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facts (Remove filter)

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“Comment is free…
but facts are sacred”,
an ed. once said.
But I’m fact-free,
and my prejudice naked,
when things are said
with which I don’t agree.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

4th July 2023

PEN International calls on the Rwandan authorities to urgently come clear and publicly account for the whereabouts of poet Innocent Bahati who has been missing since 7 February 2021.


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six word poem

six word poem

how do you know

I don't

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factsself-knowledgesix words

Mid January


No one else can judge me

Only God who reads hearts

People have abused me

When I reach fake of the facts


If you believe you're the master

And you can judge and lead

Surely you lose the only factor

That keeps you faithful indeed


Leave me alone fair and simple

I have to forget tens of lies

You should break your false temple

Wake up please .. open your e...

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Believe to Live


Be happy with what you have 
Then you will have what you hope 
Firmly, work and save 
Simply, you reach the top 


It depends on you more 
Than a reason or a cause 
Not because rich and poor 
Your brain, how much knows 


Do believe in God's Judging 
And gain your thought results 
God never asks a jumbling
But to be aware of the facts

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