The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mothers (Remove filter)


In 1958, Bing Crosby sang “Thank Heaven for little Girls”

They grow up to be pretty girls and beautiful woman

They fall in love and get married

and they became the mothers of the world.


They give birth, they care, they feed, they raise their kids, teach them,

and love them no matter what

They sacrifice, cry, and laugh, never stop giving


We, on the other hand, grow o...

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Brothers of sand

Holding signs, I am a man 

Daughters of dust

Holding signs life in her gut


Fathers of the past

Never thought how long this would last

Mothers of the movement

Never thought so many forget their commitments.


Brothers of man

Fictional to control and command

Daughters of woman

Subjected to the desire of lust


Fathers of the future


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BotherscommunityDaughtersfamilyFathersMothersPoetry 2020

Mother in my Share!

I wish, I could take birth again
to hug my mom, want to become a child again.

She never speaks ill
only she doesn't get angry on me

She's alive and so nothing can bother me
whenever I step out, blessings accompany me

She'll hug tight if something happens
she always shelters her children

But someone got house, someone got shop
I was the youngest one in the house, I got MOM!

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mother poemsMomlove towards motherMothersMothers Lovemother

Raising a Rose

With the first and potentially only tattoo

I celebrate this wet dark blue

With sleeves exposed to the moon

Don't you dare judge me, this art isn't for you...


Like ink on skin and ink on paper

This is my own creation

A red rose with a blue stem wraps around my arm

So that when we shake hands you see one piece of a bouquet

And I tell you something poetic like, 


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our mothers

          are windows


through them

          we see the world


and in them

          we see the faintest


of our selves


they are not easy to


but neither are they



to break them

          we run the risk

of injury


our knuckles crack

as does their glass



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poetryfree verseMothersfamily

The Almost Child

I remember exactly the spot

the place I sat

when she told me

I remember the cooling coffee


when I was told

I remember the uncertainty

in her voice

when she told me


I remember how I smiled

the joy I felt

when I first knew

my almost son

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We Are The Mums!

Tall Mums, short Mums

Fat Mums, thin Mums

Sporty Mums, stressy Mums

Glammy Mums, slummy Mums

All shapes and

All guises

Gauging the sizes

Of our bums Mums


Mums can cook and read books

(mostly at the same time)

Mums can sing about silly things

Just to keep in rhyme

Mums can nurse and give a cuddle

Mums can run at speed

To trouble

Mums can wipe up sic...

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mumsmotherskidsempowermentmothers day

A poem youll never hear

Just another drop love, just another glass.

Just another bottle , im sure that this one will last.

Just another day gone , just another week ,

Its only here and there love, its just to help me sleep.

Its just another month where ive felt a little stressed

And ive needed it to get me by and decide on what is best,

Its just another argument , that I cant remember now ….

I know t...

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Mothersalcohol abuseLove lost

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

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