The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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اَللَّٰهُ أَكْبَرُ Alahu Akbar! God is Great! [A celebration of British values]

My mother had a habit, when times were bad, for example when dad had lost his job, of uttering the phrase: “God is good!”, an expression of her Christian faith and hope. The expression: “Thank God for that!”, is an everyday one of gratitude, as of course is “goodbye”, derived from “God be with you”; a similarly used Arabic phrase forms the title of my sonnet.

My republican instincts lead me to ...

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England [Stop the Boots!]

…and did those boots in World War time,

Stamp around England’s pleasant land:

And were those Blackshirt fascist sods,

From Cable Street off-seen!


Never did we countenance a time,

When journalists would see th’ Old Bill!

At dawn, a-knocking on their doors,

For telling truth, with fear instilled!


We must not cease Evil to Fight,,

Nor must my pen sleep in my hand...

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Auroral Resonance

Solar flares in tempest spent, Earth's veil angrily torn,
Charged plasma dances, skyward flight, in fury born.
Emerald and crimson,  a painter's dream, strokes the night,
Aurora's dance, magnetic wraiths, violet light
Transient beauty, fleeting flare for eyes to adore,
In silence held, earth meets sun's magnetic core.

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Skynaturenorthern lightsengland

Six Nations Time

Six Nations wake from slumber

As winter turns to Spring

For tribal warfare on the pitch

It’s a Celts and Saxons thing


They’ll be singing hymns and arias

From the Tiber to the Tay

And the week feels that much longer

As we wait for Saturday


And the squads are called together

From places far and wide

There will be sunshine and foul weather

There will be shir...

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rugbysix nationsnostalgiaWALESirelandscotlandenglandFranceItaly

Kidnap in Venice - Here comes the W.I.

On the Grand Canal in Venice

where bridges span and sigh

There’s a rising sense of menace

Here comes the W.I.


They’re oblivious to the sandbags

Stacked against an inundation

As they wield their leather handbags

And march in tight formation


At the head of them is Norah

The bravest and the best 

The other girls adore her

In their phalanx, ten abreast



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humourlight verseEnglandvillage life

A Pride Of Lionesses

The European champions 

Hold the world in their hands

Bring it home

Bring it home

Comes the chant from the stands


The breath of England 

Heaves shallow in wait

But, these Lionesses 

Are the key to our fate 


They have passion & strength

And a will to achieve 

Each heart & each soul 

Worn firmly on sleeve


For 57 years 

We've huffed & we've puf...

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Anyone else

Would've left that Far Right

Reactionary sprawled on the concrete

To bleed out, suffer in his

Paroxysms of serious hurt, receive

Disaster of the steel-toed kind.


But not you.


The Good Samaritan

Reflex kicked in,

Wouldn't let you

Abandon someone in need of help.


Distinctions such as

"Friend" and "foe" did...

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Patrick HutchinsonBlack Lives Matteranti-racismcombatting Fascismpolice brutalityEnglandAmericaracial equality

England, low tide

All the fuckin’ country 

is tense about some dead duck football game

tonight at 8 pm (or so I’m told).

The sea it slinked away but turned again

and stealthily manoeuvres to reclaim 

the mudflats populated by the clumsy

clumps of seals. They loiter, lolled 


like slack balloons, like lard

collapsing down to chip fat on the hob.

But we, we sit up straight: our sofa, st...

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The Pride

The Pride



This old and gummy English lion

Feeding on the tears of little girls.

Finding its bravery in packs

Of like-minded scavengers

Who prowl and growl

And claim a foul

For every perceived slight

In history.


Huzzah! Hurrah!

We won a contest

Prejudiced by racist taunts

And sieg-Heil accusations

By the Nazis

Towards the reconciled.


