The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

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the crazy old woman on Bloody Creek Road


The crazy old woman on Bloody Creek Road


the boys were told

that the old lady who lived

at the end of Bloody Creek Road

was either evil or insane.


some of the boys said that she

stole children and cooked them in her

oven for her supper

others said she ate snakes

while they were still alive


one day they decided to

find out for themselves

they ...

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old womanchildhood fearsimaginationscrowsboys

Cruelty to Boys

I saw you there sweating
while under the shade
screaming, "stop that now" 
and you threw a book
straight out in front of you
onto faded grass.

You ordered him, "Go! 
Pick it up, you useless child"
A well-dressed boy in a school cap 
cowered to gain the book 
brought it back to you; 
you dropped it
So he had to pick it up again, and again
while you admonished him for ...

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"Hey Woman"

"Hey Woman"

I met a female

and thought
'hey girl'.

and thought
would I say
'hey boy'.

and said
'hey woman'.


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I will be your moon

Let me move to a new place,
Where none knows my name,
And I know they will  start judging,
As Everyone is just the same.
But till then ,
Let me find a new love, 
New memories to let go my pain,
You can take my hand,
And please ask me to dance in the rain.
I know our love would break,
Just like all other affairs I had,
Some would say I had no brains, 
And I am the reason you are sad,

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I do not get it

I do not get it when they say,

We will not make it one day,

I do not get it, when they laugh,

On us and on our scars


I do not get it when they do not believe us,

How crazily can this world suck?

I cannot express the pain in words,

Let’s run because we seem cursed


Let’s run away from the chains of pain,

Let’s run away where we can dance in rain,

Let’s run as ...

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boysbreakupdestinyexperiencegirllovemodern liferelationshipslove endinglaughscarsfreecheatinglifefate

The Royal Free

The Royal Free hums its energetic life

As I sit musing in my garden

A background drone always there

As the hospital is always open for care

It's summer so the trees mask its physical presence 

Just the joined up sound of health and excellence

We moved here with two small boys

And thought being near The Free might be handy

Energetic boys in an energetic city

Who knows the...

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boyscaringhospitalRoyal Free

My boys

Who knew such joy before they were born

Who knew the joy they'd bring

As an only child no knowledge of this sibling thing

But life with my two boys became my greatest experience 

Brought me endless days of pure joy

They're so close, so different, so very much alike, the very best of friends

My best times ever are when we're all together 

Just sitting, eating and chatting, natu...

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boysgrowing uphappinesssonsjoyfunmischieftogether

relationships hurt

Here we go again with the same old lines,

But every time we speak it just declines.

So I put up a hard round shell,

And pretend that I feel all so well.

You tell me to trust you,

But I am afraid it is well overdue.


The times when we spoke,

Were a good old joke,

But then it turned all so serious,

And I became more mysterious.         

I wish we could go back in ti...

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Boys and girls

Boys and girls
come out to play 
but boys are more often led astray 
From the moment of conception 
the boys hand holds a weapon 
pointing that willy 
willy nilly 
gradually learning to gauge the distance 
and then with age comes the decision 
to aim the weapon with more precision 
and the years of practice at pointing this piece 
plants seeds in his head
of disturbing the peace
but t...

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I knew from the very first moment -

what I knew, I didn't really know in the moment

but a part of me just knew

and I knew he knew too.

Every part of my broken heart and aching body

seemed to scream it; 

the words breaking through my skin - 

dying to be heard.

But I was so afraid and he was so damaged

No one could know.

No one ever knew.

Not even him; 

and now it...

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