The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Marla Joy on Redeemer
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Marla Joy on Corners
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Flyntland on OPAQUE
56 minutes ago

Jonathan Humble on Multiple Choice
1 hour ago

David RL Moore on Multiple Choice
1 hour ago

R A Porter on OPAQUE
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Graham Sherwood on Multiple Choice
6 hours ago

David RL Moore on A lull in the fighting
11 hours ago

On Henrietta Street

The children howl, the house is hell
you close your eyes to cast that spell

Rising high above the endless squabbles 
to meet me down upon those sodden cobbles

The rain and fog are gently taunting
your white shirt billows, opaque and haunting

On Henrietta Street…

Two hundred stairs, do I descend
with full-beam smile to my treasured friend

These precious moments, we get to steal

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Coastal Wanderers

in the blaze of the summer heat, drips

of sweat rippled down our smooth skin backs.


we set out for adventure along the Pacific coast,

the four of us squeezed in a compact sedan.


sisters laughing, shouting, nowhere else to be.

engaging winding hair-pin turns, honking,


speeding, and slamming on the brakes

as the afternoon sun scorched the town.


we reveled ...

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californiacoastfamilymemoriesPacific Oceanroad tripsisterswanderers

Chalk-White Moonlight

An Arctic air
pushes past the cracking door
as we step out
into the newly forming night
with many friendly cheers 
chasing us from the hall
The searing wind
grabs you by the ears
seconds abroad
and your bones will know the chill
in the chalk-white light
of this moon

Snow falls slowly
first on the cliffs above the lane
then these cobbles are scribbled out
under a virgin whiteness

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Country file

Lets open up the country file

Lets find a place to go

Get up close to nature

Weather sun or rain or snow

Valley, lake or mountain

There is beauty all around

Yorkshire dale or Lake District

The jewels in Britain’s crown.

Lets get up close to nature

Lets go and explore

On foot or bike or horse back

In land or by the shore

England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales


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Forvie, March 2017


And then the sand flowed like the tide

Shifting the land at the wave edge of the sea

A vast striated plane of drifting whirling grains:

Aged dunes lost to the wail will of the wind.

As we walked close by the sea suck and ripple

The bound beach rose and swallowed our grounded feet

We seemed to be free floating sand cloud high

In the sandsmoke drifts rushing to their...

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SandSand stormbeachdunesseaForvieScotlandcoastvillagefishermenchapel



Grey silhouette of screeching gull

soars startled into flight;

First glitter on a foreign shore,

Behold the coming night.


Old fisherman alone, cocooned,

baring weathered flesh;

Rests his line on steady frame,

Sits picking at his net.


The distant hills grow dim, then dark,

Lie silently to rest;

Their form against the setting sun

a man’s recumbent b...

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In The Light of The Evening

I work hard most days
hands all rough by six
ah, but it’s worth every callous
whatever’s needed
and when I’m done, I walk
right down the sea-front promenade
sip on a cup of something
so warm and so sweet
with those boats sailing in and out
in the lazy light of the evening

There forms a shape in the foam on my coffee
I see the outline of your nose and eyes
looking up at me
I wonder j...

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The Couple

They stand,


In their elder days,

absorbing view of sea, of sky, of sand,

of bird, of wave of weed,

Sky to the horizon,

Looking forward,

Peace, a shroud of the land,

surrounding them,

enshrining them,

At peace together in

their Elder Days.

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old ageWalescoastsea

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