Festival toilets
The weather is great
And the music is good
But I realy truly wish that I could
Hold it all in
But I need to pee
But those festival toilets are not for me
Because they smell so bad
And they look so grim
I feel like I'm going out on a limb.
It's too late I've breathed it in
The potty is filled up to the brim
Look at it it's overflowing
Maybe I should just get goin...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 1:23 pm
Ordering drinks in a night club
Two pints of fosters and a JD and coke
Two pints of fosters and a JD and coke please
Two pints of fosters and a JD and coke
No fosters
Two pints of fosters and a JD and coke
Yea, 2 pints
And a JD and coke
Jack Daniels
Jack Daniels
Yea, and coke
Pepsi? Yea that will be fine
I said that will be fine
Say a...
Tuesday 17th September 2019 1:22 pm
She’s mixing vodka with echo falls
She’s taking Prozac and climbing the walls
She wants to silence the voice in her head
Determined that she won’t act out what he said
But life’s getting hard without any support
And all of her thoughts they begin to distort
The voices get angry when she won’t comply
And she longs to once more be that radient butterfly
As a child the colours were always so ...
Monday 18th June 2018 10:13 am
There is a hole in the ground
There is a hole in the ground
And we are all standing around
Staring into it
Wondering what is down there
Wondering who is down there
A hole in the ground
And it’s sparked our curiosity
What lies beneath?
In this abyss
It would be safer
If we all walked away
Just let it be
Let them be
But we don’t
We fetch long sticks and poles
And we poke and we prod
And we can’t leave it alone
Thursday 7th June 2018 10:07 pm
The flavour of her
After the rain on the damp with the dew
And the scent aromatic like sassafras
Where the girl walked bare foot
the declivity steep
But an effortless jaunt,
pinnacle to shallow in obstinate manor.
The girl in undress
through the plaza she rides
Cheers plentiful,
suitors in abundance
But her eyes fixed hungrily
awaiting her nemesis.
And all this pluvial,
the rain her ...
Thursday 31st May 2018 3:56 pm
When the wind blows
And the snow starts to fall
And the sun is nowhere to be seen
When the skies are all grey
And the temperature plummets
And the morning frost lays like a blanket
The best place to be is a pub by the fire
With family and friends and our lovers
With great conversation and music
Much laughter to lighten the mood
We can shut out the cold uninviting
And enjoy this brief i...
Sunday 27th May 2018 5:05 pm
Just dance
Its midnight
And all we are going to do is dance
We can’t drink anymore
We drank until we
had our fill
Now the beat of the music controls us
We couldn’t be still even if we wanted to be
The rhythm has us in its grip
And all we can do is dance
Just dance – moves our bodies in time with the tune
Its to loud to make conversation
And there are no words that we need
Sunday 27th May 2018 3:25 pm
Country file
Lets open up the country file
Lets find a place to go
Get up close to nature
Weather sun or rain or snow
Valley, lake or mountain
There is beauty all around
Yorkshire dale or Lake District
The jewels in Britain’s crown.
Lets get up close to nature
Lets go and explore
On foot or bike or horse back
In land or by the shore
England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales
Saturday 26th May 2018 5:19 pm
Down the market
carrots, apples spuds and fish
chocolate brownies, a porcelain dish
jeans and jumpers, pots and pans
stockings, bras and ornate fans
paintings of the lacal town
jackets, bags and a dressing gown
onsies that look like Donald duck
sweets to chew and sweets to suck
DVDs and home made jam
vinyl records by bross and wham!
perfume, deodorant, talk and soap
yorkshire parkin and a cantelope
Saturday 26th May 2018 5:14 pm
Ice cream and dreams of tomorrow
Down on the beach
I took your hand
And we walked along the sand
Then bare foot we paddled
By the ebb of the tide
Then climbed over the dunes
And I kissed you there
In the afternoon sun
When the heat was at its strongest
I held you in my arms
And felt your heart beating
Next to my own
I could have so easily got lost in your eyes
And there is nowhere else
That I would rather be
Saturday 26th May 2018 8:45 am
Still life
Noel and Liam have still not made up
And it looks like the millers will
never win the cup
Theresa is still in number ten
And not much has changed since
Maggies den
We are still plagued with mass unemployment
Far too many are becoming insolvent
Everywhere people sleeping on the street
Too many families with nothing to eat
Still we can't bridge the north south divide
People still wait f...
