The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The Ballad Of Robert Hode (song version]

The Ballad of Robert Hode


In the year of 1332

After the Despenser War

Robert Hode of Wakefield

Become a famed outlaw

He’d been an archer for Lancaster

(who was executed by the king)

And had his lands forfeited

For daring to fight for him


Now you may know him better

By the name of Robin Hood

Who some say came from Nottingham

But I would say you should


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robert hoderobin hoodwachefeldwakefieldmythlegendnottingham

Green Man

The Celtic Spring begins today, so Happy Imbolc.



Green Man

on a ceramic head

by Paula Zimmermann



I know that you must be there,

innocent divine,

although at first I cannot see;

your martyrdom, daily,

amidst brick, steel, and glass

goes almost un-noticed

and has made us blind.

We have all but buried you.


But then I find ...

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Ye Tale Of Brave Sir Moppalot

Ye Tale Of Brave Sir Moppalot


I wasn’t quite there yet

So this story is told second hand

Of the bravest and noblest knight

To ever gallop over this land


He was sitting quietly at home

When a neighbour just down the street

Knocked on the castle door

To advise him to get on his feet


A princess in need of his help

Had called out his name in the night


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birthday 17family talefatherknightlegendnapowrimo2018noble

The Fey Queen

Amongst the folded hills
The forest ripples
Down into the valleys, 
Clambers back up 
Towards heaven 

A Saxon Lord, a hunter
Atop his white and noble steed
His kinsmen close behind him 
Hounds baying at the Stag
They pursue 
Charges through the sunlight
Dappled green
Painted on his brow

Concentrated on his quest
Divided from his clan
Appearing in his vision
A ...

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