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Playful Day

Today I've been the doctor, a patient and a nurse.

I've been a funny bunny, and I've read some 

children's verse.

I've also took my turn to sit in the dentist's chair.

Then I was a hairdresser and cut my daughters hair.

I wanted to hear some Bolan, but played nursery

rhymes instead.

Then we searched for the cat, who was hiding under

the bed,

But then I got a little tired...

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Also by Mike Bartram:

Sadness | Hillsborough Dads (a Fathers Day poem) | Lady Luck | Patience | Winter Chill | The Decaying Picture of Justice | Concorde (for Muhammad Ali) |


Outdoors we stumbled through ragged spaces

through castaway inaccessible lonely places

as if, just as if

Wales the museum had opened its doors

to reveal its Cambrian railway

stripped of purpose

a fallacy, a castaway fantasy

a graveyard of distance like

the thoughts of dead dogs

unleashed to our gaze.


A platform attended by bush and stump

fell for the rapacious...

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Also by ray pool:


railway nostalgia


Whispers traveled the corridors,

Anxiety filled the air -

And there in the corner, she lay

As fine as a porcelain,

With skin as cold as ice.


Nobody dared to approach

But anyone could see,

The pills that lay nestled -

Within the palm of her hand.


And in the midst of all the tension,

The silence seemed to overwhelm -

Those who looked on wanted to run,


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Also by angi largatzis:

Aimlessly. | If Time Had Stopped. | Grips of Depression. | Black Dahlia. | The Imposer. |


Love has a timeless appeal

A faded rose
Retains its
Fragrance for the nose!

At a train station
Something exemplary
Drew my attention
I saw an old man
Kissing his aged wife
"Love of my Life!"

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Also by Alem Hailu G/Kristos:

You too will be a victim | A kickback is not expected! | It could buy the priceless life | A Genuine Friend(Revised) | Loss amplifies the merit of the missed |

love life marriage

2010. New job. New government.

2010. New job. New government.


How can you raise kids that are in good health when you don't see the lies that you're selling to yourself? 


I was head of Art and I got noticed

Within a year I got promoted

Faculty leader of creative skills

This is the part where it really kills

Building them up from deep rock bottom

With jealousy aimed at the job I'd gotten

A job t...

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Also by Matt:

We're off to Never never land - Paracetamol, cucumber sandwiches and the lost rent boy Version 2 |

My Humble Opinion


I'll give you pretty words someday 

Instead of the usual gloom


I know it's not much to ask

for lines about flowers and lovers 

instead of crashes and empty holes 


I'm sorry for writing what's in my head 

How much longer can we turn out shit about 

our suicidal, drug addicted, miserable lives


before the world says "who gives a fuck?" 

too late



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Also by Alexandra Lorenz:

Before the Deluge | Repetition | Memory | Driven | No words | Beams of Light | Professional fuck up | Coffee Shop revision | The Observer | Coffee shop | Exhaustive Energy | Plain faces | Quite enough | Certified insanity | Morning Conversation | Growing pains | Where the pavement crumbles | The First | On the Fly | Impulsive |

Ode To A Holiday Rep

Court shoes on, navy blue
Polished to perfection,
No other colour shoe will do
They're subject to inspection.

Hair pristine, smiley doors
Clipboard held up high,
Ready for the airport wars
All reps standing by.

First arrivals jostle through
"Are you my rep" they say
I am indeed, how do you do
Let's start your holiday.

On the coach, grumpy faces
Another long delay
Airline losing...

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silly rhyme


Grabbing our heavy gear for the hike of the day
Making sure we have drinks to quench our sweaty thirsts
Exploding on the trails, our steps are full of bursts
Finding that the black flies are avoiding today

As I grab her hot hand to guide her through the trap
I can't let go of it, as I plant a wet kiss
Her response positive and I nibble her bliss
Trailing her loving thighs, spreading by my...

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Also by Louis Audet:

Vacation | Kindness | Journey | Dare | My City | Her First Kiss | Red Velvet | Relate | Red Crabs | Fly on the wall | Seduce | Explosion | Old Man | Online | Smile | Farewell | Fairytale | Blow | Silvana | Larry | The Champ | Teddy Bear | Pool | Ocean | Tree | Perfect Imperfections | Drive | Fishing | Dance | Island Girl | Under the Stars | Plus One | Bubble Bath | Beach | Panther | Castle | Daycare |


nothing sums up the inherent sadness of the world like mahler

he seemed to just ‘get it’, whatever it was

listen to symphony no. 5 and he could be sound tracking a million of our minor breakdowns

a thousand broken hearts

a hundred heroes lost to war

a dozen dry men down to their last pennies

or a single drowning child

sometimes i think it’s just me and mahler that can see how ...

