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justified paranoia

Always on guard of the love you claimed was ours

as I looked up at the stars 

I realized I was holding onto too hard

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Hell knows no fury

How come
The heart-wrenching
And the  unexpected
Widow's grief

The lady in black
Soon defying
Funeral decorum
Put on pink clothes
Decency that lack
Simply to attack
A deceased
Cheating husband
Whose unfaithfulness
Kept in the dark
Soon after funeral
Became stark!

Aghast adultery
Hell knows no fury.

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adulteryangrybitter and twistedcheatingconfusiongriffparadoxsadunfaithfulness

I do not get it

I do not get it when they say,

We will not make it one day,

I do not get it, when they laugh,

On us and on our scars


I do not get it when they do not believe us,

How crazily can this world suck?

I cannot express the pain in words,

Let’s run because we seem cursed


Let’s run away from the chains of pain,

Let’s run away where we can dance in rain,

Let’s run as ...

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boysbreakupdestinyexperiencegirllovemodern liferelationshipslove endinglaughscarsfreecheatinglifefate

Pub Quiz Theory

Pub Quiz Theory


Albert Einstein got an i-pad,

flicked the switch on – turned off his brain,

played Candy Crush and Donkey Kong -

was never quite the same again.

He won a quiz night at the pub

by Googling facts and anagrams

and when the music round came up

he slyly swiped to get Shazzam.

He became the talk of the town -

a brainy bastard – all could see,

but his...

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pub quizwhat ifeinsteinpub quiz cheatscheating

Scattered Beauty

And then
When the night nighed
Her beauty sighed
She looked again into mirror
Beauty scattered by any error
Her face is a piece of cheater
Expert as liar quite neater
Then smoke emanated
As if my wishes detonated
Glasses broke into pieces
Ashamed of reflecting her face
To my Love, this is disgrace

Mirza Sharafat Hussain Beigh

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Does this trip start in you
or spring somewhere in me
there is an urgency of need
I can't seem to abandon

Fingers on the button
clawing at your door, heart beating
will you answer all this longing
let me cross the line, trespassing

Calling by, I'm calling by
that ancient question in my eye
and you can tell, you can smell
that I've been drinking 
but you know me
you know me
you kn...

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Follow The Raindrops

Raindrops fall
raindrops fall in between you and I
Me I let them fall
no umbrella, no coat
I encourage them to fall
doing my dance
I actively enjoy begging them down

The quiet raindrops
they fall, invisible to you
and I am enjoying their playful patter
I am hypnotised by their gentle tickle
lost, in secret
falling between me and you 

Licking at my skin
the raindrops have me in th...

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