Swayed On The Knife Edge

I held my breath taut
as she swayed on the knife edge
arms calming dipping, rising
dignified reslilience 
I blew her my love and fell to sleep

as father turned on son

as daughter turned on mother

as neighbour turned on neighbour

as she fell

Rule Britannia?  


hope not hatepolitical poempoliticial poetrypunkpunk poetryreferendum

◄ An Open Letter To The Occupant I & II

Her, Love ►


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M.C. Newberry

Sun 26th Jun 2016 17:08

I can see that there might well be a generational aspect
to the EU vote. Those who were there originally and
were taken in may well have decided "enough" and have
taken themselves out.

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Simon Widdop

Sun 26th Jun 2016 10:15

Thanks for the comment Harry (and the typo Haha) it has felt generation against generation (at least that's what the polls are saying) but now more than ever we all need to stand together :)

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Harry O'Neill

Sat 25th Jun 2016 14:46

Concise and to the point.

I wondered if there might be a generational aftermath to it
all..But probably not (after all the young are going to inherit all the baby boomer`s money when they croak)

(By the way...typo in the title)

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