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Also by Stuart Buck:

gas | Howl 2016 | prowess (found) | twilight | elska | into the tears of god | scouse | fuck off summer haiku | fight | anxiety tanka | canvas | change | write/right | poem | lord i wish it wasn't so | life | tripping balls with billy shakespeare | (closure | knead/kneel | the only poem i will ever write about you | the gospel according to logic |

Humanity-in the end!

Funny sometimes how life proceeds,

Tangled emotions control our deeds,

Selfish, proud, lust and greed,

Discriminate, misjudge, materialistic in-deed!


Control the mind, the evil within

Desire is the cause of grievance, sin.

Content, with what you have is the key,

Contempt, the downfall of humanity!

Condemn the thoughts that emerge through wrath

Convince the mind, let...

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Out with hyperbole...the doom and the gloom,

Just wait and see - and give hope some room.

Are we pale shades of all those who bore us

Who lived through the centuries that existed before us?

With a fierce love of home and indomitable pride

And a history of hard times that can't be denied.

They sacrificed much for the sake of democracy

To ensure it prevailed when threatened by a...

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Also by M.C. Newberry:


Songs and memories

The song plays but the words are not heard, 

They're lived.

The words are the catalyst evoking emotions,

For some the song is the want of today

WhIle others remember days ago.

But what happens when that one song takes your breath away.

When that song tells a story only 2 know...

The rhythm of crickets and frogs is no match for the rhythm of the heart beat and the harmony of br...

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Also by Robert Williams:

Songs and memories | The wish | Today | You chose | Glass bottom | The lie | Words, Beer and Matches | Restless | New beginnings | Change | Why | The window | No title |

Love is Life

Love is life 

Life is love

Emotional food feeds this starving soul

Life is love

Love is life

How long will we have to try to get it right?

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Also by Suzanne McCoy:

Miss you | Kiss me and go on |


The Innocent Guilt

Racked with guilt,

I seek my way.

Through the brightest night

And darkest day.

Through unending hoards

Of but one face,

To a site that exists,

Yet is no place.


I call to a friend

I do not know,

He does not speak,

But says ‘hello’.

We do not speak,

Yet talk for hours.

On the sunniest day,

That’s raining showers.


At last he leaves,

But doe...

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Here are the people ( Part 1)

Here are the words

Here are the pictures

Here are the stories

Of the people places and things

Of that which is never told

In houses that are filled

Each with their own little drama

One upon another

Stacked in order

Some neat and kempt

Others overrun and exhausted

Across from an avenue

Near the close

In the place they called the street


Here are the peo...

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Also by Martin Elder:

A tug of peace and of war | Perfectly formed |


The pen I use;
                       The blade you used to decapitate me.
You complete me;
                             the noose around my neck.
My hand shall never rise;

Three ribs to make up enough of you for when I meet you again in the next lifetimes.

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Also by Katleho Morajane:

amalga(in)me |


Hands of leather

Softly against my skin

Head of worry

Relaxing on me, again


Legs of strength 

tangled at my side

Back bearing all the weight

Of our children and ur bride. 


My tongue without words

To express my appreciation

While ur arms cradle me

With unfailing dedication 


Traces of hard work

Soaked through ur clothes

Ur body aches

But u ...

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Anger Is A Stone Cast Into A Wasps Nest

Anger Is A Stone Cast Into A Wasps Nest


Spreading honeyed words

with a silver knife tongue

in some strange world

where the pollen

is not collected by the bees

but, rather, wasps

who gather in their hives

and plan the traitor stings

that will silence

honest men.


The annoying drone,

the caustic buzz,

the honeycomb

of politics

clogged up

by st...

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Also by Ian Whiteley:

a peaceful warrior | Xenophobe |

champagne socialistshonest politicsjeremy corbynlabour rebels

Ghosts On The Platform

As the rain falls in the early evening
treading the yellow line, solemnly waiting
a little drunk, a little lonely
all too aware of where I’m not going
haunted by the ghosts littering this platform…

As she draws him in so close to her
he dips his head to accept those smiling lips
begging, O!, they’re beating to be kissed
while phantom hands journey all across her body
curves pushed tight...

