The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

emptiness (Remove filter)

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When The Darkness Falls

It’s colder now and seems somehow

more empty than before.

I wish I’d known the future then,

and what it held in store.

No longer is there will of heart

to venture form these walls,

and so I sit alone inside…

when the darkness falls.


Each stone hand crafted for the cause

to block away the pain.

The mortar mixed to guarantee

no feeling will remain.

A mist ens...

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Whispers of Loneliness

Wearing a smile, but it's just a show, 

Loneliness whispers, won't let go.

In the crowd's noise, a silent plea, 

Heartache murmurs, longing to be free.


Behind laughter's mask, a tale untold, 

Loneliness unfolds, a story unfolds. 

They feed on tears, a bitter taste,

In solitude's grasp, emotions embraced.


Moving with shadows, the soul steps back,

Loneliness stay...

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lonelinesssolitudeemptinessemotionsfake smiletroubled heartheartacheTears

Paper Cup

once my cup ran over

with everything, mainly love

a large cup it was 

then the cup became paper

was drained of everything 


in the trash

but I found a final ounce of myself 

glowing at the end of my moons rainbow 

yes they exist

and took it to find my way home in the dark

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letter to spring

letter to spring / michael kwack



in a wind

there i smell a scent of spring


i've passed the winter away

in a far place alone


but it was now

only hours of emptiness

i've got to write letters

the last confession to myself


then meet the spring

in complete quietness

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No Reason To Sigh

And so what if I'm empty inside!
Happiness still has a place here
There's certainly plenty of space here
for Joy to reside
That's what, if I'm empty inside.

And so what if I've nothing to lose!
With little worth keeping
There's more time for sleeping
Or whatever I choose
That's what if I've nothing to lose.

And so what if I've nothing to gain!
That's hardly an onus
Seems more like ...

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Busted Jag

Sliding through the fog with your 

Illusions of finery

I saw the check engine light when I got in

But your cracked windshield distorted my vision

All I could see was how I felt when

Your leather interior 

Hugged and kissed 

And caressed my body

The cute dates at cute restaurants

Sangria and Seafood

Lies covered in parmesan cheese

Lying about past lives

Lying on ...

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datinglustbrokenemptinesslieswishful thinkingcarsrose colored glasses

A battle with self.

In a dusky morning, the sun was setting,
Wanted to scream in a silent mic.

No more of this frustration, no more of this hatred,
Death was the only freedom came to his mind.

Listening to the people, listening to himself he realised,
Many a things don't matter, So does his life.

Losing his hobby, his like, his ego, his pride.
Losing his humanity, was what it was like.

'Try to stay po...

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battledepresseddepressionhopelesssuicide depressionsuicidepainemptinesslifestruggle

Life Is A Slow Death (God Please Help Me)

I can't take it,

I'm only asking,

Please Lord help me,

I'm tired of relapsing,

Over and over,

My veins are collapsing,

I know you hear me,

I'm sorry for babbling,

I don't understand,

Why this keeps happening,

I'm covering the pain,

It's so everlasting,

The hurt burns deep,

It never stops dragging,

Life is a slow death,

It's truly a sad thing,

My hand...

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DeathDepressionEmptinessGiving upHating LifeHeartbreakHopelessHurtLifeLostNegative thoughtsPainRelapseSoul Crushed

Outside of Herself

"Find yourself"

You can misplace your mind


You can't forfeit your mind

When you've built a fort for your mind

Mine is bulletproof,



In here

I can stay outside of myself

I can step outside of the world



I watched us having a conversation

From my window panes

Through the heavy glaze

It made me feel some type...

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paranoiaanxietybeing a personbeing humanconformitydepressiondissociateemptinessemptyexpectationsfailurefind yourselffortmindnumbsocialsocial awkwardnessstrugglesupressedhermitself protection

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