The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

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New Life

Seemingly worn out

Arborially toiling

Await season's turn

Breath uncoiling.


Gracious in patience

Strength is growing

Earthly worthiness

Soon to be sowing.


Creating  new life

Healing with feeling

Gradually building

Everywhere healing.


Spreading branches

Sprouting leaves


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don't hmu.

youre a good little girl,

he types.

youre submissive arent you, 

he moans, over text.

he expects a beguiled, 

blushing emoji in response.

what he gets is three dots and an empty silence so loud he remembers what he is.

a greasy teen (21 years of age).

a lusty manchild looking for another child. 

he tells me im a cute and submissive girl, 

with luscious milk bags. 


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poetpoetrypoemmodernnew poetnew agetexttechnologyteenagergirlhoodwomanhoodboyhoodnewfictionnon fictionshort storyprose

Completely New

It’s usually said 

sometime with dread

when excited there’s no head


and that’s very true 

the brain often flew

wanting something new


can’t stay still very long

I’m up and quickly gone

feeling wonderfully strong 


I’m a child of eight 

who wont stop even at a gate

for this is going to be GREAT!!


and should you be able to stay 

lots of fun co...

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To Breathe (Is To Burn)


There is so much more to this.

The music does not make song

but the foetal space

amongst famous walls

filled with such au fait grief

and there a beast floats

to see the fear fleeting

on their new found face

in some unfailing destiny,

there she silently screams,

a flame away

God so violently benign

in his passive spirit-

He forges her-

to breath truly ...

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As we sit in the covid  Squallor at first i thought i'd never want to or be able to write anything about it. I was stuck in the house a lot as a kid and this time in our lives has made me feel like i was going back to that, just   slowly falling back. The closing down of old life i found too heavy  and miles too  depressing, and truthfully its still despressing but out of that came a great suprise...

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artistsnewshort storyteachers


Futures gambled on heavy hearts

Permit the love that binds them

Troubled eyes, in search of parts

Left down and abandoned behind them

Loose lives, abridged by callous remarks

Contain the passion inside them 

But scorned and lost, again we start

Ascend as one. Together. Defy them!


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Memory of existence

What a peaceful thought.

That you do not hold my heart as you once did before.
To look at you and feel nothing in return,
to be free of your soul.
My mind is at peace and so is my soul.
Yet you reach for me to be part of you at times,
It is not something I yearn for anymore.
What a peaceful thought has come to mind.
You do not hold my soul anymore and I will forever be ...

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Afresh again

Starting the journey afresh

a zero point, a big bang,

an expanding universe,

the endless possibilities.

The long, soft puff of breath

spreading the bloomed spray

in a myriad of directions,

the unknown escaping

to sow itself into the lives

of the unsuspecting,

of the ones searching

for that, as yet, hidden pleasure

or thought lying at the bottom

of the deep we...

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Let the anticipation build Let the angst grow inside your gut Allow it to rumble and tumble and wreck havoc on your insides Feel the magnetic pull when we lock eyes a little bit too long and struggle to break away Watch me watching you while trying to hide your prying eyes Don't you dare rush a thing

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Art of my dreams

You are the art of my dreams. 

The muse of my thoughts 

and the sweetness of my soul. 

a gentle aura surrounding mine 

sending messages through the skin and bone 

what a funny way to live, 

what a peaceful time 

to be alive. 

to dare what is romance between the reality of life and visions

to desire not only a life 

but two paths in one.

-G. N. D. 

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Thought of a restless mind.

As I grow, I see many places to live by
I see the true nature of life,
On how doll and peaceful it can be.
But what is life without sorrow?
What is life without dreams of the melancholic soul? 

Just a thought of a restless mind. 


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I need you

My love, I need you.

Here I am falling in love with the beauty of the world.

Waiting for you, as if it were the end of the world.

I do not mind the wait,

I have the time.

But I have to be honest,

I need you.

I've felt you before,

and that's fine

Someday I'll see you,

and I'll know.

And even if you do not know, it's fine.

I have love to give and loves will ...

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aestheticcouplesdramadreamsfriendsfutureheylifelovenewpoempoetpuerto ricanwaiting

On The Border

After a pause due to computer woes, I return to the airwaves with this offering. Its predominant theme appears to be the fear of change which, for me at least, is pervasive.


On The Border

The sky's dissolved in enveloping greys,

close as blankets, cold like hotel sheets;

looking over your shoulder as dawn raises day -

you test the gloaming's disdain for lamp-lit streets.



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Only in the dark I see the day.

Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive; 
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply. 
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...

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bfcouplesfamilygfhappinesshappyheyLovenewpeoplepoetsadsweetwhom you love


to he who was

who is

who will be

do not hinder my growth


you are not my sun


but today

in this moment

i am 

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I had that dream again...

I had that dream again...

You and me dancing on some random beach.