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Also by Tom:

These Are Very Fine Memories | Puzzles To Speak After You | Notes From Underground | Storm Chasers | A Love Experience | Bullet Holes In Backyards |




those day-in day-out people

with whom

we share our daily bread

to whom

we trust our sleeping hours

from whom

we seek support

believing their words and motives


a group of persons

in a pod of inter-dependence

personal value measured

in relation to the unit

employing social arts

deploying survival skills

not much different

from a basic animal p...

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thinking -just thinking

To whom it may concern

To whom it may concern

I'm tired of labels and non labels

I'm tired of unequality

Tired of politics, laws , and all the rules that have come along

Tired of arithmetic where nothing adds up but yet being expected to measure up to something coming from nothing 

In school I was taught the zero has no value, yet most things of this world are at zero

Minimum wage, financial aid, my pa...

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(I think Boris's buffoon mask has well and truly slipped.  He has shown himself to be a proper self-server.  But it has backfired.  He never thought they would win and now I think he is shitting himself.)


Think of all the money we’ll save on those bureaucrat’s excess

With the millions saved from Brexit we shall fund the NHS

And for us

On our campaign bus

Spin like this will bri...

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Also by John Coopey:


To love

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Also by Ana Blackwell:

To love | To love |



Embracing sadness
You tell me
It is in your heart
As much as your soul,
Unstitching itself
On boat shaped stones
Underneath the pier
Lost in the sunset
Absent-minded like
Placing imaginary notes
Wrote in feelings
Across the wind
Changing directions
Within second
Swaying wearily
Back up the hill
Singing unwritten songs
On the ot...

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Also by Andy N:

Strangers in the Night (Memories of figures above a bookshelf) | Dreaming of a different kind of realism |

Silk Worm

Those river banks were known to me
But, so full of youthful joy was I
That I longed for love and in the gloom
Your exotic beauty caught my eye
Dazzled by your salesman's pitch
Your merry jive and empty talk
I followed you, and how you led
Elan and aplomb in your dashing walk
The days were filled with pleasant trade
We brought lively banter to a weary road
A perfect team, al...

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Also by David Lindsay:

A Garden Party | Decision Made | The Jolly Merchant Bankers | Wired | Unrefined* | Migration | The Heart | Summer Evenings |


Hello Grandad

Hello grandad it’s nice to meet you for the first time

Thank you for being patient with my mum and dad

I have travelled for 9 months to reach my destination

Here I am on planet earth and it's not so bad

On the morn of 24th June 2016 at the hour of 4:50

I made my dramatic entrance into a world brand new

All dazed confused and sleepy is just how I feel

The clock is ticking and...

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Also by Tom Doolan:

Seagull Alarm | Summer by the Sea |

aspirin (06/26/2016)

 A crushed and cracked lead weight, pendulous, tracing the indefinite
suspended in a cage of hollowed, hallowed bones
creaking sockets and brackets , set and reset
bent, but unbroken
suffering under the manilla skies
of an afterlife, plotted in stakes
white and wooden.
in stakes white and wooden
as we forsake flight we shouldn't.

i am unmedicated
i am unmarked
what a strange...

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Also by Zach Dafoe:

styx II (06/18/2016) | bleak (06/15/2016) | snide (06/13/2016) | karaoke 4 (06/08/2016) | unsaved | softer days (06/04/2016) | today in (05/30/2016) |

what a strange living this is

Depression doesn't always come to seize the mind during the darkest hours of the night. 

It can come at 2pm when your laughter with a friend comes to a silent end. 

It can come during your morning shower.

When the hot water, bucketing down from the shower head, hits every strand of your hair; seeping into your skull and melting away the serotonin that fights to stay alive. 

Depression ...

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From a far corner, I watched

midnight trickle down the walls

of your final season;


the ghosts of Never fled,


and chill-thick stillness settled

somewhere back beyond the

sight of earth-born living men--


you prayed and somehow

your chaos came

as sure as black does blight--


now nothing here may

redeem the path

of discord set to flight.

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Also by nunya:

standing fast | conditioned surrender | identity theft | smatterings of hope | displacement | conversation killer |

If I Died

Financially trapped,

Emotionally trapped,

Socially trapped.


