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Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem

To be young again, carefree, and be

Only me, free of responsibility.

You see, context is key,

I hope you agree that we

Live and grow like a tree,

Branch out and roots go deep

Which may at times keep us steady,

Ready to go or stay

And after hours, night and day

Passes, months become years,

And age amasses. Our fears

Allay and gray days hide the sun


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Crossing the Line

You can lose yourself without boundaries.

 Lines in the sand, with no paths or signs.

Slip the lead, loose the reins and leave your compass

Behind as you follow your firefly heart

And wallow in marshmallow words,

Cushioned by caution, leap over the mark.

Relish the freefall of a brand new start.

And hours are timeless and full

Of boundless beauty, life with no limit…


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Break with vowels the locks from iron mill gates,

Unblock the doors long shut.

And cut with words the tape in gold and black,

wake the hive Bring the bees back,

display your lines to keep the thoughts alive

In bars and bistros, parks, cafés, in rhymes…

May we meet, greet and fling wide

Our doors as on the silenced street

We stop outside, shoot the breeze, the...

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