 I felt your hands on my thighs,

moving me gently with your warm eyes.

You were looking at me like if it was the first time, 

the first time of holding me with your warm hands. 

I remember it clearly now.

My head was resting on your chest,

I know you were smelling my hair and

playing with it just like y...

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There was once a man.

There was once a man,

charming in the flesh

He fell in love with a woman,

who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.

She was his dream,

a dream that came close with his reality.

There was once a man,

bewitched with all.

He dare not speak,

for not to ruin all.

He cared for his beloved,

as if she was the heart of it all.

Until he met his dem...

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Kiss me now I say

Kiss me now I say, 

and I promise I won't cry.

Tell me, what do you see? 

Do you see this sad soul searching for clues or

do you see someone who has the same soul as yours?  

Life is such a wonder, 

to live not knowing things and to die for something worth it. 

I say now kiss me, 

I'm not sure what will happen next. 

But I promise is worth it. 

Life is such a beauty. 


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Nights are cold

And yet those nights are cold, 

without the warmth of another soul.

Having this desire of speaking with the dark, 

to urge something to feel...

And yet it remains what it is, 

what it is the dream and what it is the reality of the dream. 


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I see too much

You had me finally sleeping

Of you I started dreaming

they were made up images

My eyes haven't had the chance

To witness your vivid image.

What happen for me to ache so bad?

I don’t understand this.

How is it you I miss

You are no where

I cant be there

I've never held your hand

Your eyes I have not stared into

Though you are every where.

Without you I can not...

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newtruelovewhats happeningi dont understandwhyrelationshipswrongrightfeels right

'Realisations' - available to buy now!

Hi all,

I have just released my third ebook 'Realisations' - a year after my debut ebook 'Open to interpretation' and it's subsequent second edition. It is available to buy now on Lulu via this link:

A brief preview is available for all three of my books on the website itself. Please buy a copy now and support ...

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Christian ReevePoetryEbookPoemsPoemPoetbooknewwriter


I was not aware how weak I was,

Till I felt your voice,

The reaction I had to you

As my new favorite song.

I had no choice

After you I was going

To bad if where I was headed

Was wrong.


How the minute my soul awakened

from a pit so far down

it be considered a ghost,

God need not help me then

for he knew I was long gone

already down on my knee's


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Recall through the face at the door

that saturday morning one solid blank

grey window, scrubbed slab

beyond, several feet and more

laid the catapult, a pointed edge

from a distant acre fed, wind-side.

The concentric pattern in velvet

curtain brushed my hand as I reached

to turn and swing, oiled lock routine

the knives of cold the comfort

between the welcome and rain


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Returning to my hotel room

the way arrayed with artless dust

settling at my wood-chewed seat

crafting a plan to hatch this eve

feeding the scar of cream curtain.


The depth of outside shatters within

voices ring out in stuck symmetry

the gramophone and a fiend's cackle

this draught declines my fervent plea

a brush so worn as to paint me cold.

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Errant in the dark, the telltale signs

we saw catapult us fifteen miles

through gulley and field

uproot and cascade, we now deem

a captured eye, a wind-blown scene,

so fresh, so free for all, and yet...


hot-bladed too, a line of fire

in this frenzied, war-torn age

a searing divide, a map, a point

as plain and unbroken as

you, my rock, my hallowed place

here be...

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I slip through
some would make it a pain
to see
all that would wash
against diamond lines
---their derision


I thought
that you'd make
of a restless mind
no less grand
than your own scenery


Depths not yet plumbed
are better left a hollow square
the transparent is you
and I glide through the nothing
dreading the wall

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A sign that is soaked in war, unheeded
Time once more will bring fuel for fire
Houses at home desert those as background
Holes now empty, listless as days


Again they will cry as the tales stay the same
Clues left scattered they skimmed high over
Truth scarce in a land of no simplicity
They ask, 'What are we going to do?'


True what are they going to do?
When they find paradis...

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Here's to hoping

Instead of moping

Moving forward

And ahead

Being careful of the tread

But accepting of what will be

Climbing the tallest trees

For all to see

"Hey, this is the new me!"

Here's to laughing 

Instead of napping

Feeling alive

Instead of drained dry

Watching, waiting

Still debating

But all awhile

As happy as a child

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Untold Truth

We woke up 

You were smiling at me

You looked so unexpectedly happy

Wrapped my neck in your arms

Gave me a tight squeeze

I ask why

You won't reply

You never do

But that's the great thing

You don't have too

I already know what's held to be true

It doesn't have to be spoken

It doesn't have to be said

Yes, we might be in a little over our heads

Undoubtedly we...

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Moving (on)

Empty boxes now unpacked,

I pretty sure I left with more.

A new house with new memories,

But an old house with bare floors.


Still there's promise in the air,

And potential in the frame.

Perhaps here I will thrive,

I know it can't be the same.



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