The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

seafaring (Remove filter)

Folly Roger

a cutter came a crawling
in from a sailing day
and this heavy bark a bawling
up the fine palatial bay

a laddy sees a lady
as she jumps down from the stay
she were hollering and a hooting
she were a sight to see

Her voice could tame a tomcat
and her back a tigger too,
for she cut a fine figure
which struck the boys to blue

Yet this lad would not digress her,
though the boys were ...

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Mostly Welsh

I grew up in Wales

Around the Swansea docks

I walked beneath huge cargo ships

Held up with props and blocks


I was made in Wales

Around the southern ports

I watched the big ships dock

My family guessed my thoughts


I was mined in Wales

Near valleys black with slag

And closing pits and picket lines

With many a mine lodge flag


I was forged in Wales


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WalesWelshheritagelifeexperiencehistorySwanseaseafaringshipsmerchant navydocksportstravel

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