It would solve a lot if I died.


My pension freed,

To do as you pleased,

Plenty in the pot.


It would solve a lot if I died.


Marriage vowed redeemed.

No more guilt,

Follow your dreams.


It would solve a lot if I died.

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Also by Chrissy R.:

For Everyone else | The Next Victim | Trying to Fall Out of Love | The Seducer | Blind |

This Bastard generation

The dust has settled

On this burnt out land

Wiping up a desert storm of hatred

“Get out of My Land”


This bastard generation took it upon themselves

To set fire to happiness

Torch a refugee home

Spit in the face of their neighbour,

 Drilled holes of hatred into their children’s eyes


The dust has settled

On this burnt out land


The dust had settled …


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Also by David R Mellor:

In The Web Of Lies (on the murder of MP Jo Cox) | I Hate the Clotted Creams |


Let there be Peace

Let there be peace but not at any price

so games of chance,  rolls of the dice

do not disdainfully dictate like all the rest

that some should rule, some be repressed.

Let lives be counted for their proper worth;

let no human being brought to birth

be sacrificed in vain for wounded pride.

Let not a single man, who died

in conflict, be dismissed as second-rate.

Even the en...

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An island again

Back to the edge of Europe

It's not the end of the world

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Yesterday's Dreams

Seeing you in Stockport

slight glance meaning more

shiny sexy blonde hair.


Remembering when so brown

running my hands through

caressing every single strand.


In yesterdays's hazy dreams

emotionaly drunk never sober

a crazy wild time.


How are you hello's?

empty smiles stale conversation

wet lips stay dry.


Lost love stays hidden

we say our go...

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Meeting an ex-lover rekndles old feelings but fail

Orchard Park Housing experiment Hull 1960's

Young alive on Orchard Park.
Always dismal sometimes dark.
Watching dogs shit in the street
Paperboy quotas to meet.
Lordly castle thrown up cheap
Two up two down lovers leap.
Two trees to climb keeping fit
One field to play with kids and kit.
Fucking field full of dog shit.

Three blocks of flats
Filled up and run by twats.
Old people shipped quotas to meet

It's like abroad after...

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Also by mentalelf. Philk.:

Stories to tell.. | Banal Repetition... | Drinking was dangerous. | Valparaiso 1980 modern guilt... | Pffffft | Cyentha. Is that really you.... | Hahaha so... WOL is now el Poff. |

Black Day

Black Friday, black dog, black rock 
I am ripped away from you
Bitter pill
Chilled bones
I see black shirts fluttering from the corner of my eye
Is this it?
Our time to take that train journey
That you were fortunately denied

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Swayed On The Knife Edge

I held my breath taut
as she swayed on the knife edge
arms calming dipping, rising
dignified reslilience 
I blew her my love and fell to sleep

as father turned on son

as daughter turned on mother

as neighbour turned on neighbour

as she fell

Rule Britannia?  

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Also by Simon Widdop:

An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II | A Tale Of Reincarnation | Saturday Night Thursday Morning |

hope not hatepolitical poempoliticial poetrypunkpunk poetryreferendum


Please Be Happy . Can you imagin what hope you have brought . To people who have never had wealth . To people who will probably never have wealth . To people who wake in the mornings , thinking where do we go from here . To people who are suffering . When there is so much greed in this world . A hope for children who are abused . Believe you me it's bad . A hope for people who are lonely who never...

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Also by Wendy Higson:

Wound Up | Them And Us |


Swing around on your fixed throne of sorrow

Pushing on hardened feet the world away,

Away, let the landscapes slide and disappear

From languid eyes and parched open lips.

Tears have always been ungrounded, you know,

Unhinged like your throne and flowing like your hair,

Falling on newly sun-warmed hips that twist as well

And have no memory of what once seemed so cruel.


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drugs cause a backlash

It would be a drunk night under suicide lights I jumped in the pool for a chance to forget those lies instead I felt you run up my brain a rush you told me I looked beautiful with bloodshot eyes. I won't be the first one to call out the danger I'd like to leave it up to my worst behavior.

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Also by Youthfullyxx:

show yourself | feelings cause false images | the love not meant for me |

The poetry of Art Garfunkel

Pimms in the palace gardens

before the concert, sun soaking

the evening crowd, reluctant

to leave their picnics

and champagne for the music.

