The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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fake (Remove filter)

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Oh darling yes you with the filters
To get His attention will take more than lip fillers

You claim to be helpful with your innocent approach
Systematic qualification hun and yes I see ghosts

And colours and auras oh all of that
But I look your direction..your soul is matt black

And I get it he sparkles but you must understand
We shine together with this Rock on my hand

Too bright f...

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funny poemengagedsocialmediafake


I can’t give up my joy 

The people who surrounded me 

With bad intentions 

Couldn’t hold up the charade that they felt joy when I succeeded 

Are deleted, blocked , ignored

I’ll never see them across my screen , my mind, in my sight

Because once I know we’re not aligned 

What’s the purpose of having you near?

So you can rejoice?

About me stubbing my toe 

About me getti...

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Explaining you about my sexuality won't help
Explaining you about my existence won't help
Thought you are my buddy, will get me without explaining much.
I am just a bit different, can't you get this much.

I know you have a life partner to share all your tensions,
And wanted me to be happy, and feel all that emotions,
But I am happy just by myself,
You again and again telling me what to do...

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Paper Friends


Leaving seems so hard

Until you actually leave


The peculiar truth is

Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic

Leaving the places which seemed to matter

Leaving the paper people I once met

Leaving, forgiving & moving forward


What a trouvaille I encountered

To leave the paper connection

Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic

Leaving them in the ocean ...

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In all that is real in this life..a clone of its brilliance will be attempted
Everything that is official..artificial versions are invented
A copy of natures magic ..mimicked and and mirrored almost illusion
Studied and monitored creating confusion
From designer bags almost exact counterfeit
Synthetic brains.. computers..smashed it
Synthetic arms legs and jaw bones
Synthetic breast milk and...

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Fakecopy clone


After my observation..  social media nation it is clear to me
Many seem to not be who they appear to be
Showing us only what they want us to see
Looking 20 you're forty-three
Look at me my life is flawless
Photoshop profile when they're already gorgeous
"My kids are my world" O.T.T
We all love our kids obviously
You dont even like him jog on do one
"House work done....

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Fakesuperficial"social media"


I can’t see

But I can dream


It’s like wearing a blindfold

On my brown eyes

I can’t watch, but I can feel

All these weird wild vibes


All these angelic faces around me

But those diabolic souls surround me

Are they real or are they fake?

It’s like watching a blue snowflake

Falling for smiles and grace

All night murdering for a race


I can’t wait


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fall semester

a long silence fills the room---piercing my lonesome ears with pain

i turn

there she is

sad, distant, lonely staring at me dead in the eyes

her mouth opens and screams

no sound comes out.

theres not a way out for her.

i turn back around, taking a deep breath to tiredly dress my face with a sense of geniality. perfect i say to myself.




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You lie awake in bed with your eyes swollen from the tears and the pain

Wondering why you deserve to hurt

You play back scenes in your head thinking , " Was it all fake!"

The smiles, the love, the times we laid together in bed, talking about children, and houses by the lake

You close your eyes and tears fall down your face and you cry to God , " Please, please make it all go away!"


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paindreamsheartbrokenGodfaithfakefeelingsrelationship breakup

Real Is Rare

The real is rare,

The fake doesn't care...

One who ought to be dear;

Alas! Brings despair.


My search goes everywhere,

To meet the one who's sincere.

That one supposed to bring cheer,

And no trick play, only an option fair.


Happiest I was when he was near,

He wouldn't let my eyes shed a tear...

In my loneliness I sometimes still fear,

Where I lost him, why...

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GOD Bless


Surely, I'm not happy 
To lose the best friend 
It is true, not funny 
"GOD" put the final end 

Certain hour, of the day 
Whatever we are or where 
We have to say Goodbye 
"GOD" is kind and fair 

No one plans to die 
No one remains forever 
No When , Where or WHY? 
Let's pray, no suffer

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Mid January


No one else can judge me

Only God who reads hearts

People have abused me

When I reach fake of the facts


If you believe you're the master

And you can judge and lead

Surely you lose the only factor

That keeps you faithful indeed


Leave me alone fair and simple

I have to forget tens of lies

You should break your false temple

Wake up please .. open your e...

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دكتور عصافير (VET)




ريشه ناقصة في جناح عصفوره
إيه يعنى .. ماهـو ريشها كتيــــر
مش حيبــــــــان أبدا في الصورة
ولا حيــــكـون له كمــــــان تأثير

العصفــورة الشــــاطرة تفكــــــر
ربنا عنـــــــده كنــــــوز الخيـــر
لو تدعــــى ربنــــــــا يرزقـــــها
بدل الريشـــــة .. عشـــر قناطير

لكن العــصفــــورة المســكــيـنــة
وقـفـت تبـكـى بدون تفـكـيــــــــر
حتى اصحابها .. زعلوا عشانــها

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The Ranting of a Soul Fed up

Do not attempt to undermine my intelligence as you will only serve to belittle yourself. You do you and I'll do me .I know this will be easier for me as I live real every day .I'm just me ,always and that's how it should be. I do however, wish you the best of luck as I can only imagine how difficult putting on a show can be not to mention how utterly exhausting,after all acting requires both skill...

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belittlefakefed upover itundermine



You had to see it to believe it in the call centre

How you had to queue up twice in the lines

To hand in your bag and phone

Mard arse ******* security guards thinking they're God


Elevated to a lofty status beyond you and me

Who the **** do these twoddles think they are?

Donald Damn ******* Trump?

At least he's a really rich arsehole

The fake guards bello...

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He scratched his temple
And peeled off his eyes
Reveaing his sockets,
Dark, unfathomable.
I held my breath
I was scared to death
"Please put them back", said I.
They were fake."

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Barbie is fake, Beauty is real

What we are is real
and real is who were suppose to be
and If we were meant to be fake
our skin would be plastic like barbie,
but we are all humans.
Humans who make mistakes,
who has scars: seen or hidden,
and who has things that they wish
to change about themselves.
But, our Uniquely selves
are imperfections of beauty
because beauty isn't fake; beauty is real.

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