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nationalismracistsfootballenglandthree lionshatredshame




She--English student-to-be

He--Art student

Accessorised well in cool black

Clothes as two roving assassins would

But they weren't assassins

They were just young, creative, self-expressive

Goths in love, bonded souls

With a beautiful future ahead of them

They both enjoyed the quietude before midnight

In a walk through Stubbylee Park--



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alternaphobiaBacupbullyingelegy poemEnglandGothshate crimeseraphSophie LancasterStubbylee Parksubculturesyoung lovers

England in My Head

I was made in England

And charged with English blood


In England born and bred

I’ve got England in my head


I’ve walked on English lanes

And breathed in English air


It’s English ground I tread

And I’ll be English until I’m dead


I’m English through and through

And England lives in me


And its English blood that’s in my veins

And an Englishman I...

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Green Man

The Celtic Spring begins today, so Happy Imbolc.



Green Man

on a ceramic head

by Paula Zimmermann



I know that you must be there,

innocent divine,

although at first I cannot see;

your martyrdom, daily,

amidst brick, steel, and glass

goes almost un-noticed

and has made us blind.

We have all but buried you.


But then I find ...

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The melodic grass

This music,

it makes me want to fall from the water

float in the sky,

stare at those lips

and kiss those green eyes,

drink from the clouds

and jump on the pond

to feel the stars

and gaze at the stones,



the rythms , the notes

melt my mind

ignite my visible voice

I'm not here nor there

maybe inside a void


floating on the blues

maybe its a d...

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Amy Johnson

Penetrating through soft light clouds: airspace; blended for all who dare to impress.
Assiduous Amy Johnson did just that: a derring-do role model: a legacy;
relative in the minds of many that still lives on.
Renowned for her solo flight: London to Australia in 1930.
Transcended the hitherto, male domination, seizing world-recognition.
Flying away from ground possessions, flying amongst the s...

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EnglandGeneralHistoryHullLocal history

Layered Cake

Layered Cake

I’ve known many unsavory characters from my home city of Manchester

There’s the ex-demolition guy who took a great dislike to me

Did he have visions of blowing me up instead of my old car?

He had a trainee apprentice in the wings and had connections


I knew several football hooligans who fought for what?

For England, their home team, themselves, for violence?


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Rule Britannia?

What with all the omnishambles of Brexit, I got to thinking about what our national identity really is.  When you think about it, we have some pretty bizarre national symbols, but ultimately what does it mean to be British / English, etc?  See what you think of this...


Rule Britannia?


Our national dish is curry, true,

Our Saint is George who dragons slew,

From Yorkshire field...

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Our Lions

Take down the flags
Wind in the bunting
It's not our time
We know it's not coming
Or shop fronts and homes
Will soon seem empty
But the sea of St George
Will be a glorious memory
Hold your head high
As echoes of cheers ring loud
Faith restored;
You've done us all proud
This time was different
You wrote your own story
A summer of hope
A dalliance with glory
You've brought us passion

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WORLD CUP 1966 personal recollections

WORLD CUP 1966 personal recollections

Blue dressed bridesmaid


Bolt down the food, get through the speeches.

Drink up the wine – what’s the time?

Time to put down the serviettes.

Time to …………

Tension is building - Tighter, harder, bolder

The groom, the best man and every one of the ushers are at the starting gate.

More interested in the future than the present.



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World CupEnglandWinners1966bridesmaidpleasure

Country file

Lets open up the country file

Lets find a place to go

Get up close to nature

Weather sun or rain or snow

Valley, lake or mountain

There is beauty all around

Yorkshire dale or Lake District

The jewels in Britain’s crown.

Lets get up close to nature

Lets go and explore

On foot or bike or horse back

In land or by the shore

England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales


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In three months’ time it will happen

The World Cup battleground

Taking place in Putin’s Neo Soviet Russia

England’s finest hooligans will meet

The paramilitary trained enemy Ultras

Who are pumped up steroid pimps

Wearing Sports Direct trashy gear

They claim there’ll be many dead Brits

My bet is on a few dead Russkis too

Bring it all on for this is the natural ord...

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Saudade is one of those inexpressible words, Portuguese in this case. The clearest meaning or definition I can come up with is  'melancholic nostalgia' or the like. This is my attempt to take that thought one step further.

The poem is best read by first reading the non-italicised stanzas, followed by the italicised ones.




Proteus, Old Man of the Sea,

Neptune's shepherd...

