The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Silhouette Lovers


Silence stirs into the room

And in a split second

Something beautiful happens:

Falling into one another,

We kiss,

But not just any kiss,

A kiss that feeds my hunger,

Fills my heart.

A taste that lingers--



You stand, hold out your hand;

An invitation to dance.

Silhouettes engage under pearlescent moonlight,

Embraced with patience: s...

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A Ghostly Show


Empty of its audience, red, plush velvet seats;

Sorrowful, in mourning.

No more echoes of applause,

the opening of a grandeur curtain,

Just a ghostly appearance,

Breathing in the past.

Dusty stage lights,

Cobwebbed orchestra,

Costumes bleeding out their vibrany; silently decaying.

What do you call a stage

without a captivating drama?

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actioncovidempty theatresgenerallifeshowtheatres

Big White Room

Stepped outside the Big White Room

Closed the door behind me

Needing to see where I belong,

Trying to feel familiarity.


Writer’s block is brutal

-A stab in the back from loyalty.

Needless to say I lost myself

Trampled by a monotonous society.


I sigh--

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GENERALLIFEwriter's block


I would like my naked toes to caress a field of poppies

to dance; a fine expression of freedom and happiness.

to look up at the clear blue skies

and listen to the sound of singing birds

in the midst of wonderful harmony.

For time to stand still, a chance to inhale

To truly take in life, and the precious moments it can hold.

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danceGeneralinspirationallovereal life

Ignorant to society

Our ignorance makes colour just an illusion

We latch onto black and white for vision

Purifying our naivety, protecting our fears

Whether it be blood, sweat, or tears; no trace can be found

Recognition is the key to unearth beyond our judgemental lines.

We deny ourselves the truth, yet believe in immortality.


Observing a bag soar through the wind

Can you feel its freedom?


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A Bohemian Journey

So many nights I have rested beneath the unnerved sky,
plucking the strings of a lyre.
Sacrificed made decisions to be free-spirited.
I'm living the life of a Bohemian
a man,
comforted by desires and serenity
just like a canvas invites paint to a dance.

Red wine spices my tongue
feeling the essence as I swallow.
Wiping the discoloured effect from my lips.

Strewn grass caresses my fee...

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artist musingsbohemiangeneralobservingSpain

Amy Johnson

Penetrating through soft light clouds: airspace; blended for all who dare to impress.
Assiduous Amy Johnson did just that: a derring-do role model: a legacy;
relative in the minds of many that still lives on.
Renowned for her solo flight: London to Australia in 1930.
Transcended the hitherto, male domination, seizing world-recognition.
Flying away from ground possessions, flying amongst the s...

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EnglandGeneralHistoryHullLocal history


If living for subsisting

or existing to survive


Purpose stays elusive

any sense can’t derive


Going about in vortex

moving at  rapid pace


No time for indulgence

in own personal space


Stuck in same tedium

since been on to avoid


On face near amiable

 but zest seems devoid


In inferred conspiracy

end's nowhere in sight


No choi...

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State Wards are funny creatures

flittering winglessly from place to place

showing their colours to very few

and then only in hope of finding love

   all the while needing compassion

   like butterflies need leaves to land on

More happened in care that out

more pain and heartache suffered

than those who handled us could know

Counselors and Matrons

Ordering us


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ButterfliesButterflyFoster homesGeneralGovernorState WardState Wards

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