The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

shoulder the sky

echoes to the waters edge,
no fractured beauty in the
luminous lost in love.
from ridge
to crest
to flume, 
the olive in my skin
and glimmer.
this deadened
dock your heart to mine
as we expire,

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When Feelings Turn To Fever

I've been running a temperature lately

Watching my pulse rate soar sky high

Half the time I suffer from the shivers

I know what its like to want to die


When feelings turn to fever

You're on a slippery slope

Medical attention is crucial

Otherwise there's no hope


Tending my needs each day and night

Though she caused it, she's my nurse

Mopping my searing brow w...

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I left yo love in a cell 
My momma screaming 
Imma go to hell 
But see fuck that 
She ain’t even pay my bail 
Tired of feeling like shit 
Always feeling like I failed 
Mf that I know I failed 
Steadyin going to jail 
But I’ll never tell 
Never been loved 
Can’t you tell 
Give them my heart 
Just for them to bail
A lot of pain in my heart 
So don’t ask me why I yell
I know umma go t...

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GOD Bless


Surely, I'm not happy 
To lose the best friend 
It is true, not funny 
"GOD" put the final end 

Certain hour, of the day 
Whatever we are or where 
We have to say Goodbye 
"GOD" is kind and fair 

No one plans to die 
No one remains forever 
No When , Where or WHY? 
Let's pray, no suffer

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God's Question



Does a lie has feet or walk 
Only liars have more than two 
Don't listen to a lie as a joke 
Then will help lies to grow 


God will ask; why do you lie? 
So get ready for God's punishment. 
Me, you, them, surely will die 
Should keep ready for last statement 


Get back soon to the early pureness 
And stop cheating creatures
Just in case you look for happiness 
Be f...

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askbackbenazouzcasecreaturedieearlyfaithfulfeetfutureGodhappinesshelp growjokekeeplastliarslielistenlooknowpoempoetrypunishmentpurenessreadysheetingsoonstatementstopsurelytwowalkwhy

Simple acts of disgrace

Life can be so simple,

just follow this rule.

don’t fall in love 

Without expecting to drool.

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Simple acts of disgracesimplediehelpcan you read me?

Love is Pain... Painful Love in Words

    Who the fuck needs love? Love doesn’t do shit except cause more pain... Fuck that shit I’d rather just cut my vein than to be looked at with such disdain because I can’t maintain a fucking solid brain because my hearts wants to intervene and cause these feelings that are unseen for a guy that can’t even give me a reply so fuck it my heart hurts so bad I just want to fucking die I lay here and ...

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cruz 2017dielovepainful love

Butterfly & Snake

Once upon a time on a warm sunny day

The snake has been chasing the butterfly,

Trying to catch her on its flying way.

The color of sunshine on the wings of flight,

The beauty met with the horror and fright.

The fear of being swallowed

Gave the butterfly strength.

It seemed she could overcome any length.

She flew further and further away,

Saving her life on a warm sunny d...

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