Friday 25th May 2018 10:41 pm
Pits and pints
Dedicated to the coal miners of Britain..
The miners' strike of 1984–85 was a major industrial action to shut down the British coal industry in an attempt to prevent colliery closures. It was led by Arthur Scargill of the National Union of Mineworkers against the National Coal Board.
In the days when the pubs were full
With an ash tray on every table
When the smoke was like a fog
Casting ...
Friday 25th May 2018 3:18 pm
Come what may
When they closed down my favourite record store
I shed a little tear
I used to buy my vinyl
With my pocket money here
Slowly all my childhood
Has been ripped out of this town
The bulldozers are coming in
My memories falling down
The bar where I drank my first beer
And floated in the stratosphere
It’s now a store sells fancy goods
And smelly things and bath time suds
The sports shop wh...
Friday 25th May 2018 12:38 pm
Hats the way I like it
So I’m standing at the bus stop
Minding my business
When all of a sudden I can feel somebody
Watching me.
To the side of me is a man in a flat cap
“That’s a very nice hat” he said
Gesturing to the hat on my head
“That’s a very very nice hat indeed”
He leaned in close
Examining my hat in detail
He took a step back
Looking me up and down from a distance
“Yes” he said “that is a very ve...
Friday 25th May 2018 12:35 pm
Has anybody seen my youth?
Has anybody seen my youth?
i left it here I could have sworn
I've looked in the loft
and I've looked in the shed
I've even looked underneath the bed
I've been round to the neighbours to see if its there
and I've looked in the cupboard under the stair
I've searched in every nook and cranny
I'm telling you this is really uncanny
because all at once I looked and it was gone
Just like those ...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:44 pm
When the devil drives
I’m going down to the river
With my wash day blues
I’m going to go to a nightclub
In a pair of dancing shoes
I’m going to make a banner saying
‘All lives matter here’
I’m going to scale the rock face
That has always been too sheer
I’m going to sail across oceans
To spread the words of peace
To point out we don’t own this Earth
We only have it on lease
I’m going to go to a bookstore
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:41 pm
Life is cruel sometimes
I’ve waited on platforms
For trains that never arrived
Drank shots in cellar bars
On Tuesday nights
With in-betweeners
Who still believe in lady luck
I’ve walked along promenades
Been battered by the wind and the rain
Taken shelter in late night café’s
Drank coffee so strong
It made me shudder
I’ve read the beat poets so many times
But I never tire of the words
Of Ginsberg and Ker...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:30 pm
Under the bridge
The winds of change are blowing over the hills and storm clouds gather with momentum
For a moment we stand on the bridge
And look at the torrent below us
We observe the destruction caused by the gale
Before taking shelter under the bridge
Like transients we pick meat from a carcass
On a polystyrene tray
I dream of the archer and Aphrodite
Making out to the sound of tubular ...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:19 pm
I am a whisper rustling through the trees
I am the ripple of a pebble in a stream
I am the ember of a funeral pyre
I am the guilt of forbidden desire
I am the rumble of distant thunder
I am the elusive winning number
I am the clown with a broken smile
I am the letter at the bottom of the pile
I am the words that will never be spoken
I am the promise that is sure to be broken
I am the wa...
Thursday 24th May 2018 8:02 pm
Wake me up
Wake me up when the storm has passed
And the ravens have left the tower
Wake me up when the war machine
Has finally run out of power
Wake me up when the bigots
Have finally opened their eyes
And all of the presidents have given up telling lies
Wake me up when the tables have turned
And lessons have been learned
Wake me up when the big game hunters
Have finally paid for their crime
Thursday 24th May 2018 7:49 pm
We crossed the line
We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
it was never meant to be a constant battle
we were never suposed to go to war
that wasn't why we were put on this Earth
We crossed the line so long ago
We crossed the line so long ago
we were suposed to be a civilized race
the Human race
we were supposed to live together
peacefully, harmoniously
not tearing each other apart
Thursday 24th May 2018 7:26 pm
Give peace a chance
They dance in the shadows
Made by the trees
Branches stretched out
With long fingers
Claw like, grabbing
Taking a hold
And ripping at the soul
They dance
On the beaches
As the waves
Wash over them
Dragging them under
Taking their breath away
Saturated, sodden
Soaked to the skin
They dance
On a knife edge
Broken glass under feet
Bloodshot eyes
Roses and chocolate
A torn tapestry
Thursday 24th May 2018 7:25 pm
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