One half of a famous duo, the one

that arranged the harmonies

but didn’t write the songs.


Great reception, nevertheless.

Patience even when he craved

our indulgence  to read a few

so-so ‘prose poems’. Now in his 70s,


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Would they notice if I was gone.
It sounds just like a country song.
If they did would be relief?
Or anger,grief,or disbelief.
Was I loved before my final rest?
Be nice to know and not to guess.
Would they speak on my behalf?
Would they cry?
Would they laugh?
Or would it be an average day?
Close the box and walk away.
Well I had feelings and a soul.
Even brains,or so I'm told.
I even ...

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Also by A.august:

Drugs stole Dad |

Wishful Thinking

Does hope sleep within your walls?

Is the dessert a blank canvas or a wasteland in your eyes?

Is there a greater height achieved after a fall?

Can there be any truth found within a lie?

Empty streets speak words of wisdom

There’s just no-one around to listen

What you can’t see after the crowds are gone

Are the footsteps of wishful thinking

She said to be strong

I gave a ...

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Also by kimafia Jones:

I Dream of Summer | You |

We can`t say we were never told


Is the  word
In the minds
Johnson, Gove, I.D.S.,
And even Farage)

But when
Our new
Leaders of the fifth
Of the top ten
In the whole world.
(with 60 million purchasers)
Bid for a return


The E.U. leaders
Of the fourth, sixth, and eighth
Of the top ten
In the whole world,
(With 350 million purchasers)


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Also by Harry O`N eill:

`Dat old debil consequence` |

So Now We’re Out

So now we’re out, what will we do?

For I don’t know, and nor do you;

When will it be and who will lead?

And all the while we’ve mouths to feed.

Will money still keep coming in?

Or does the hardship soon begin?

Will we all still keep our jobs,

Or unemployment breed great mobs?

Will borders now become secure,

Or will uncertainty endure?

And what of travel? Can we go


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Also by Trevor Alexander:

Inclinata Plumbum | Don’t Buy Any Green Bananas | If | Euro Hocus Pocus | Summer Haibun | Blossom | Ali |

Haiku's a different format?


















Chilled air
Scatters leaves

A Mime
Make a rhyme
Hear it?

Consumes me
Inflicts hell

Sea of life
God's there

You bring
Out the best
In me

Come from heart
Speaks soul

Turn eyes
I'm not here

With Jesus
Find rest


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Also by Shirley Smothers:

He Is The Greatest | Open Your Eyes |


but not like that

not like the way that first sunray feels

when it hits your winter-pale skin

not like the contented way you fall asleep

in your hammock

underneath the moonlight

like the saltwater smell in your hometown

or the taste of banana pancakes on the weekends

not like the kick you get

when you snap a perfect picture

not the like the adrenalin that travels through you veins


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A Simply Confusing Thought

Do I think?

I think of things.....all the day

That's what it seems.

But still

I dont think what I think is a 

great thing to think.

And so

I think I don't think.

But then,

Don't I think?

I keep thinking that I don't think.

How can I think I don't think

when I think " I don't think" ?

I need to think.

Still there.....the question remains

Do I think?

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Also by Monami Kundu:

A Wish To Sleep | Mighty Darkness |

Rubies and Diamonds

Rubies and Diamonds


To the dreary and the lonely,

To the cautious and the weary,

To the listless and enlightened minds,

Let them hear what my words describe,

Through humble prophets speaks The King,

Who urges and pushes for The Reckoning,

Answer your soul for it is beckoning,


Cast away shadows,

Cast away strife,

You must answer your soul,

And answer your ...

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Also by Vicky R.:

The Garden | Phoenix | Sun | Remnants | Sadness Slain | Master and Commander | Sulphur | The Marked Ones | Fracture |

writingpublic speakingcreativitystand up for yourselflegacy

Vote Out ... with the cat

Vote out with the cat she kills too many birds

Out with the dog, she's too many turds.

Vote out with cars with executive names and 

in,in, IN with more bicycle lanes.

Vote out with litter and in with bins,

Out with tyrants and in with love-ins.

Out with poor paths, wheelchairs have had enough

Out with hate and have I said? in, in, IN with love, love, love!

Out with money an...

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Also by jane wilcock:

Coffe shop morning a wake |

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