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experience (Remove filter)

a player’s skill set

experience is experience of a skill set
to tell of a experience is to tell of a skill set
to tell a tale of a experience is to tell a tale of a skill set
a tale of experience is a tale of a skill set
a skill set is a set of skill
a set of skill is a set of a player’s skill
a player’s skill is a player’s set of skill

to tell a tale is to tell a player’s experience
a player’s experience is...

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The Void

Hey there lonely girl,

what are you doing wandering around

these dark places?

Don’t you know that 

evil lurks about? 

The void is littered

with those who will use you,

abuse you,

scar your soul for eternity. 

Listen to my pleas,

I’m begging on bended knees,

move forward

towards the light,

no matter how tempting

the mysterious

shadows may be. 


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I do not get it

I do not get it when they say,

We will not make it one day,

I do not get it, when they laugh,

On us and on our scars


I do not get it when they do not believe us,

How crazily can this world suck?

I cannot express the pain in words,

Let’s run because we seem cursed


Let’s run away from the chains of pain,

Let’s run away where we can dance in rain,

Let’s run as ...

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boysbreakupdestinyexperiencegirllovemodern liferelationshipslove endinglaughscarsfreecheatinglifefate

Many sides of the truth

Why do things have to be only one way
Do you really believe we experience the same days?
Our lives take different twists and turns
And most of all we all truly do learn
So will you listen to me when I tell you
That your experiences are only one truth?
Your knowledge might truly be great
But it doesn't foretell everyone's fate
When I write, it's from one kind of perspective
But I am not sa...

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differencesexperienceindivivisualno right or wrongopinionspoetryrhymesome people relate others do nottake it with a pinch of saltUnique

Widow Maker

Widow Maker

In the mid 80s my dad took me to a plane crash in North Wales

It was a B-26 Marauder that hit a mountain

We climbed up to the area nearby

I froze when I saw our last climb

Up a seemingly vertical dry waterfall

There was only a bit of metal at the bottom

The rest was hundreds of feet above 

We had to ascend a series of rock ledges

These were like steps and gav...

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Mostly Welsh

I grew up in Wales

Around the Swansea docks

I walked beneath huge cargo ships

Held up with props and blocks


I was made in Wales

Around the southern ports

I watched the big ships dock

My family guessed my thoughts


I was mined in Wales

Near valleys black with slag

And closing pits and picket lines

With many a mine lodge flag


I was forged in Wales


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WalesWelshheritagelifeexperiencehistorySwanseaseafaringshipsmerchant navydocksportstravel

Please Don't Grow Up

We all couldn't wait

To grow up, to get out

To fully understand

What the world was about

Only to find

On the other side

The beauty we saw

As a child, had died

The day turned to night

The blue turned to gray

The innocence of life

Had faded away.

So many dreams

Now seem cast down

Remember when difficult

Meant choosing marker or crayon?

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growing olderpoetrylovepoemshort poemexperiencelife

Too busy to live

We're always looking,

Searching, reaching

For the next thing,

Person, place

That maybe,

We miss the things 

That really matter

Only to find

At the end 

Of our lives 

That we've never 

Really lived.



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poempoetryreal lifeexperiencelovelove lostlos angelescaliforniasadbrokenbroken hearted poem

One Step Closer

Come one step closer

that's all I ask

Just close enough for me to Reach

Touch, and Experience

your foreign, yet familiar face,

Recalling unique sensations,

in desperation

I fight for the part of you

that is mine...

rightfully mine

Cease your frolicsome avoidance of

my existence-

which is...

God's creation behind concrete walls

that overshadow desolate, bar...

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Is that why (a poem by a shy friend; please be gentle)


Is that why?


I bled

for so many years with the pain reminiscent of childbirth

and cried with longing and loss

the empty hollow and the useless womb

Is that why


I ached

and found each day weighed heavier than the last

and my body dried and drained

and my world shrank to a parody

Is that why


I killed

Tiny webbed fingers a hea...

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