you will know
immatured hearts can not seperate love from simple infatution, nor understand the damage such lack of experience can create in ones life. it is motivated by ego & blinded by its need for attention.
matured hearts does not care for mindgames. they communicate. they know that love is playful, not childish. such hearts recognize love as a safe place. home. because love is loyal & trustwhorty. it d...
Tuesday 25th October 2016 6:41 pm
lover where do you live
how long til I can caress your soul
spoil you with timeless admiration
honor your individuality as you honor mine
til we will slaughter each others darkness
how long til our worlds meet
and explode into forever
oh lover
where do you live
Tuesday 9th August 2016 9:30 pm
there is a part inside all of us
unknown to other mankind
a space
always hidden from reality
and filled with a bottomless need
for something indescribable
Tuesday 9th August 2016 9:11 pm
but not like that
not like the way that first sunray feels
when it hits your winter-pale skin
not like the contented way you fall asleep
in your hammock
underneath the moonlight
like the saltwater smell in your hometown
or the taste of banana pancakes on the weekends
not like the kick you get
when you snap a perfect picture
not the like the adrenalin that travels through you veins
Thursday 23rd June 2016 10:56 pm
With an open eye
And she will always reflect
the hidden traits
in which you already possess
~ nicoline ~
Thursday 31st March 2016 6:29 pm
It was January
She let the freezing ocean cover her naked spirit
Its bottomless darkness could potentially kill her
Still she knew that it was only by facing death
that she would discover life.
Monday 26th October 2015 4:39 pm
I see you
I hear you
I feel you
Is what you tell me
I keep explaining
Keep excusing
Keep blaming myself
Don't tell me you understand
- nicoline
Saturday 26th September 2015 12:40 am
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