
But still enjoy my tracks!!!

'll seem quite and beautiful,
'll reflect what you desire;
Don't dare to test my threshold,
Or else 'll sweep out all the darkness around!!!

You help me carve and pave new path
Helped me see the world in dif...

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moving onrejuvenateunrequited loveBe stronggrow to heightsLove yourselfrebirthforwardlost love


Minutes run and hours pass

Just as sand in the hourglass.

What was black, now is gray.

Carpe diem, seize the day.

If you wait until tomorrow,

This will only bring much sorrow.

Do not forget to breathe fresh air

And escape the banal world's affairs.

Can you find what really matters?

If you do, your chains will shatter.

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lifelivingrebirthgrowing-upgrowing older

On Being A Phoenix

We die a million deaths each day.
The death of all those other ways
we could have taken.

The death of dreams each moment we
discard the possibility
we could have made them.

If we stopped breathing every time
another aspect of us died,
there'd be no breathing.

All we can do to justify
this situation, make it right,
is be a phoenix.

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meditationphoenixpath of liferebirthchoice


Protect me from this life.
The ailments of the things around me.
Set me free into the sky,
Shine light in the darkness that surrounds me.

I'm one man against the world,
Sometimes it seems hard to bear.
Sometimes I prayed,
But only the Devil responded,
And God wasn't there.

I fell deep into the pits,
Both alcohol and substance abuse.
The devil talking to me,
From this bottle im drin...

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Damnation Trail

Damnation Trail


Through forests dark and shadowed vale

He follows the damnation trail

Along the river’s twisted course

Through bracken thick and clutching gorse

The ancient path cut through the land

He walks with devil’s hand in hand


And where his steps flatten the crops

No more will grow the wheat and hops

For he has footsteps cast in death

He steals the fa...

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Down here where the beetles crawl

Where the leaves of autumn fall

A spider’s web of veins uncoil

To animate the resurrected


Sap permeates the ancient heart

A life’s blood for another start

Coursing through the body

Of the newly resurrected


Orbs of light spark into eyes

The keening of a newborn’s cries

Escapes the brittle twisted lips


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rebirthresurrectiondownsidereligious analogymythicalcrowlore

Messiah Of The Fields

Messiah Of The Fields


They left me hanging on a cross

The saviour of the summer crops

Just rag and straw so no great loss

My blood is in the wheat and hops


I faced the black and vicious hoard

Their coal cruel eyes and sharpened beaks

I am the ragged overlord

Who scares the crow yet never speaks


They pray to me to save their soils

From dark boned devils ...

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ancient ritualdeathguardianlifemessiahrebirthreligionresurrectionritualsaviourscarecrow

If The Flames

If the flames

do not turn your bones into ash

your bones will rot

deep in the ground

but only for Them

for You’ll come around

and as They’re carving into stone

You may walk again

through countless fields

and endless roads

They will remember you

for only a blink

of the Universe’s Eye

but the fields and roads

shall know You

for all Eternity




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Canal side moorings and old mills

Stretch their northern roots into the collapsed rubble

Of Industrialised wreckage

Overgrown with harsh grass and weeds


An old man sits at the side of the grey water

And dips a hopeful line into its murky depths

There are parts of old bikes and shopping trolleys

Poking from the surface like Leviathan bones


Paths ...

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clearanceday 12haibunindustrialisationnapowrimo2018northern englandrebirthredevelopmentwastelandwiganwigan pier

Soul stirrer

You asked for my soul

and I laid it bare, for you.

Trampled, beaten, mistaken, burnt, and forgotten

It lies in the depth of a blue sea

out of breath and still.

Moss and coral has taken over my soul 

or what is left of it.

A black and blue striped fish stopped by yesterday to check if she can lay her eggs in there.

I think she will.

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Give me peace.

Snow White. 
Nose slimes, chem drips down my throat slice.
Sniffling spit the blow fly.
Cascades of emesis, Sinus bled red . Sniffing flakes of flesh an flem. 
Razor stained, Tickling my neck again,
As I Dance with death.
The phantom stands demands my breath. 
Wrestling the mirrors reflect.
Stare still into the pillars of wreck. 
Spirits turn spirit-less, 
Liquor fill, Spill and drench. 

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Acamapichtli and Dark Moon Night

This poem is an original piece using established names.  The names of all characters are taken from the Aztec religion, and all of the characters act in sympathy with their attributed and established forms.  The exception is the titular actor: Acamapichtli.  While Acamapichtli was the first ruler of the Aztecs, in this poem, he is not the same person, but only carries the same name.


The pi...

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Aztec poetryDeathRebirthGodsManMessianic poetryMetaphor


i watch it all change and i sit back here like a child watching his parents argue across the dinner table not understanding a word waiting for it to change back or change into fireworks and butterflies but i don't know if it will. Because... It's all moved on, everything moves into and out of decay the circle of life is an ouroborus much bigger than i thought it spa...

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aberdeenchangedeathmemoryrebirthsouth dakota

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

This is the start

This is the start,

Though it feels like the end.


Moved away from falls from graces and friends.


A mixture,

Of social and sexual depravity,

Driving Me.

I need to find a way to overcome a force 5 times gravity.


In this state,

It's easy to fall into past mistakes.

Like Peruvian towns,

Rebuilt on the sites of earthquakes.


Got ...

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real liferebirth

Battle of Demon's Run

emons run

and heroes fight.


Doctor Doctor,

Red Bull and happy pills...

yet still no wings to take flight.

I'm in a state of spiritual paralysis

dripping out fears in emotional dialysis.


Demons run

and heroes fight.


Take it back to the start as you tear me apart

memories piercing the fabric of my existence.


Demons run


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spiritualityChristianitygodreligiondepressionmental healthlovefamilyrebirth

There's Something about April

There’s something about April -
  the way she wears her clothes:
    loosely fit. One button more
      and September is exposed.
        The veil removed, her flesh reveals
          December’s naked trees;
             Springtime lurks behind the bark
               and drags me to my knees.
               I kneel upon her dewy cloak
            And make her moss my bed;

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Isis my Lover
my Sister, my Wife
Of You was I born
for you gave me life
as a shadow of a ghost
I was lost
I was dead
in the dust turned tomb
'til You Isis, my Lover,
my Sister, my Wife
Of you was I born
for you gave me life.

A man cut in half
by a child of the sun
gave birth to a child
of the moon blessed sea
and You, Isis, my Lover
my Sister, my Wife
of You was I born
for You gave me life
and, at the end
of my str...

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This morning Samantha is building a bonfire

Down on the waste ground in rubbish and weeds

Ferrying armloads of boxes and bin-bags

Burning a life that she no longer needs.

Out of the cardboard seep velvets and spangles,

Hairpieces, handcuffs, impractical shoes,

Skimpy silk underwear, ropes and brass bangles -

The tools of a trade that she’ll no longer use.

Crimson red li...

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