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The Unicorn to the Lion / The Lion to the Unicorn

The Unicorn to the Lion
By Robert C. Mackie

The Lion and the Unicorn once fighting for the Crown,
Now, Lion, said the Unicorn, this fighting’s got me down.

Please keep your Barnett Formula, and all One Nation Tories,
Keep antisocial myopia and national fairy stories.

‘Cos Scotland’s a nation, although you doubt, social justice is its charter,
Smith and Hume its philosophers, no need f...

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Do you remember my England?

When people said "How do you do?"

And most of them were folk you knew,

And everybody joined a queue...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When people seemed to care and share

And it was just not done to stare,

And barbers used to cut your hair...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When "addict" meant a pinball fan

And workmen ...

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Hatred Junkie

Fake nostalgia spews out from your head

For a sepia England that was never there

Hatred junkie, you know

Where the blood river flows

Feel the bile at your knees


Marching bands drown out your higher brain

Blaring voices drive your soul insane

Hatred junkie, you feel

Like a cog on a wheel

Grinding so out of time – after time


God made you useless


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BNPBushellEDLLittlejohn. BNPEnglandnostalgiasepiaEnoch Powellbloodhatredpityhangoverhypocrisyhypocriteswordsprejudiceocean

Sonnet for Drummer Lee Rigby, posted on behalf of Robin Parker from Langley Writers


When soldiers travel as a fighting band,
Part of the risk is they might kill or die.
Back home in England’s green and pleasant land,
The sounds of battle are a far off cry.
Yet on the streets of London hatred sounds;
A young off duty soldier hacked to death.
Brave women out of kindness tend his wounds
And comfort him until his dying breath.
The ...

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Irregular Apocalypse

“Got 10p for a cup of tea?”

“If you show us where you can get one for that price,

I'll give you a quid”

He never did...


Irregular Apocalypse.

Lonely and irksome.

The bitter glow of jaundice

tears at society's rustic chains,

one tragedy at a time.


“The Freemasons took my children,

they took my baby.”

Now she's hopping magic buses,


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ManchesterEnglandUnited KingdomUKHeroinHeroin AddictHeroin AddictionSmackSmack AddictFreemasonsConspiracyMental IllnessMentally IllCrazyCrazy Bus LadyMisunderstoodTragedyReal LifeBroken BritainNaPoWriMo

What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar? - NaPoWriMo Day 3

What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
What do you do with a drunk in GAY bar,
Early in the morning!

Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!

Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,

Tell 'im, “sorry, it's members only”,
Early i...

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Canal StreetCanal StAnal TreetAnal TreatGAYGAY barGAY clubThe RembrandtRembrandtRentbrantREMCanalManchesterEnglandUKLGBTSea ChantyNaPoWriMoBidamanSilly SemanticsGUMOpenMind



In Peterborough by the old church
Ouside the shopping centre
Rain falls on me from the sky
As I eat my Branston pickle pork pie
From M&S it was
One pound sixty five
And I've never felt so British
And I fill with pride
Just been to Argos too
To get my mum a gift
Ear rings and a neckless
With little fake diamonds in

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On Tumbledown, no doubting of our love,

No bishopric’s accusing finger points,

Proclaiming: ‘Gays can’t die for God above,

Or marry Harry, Jessica or George’!

No holy men in dresses and big hats,

Will stem this bloody flow, or hold my hand,

Or sing my soul aloft; no music wafts

Along the breeze from England’s pleasant land.

Are you still there, Jim? God, it’s blo...

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Here in our English country there is a broad range of scenery,

Form the ancient greenery of an oak wood to the gently flowing

rivers of the lowlands, this is a country of many moods and colours.

There are hills and marshes, mountains and lakes all with wild life galore.

Everyone is pleased to see such graceful scenes if out walking or quietly s...

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Do you remember my England?

When people said "How do you do?"

And most of them were folk you knew,

And everybody joined a queue...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When neighbours seemed to care and share,

And it was just not done to stare,

And "barbers" used to cut your hair...

I do.


Do you remember my England?

When "addict" meant a pin-...

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